Chauvin's Defence Got It All Wrong

I don’t think any defense would have worked for him.

Yes....the racists on the jury will likely convict him solely because he is a white cop. Floyd died from 3 blocked arteries, an enlarged heart and a cocktail of drugs that caused his body to die.

Making excuses already I see. Both lawyers had the opportunity to removed jurors they would consider biased. This is how our legal system works. It’s a good system. People like you are going to cry foul just because you don’t like the outcome.

Once again, the health examiner specifically called this a HOMICIDE. What do you think that word means? I noticed you didn’t answer that last time. I bet I know why that is.
I don’t think any defense would have worked for him.

Yes....the racists on the jury will likely convict him solely because he is a white cop. Floyd died from 3 blocked arteries, an enlarged heart and a cocktail of drugs that caused his body to die.

Making excuses already I see. Both lawyers had the opportunity to removed jurors they would consider biased. This is how our legal system works. It’s a good system. People like you are going to cry foul just because you don’t like the outcome.

Once again, the health examiner specifically called this a HOMICIDE. What do you think that word means? I noticed you didn’t answer that last time. I bet I know why that is.

And that doesn't mean murder, you idiot.....

And under cross, that same medical examiner admitted that he had signed death certificates for over dose victims with only 3ng of Fentanyl in their system, and for victims with 11ng of fentanyl....that he had signed death certificates for victims with 70-90% blockage of arteris....floyd had 75-90% blockages in 3 arteries.....

He died of an overdose created by his bad health.......

The medical examiner doesn't want the mob to burn his house down...
You answer your question...

Floyd died of a drug over dose due to blocked coronary arteries and comination of drugs that killed moron.

I know what homicide means.

Read that you stupid fucking retard.

Why would the doctor call it a HOMICIDE? What does it mean that he called it a HOMICIDE?

I notice that you keep avoiding that. You going to answer that for me this time you little bitch? Probably not. And we both know why.
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
Bullshit. That concentration of fentanyl can be lethal unless you have a huge tolerance.

His girlfriend testified that he quit doing drugs for months before his death. He went through rehab. That means he lost opioid tolerance.

And on top of that, the pills he apparently consumed were counterfeit. They had the markings of Percocet, which is a combination of oxycodone and Tylenol.

Perhaps unbeknownst to George Floyd, he actually consumed fentanyl and methamphetamine when he thought he was taking Percocet.

Fentanyl is more potent than oxycodone by an order of magnitude!

There's a practice called "hot packing". That's when a drug dealer purposefully overdoses a client by giving them drugs that are much more potent than they know.

Pushers do this to suspected snitches, and/or just for advertising purposes. Once word gets out to the local junkies that someone overdosed on their product, demand for their product will spike.

I think there's a reason why his so-called "friends" did not tell the first responders what drugs he was on. If the cops knew he was on an opioid, they could have saved his life with naloxone.

Sorry buddy, but what you believe just doesn't matter when compared to what the medical experts said. They said drugs didn't have anything to do with his death.
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.
Interesting. When did you examine the body, and when did you earn your medical examiners credentials?
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.

The medical examiner and expert medical witness for the Prosecution testified they had signed death certificates for overdose victims at 3ng........
The medical examiner said it was homicide.
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.
Race does play a role in this. Just because he worked with 2 non whites on that shift doesn't exclude racism. The right sentence for him is murder.
Elaborate how race played a role.
Chauvin's Defence Got It All Wrong
De-fence is broken and people are streaming across the border. We need a better defense against such invasions.
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.

The medical examiner and expert medical witness for the Prosecution testified they had signed death certificates for overdose victims at 3ng........
The medical examiner said it was homicide.
Wrong, the medical expert testified the exact opposite.

You answer your question...

Floyd died of a drug over dose due to blocked coronary arteries and comination of drugs that killed moron.

I know what homicide means.

Read that you stupid fucking retard.

Why would the doctor call it a HOMICIDE? What does it mean that he called it a HOMICIDE?

I notice that you keep avoiding that. You going to answer that for me this time you little bitch? Probably not. And we both know why.
LOL that’s not what homicide means in legal terms. It simply means a non-natural way of dying. Something else caused the death. And in this case it was the drugs.
Legal Insurrection

Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”

Selected excerpt from the Transcript

WAJ (04:46):

So his use of force was objectively reasonable. Even if that reasonable use of force on this particular person resulted in heart failure. So I think that’s the defense point of view. And I think they scored a lot of points on the use of force experts that really, you’re getting down to this three to four minutes out of the nine minutes where it becomes questionable. And remember, in theory, the defense only needs to raise reasonable doubt as to the cause of death. The role that the knee on the back was, I think this notion that his knee was on the neck for nine minutes, I think that’s been completely debunked by the prosecution’s own witnesses. That for the most part, the knee was on the upper shoulder, across the back of the neck. It was not pushing on the blood supply to the brain for any considerable period of time.

WAJ (05:43):

They started the case by calling witnesses saying, this is the equivalent of a, I forget what they call it, a blood choke or something like that, where you cut off the carotid artery and you deprive the brain of oxygen and everything else shuts, but their own medical witness, the key, the key medical witness for the prosecution said, that’s not what caused the death. That there’s no evidence of that. There’s no physical evidence of it. And that’s not what happened. The prosecution theory is you’ve kept him in an position that made it difficult, if not impossible for him to breathe in and out. So if I were the defense, I would get up there and I say, here’s what they said in the opening statement. Here’s what they, you know, for first five days of trial, they had one theory which was cutting off the flow of blood and now they’ve switched and you don’t get to pick and choose. And if you’ve got, and if you’re tossing a coin here, that’s a reasonable doubt. So that’s what I would do. If I were the defense.
LOL that’s not what homicide means in legal terms. It simply means a non-natural way of dying. Something else caused the death. And in this case it was the drugs.

He explained what he thinks homicide means right here:

42:00 to 44:00
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.

The medical examiner and expert medical witness for the Prosecution testified they had signed death certificates for overdose victims at 3ng........
The medical examiner said it was homicide.
And homicides can be caused by many things, like taking drugs. So it’s “caused by” a human. In this case Floyd, who killed himself by taking drugs. That’s why his “friend” and drug dealer pleaded the fifth, he didn’t want to be charged with murder.

And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.

The medical examiner and expert medical witness for the Prosecution testified they had signed death certificates for overdose victims at 3ng........
The medical examiner said it was homicide.

The ME doesn't seen to realize that it takes just 10-20 seconds of a full neck compression to shut a person down, yet the trial productid evidence that he was still awake and conscious for about 7 minutes, and photos produced shows Chauvin kneeling onto the shoulders and back of the neck.
And he will be convicted.


For the wrong reasons.

The entire defense is, I believe the wrong way to go.

There is no way to defend squatting on another human being's neck for over nine minutes after they are subdued, while the public calls out for you to show some basic humanity as the man pleads for his life and calls out to his mother.
Nor does racism explain this, this is not plotted racism, Chauvin is working with two nonwhite officers, he knows he is being recorded by the public with their phones, the public is calling out, openly condemning him as he does this, and yet he just stares out blankly and continues smashing down on Mr. Floyd's neck.

The demented look on Chauvin's face reveals what the real defense and plea should have been.
Diminished mental capacity.

That he was not in his right mind, not in a rational state probably due to the stresses of being a police officer over a long period of time.
Some form of PTSD sending him into a psychotic episode.

That should have been his defense.

That does not mean he walks free, but it might mean the right sentence for what actually happened.

Hey, if you were given a choice, would you choose to get pumped to 11 ng/ML of Fentanyl or have someone pin you to the ground with their knee on your neck for 8 minutes?
Not sure what any drugs he might have taken have to do with anything. Medical experts have already said drugs had no part in his death.
7 ng/ML of Fentanyl can be lethal. He was walking around saying he couldn’t breath before any cop touched him. When you OD on Fentanyl it’s because it restricts your breathing. He died from the drugs. There was no tissue damage from blunt force trauma on his neck.

And all Chauvin needs is reasonable doubt.

The medical examiner and expert medical witness for the Prosecution testified they had signed death certificates for overdose victims at 3ng........
The medical examiner said it was homicide.

The ME doesn't seen to realize that it takes just 10-20 seconds of a full neck compression to shut a person down, yet the trial productid evidence that he was still awake and conscious for about 7 minutes, and photos produced shows Chauvin kneeling onto the shoulders and back of the neck.

That was brought up during Cross on the prosecution use of force expert...Andrew Branca over at Legal Insurrection pointed this out ....

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