Chauvin Defense Attorney


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Finally, we hear a sane description of Floyd's "I can't breathe" protestations and why they may not have been taken seriously.

Floyd's protestations were not in concert with his actions (resisting three officers).
Finally, we hear a sane description of Floyd's "I can't breathe" protestations and why they may not have been taken seriously.

Floyd's protestations were not in concert with his actions (resisting three officers).

Sure looks to me like Floyd was breathing just fine. Had he not resisted arrest, he never would have ended up on the road with three cops on top trying to hold him in place.

End the sham trial now. Free Chauvin. Time for Blacks to learn that resisting arrest and committing crime have consequences.
Not only was Floyd breathing fine but he also was successful in resisting 3 police officers. It's hard to believe he was in asphyxia. At the time officers asked Floyd if he couldn't breathe then how could he be talking so much? Very valid point.
Finally, we hear a sane description of Floyd's "I can't breathe" protestations and why they may not have been taken seriously.

Floyd's protestations were not in concert with his actions (resisting three officers).

I have a long experience with ARRESTEES. I had to examine hundreds of them as they were being dragged
off to jail. ------I always took their extensive and FLAMBOYANT complaints seriously------ya nevah know-------one must consider the OUTSIDE chance
that one of those idiot complaints is---TRUE. A few
arrestees can create GRIDLOCK in an emergency room.
It is easy to get cynical
I have a long experience with ARRESTEES. I had to examine hundreds of them as they were being dragged
off to jail. ------I always took their extensive and FLAMBOYANT complaints seriously------ya nevah know-------one must consider the OUTSIDE chance
that one of those idiot complaints is---TRUE. A few
arrestees can create GRIDLOCK in an emergency room.
It is easy to get cynical
Well, of course, no one wants to be dragged off to jail however, what would you do if someone was complaining they can't breathe while fighting off multiple officers trying to 'drag' them to jail? In an ER, there is plenty of medical professionals and equipment to determine if that person was oxygen deprived. Not so for officers on the street. They can only go by actions and Floyd's actions seemed to be of a person who had plenty of breath to vocally and physically protest for quite a while while saying "I can't breathe."

Also...WHAT IF...Say...You checked him out and found out there was nothing wrong with his blood oxygen level and you let the officers take him away....Then he dies on the way to the jail......What then? Do we blame YOU?
If you can't breathe you are unable to can't say "I can't breathe". I'll stick with the coroner.

That said, the cop fucked up. He'll get something below murder.
I have a long experience with ARRESTEES. I had to examine hundreds of them as they were being dragged
off to jail. ------I always took their extensive and FLAMBOYANT complaints seriously------ya nevah know-------one must consider the OUTSIDE chance
that one of those idiot complaints is---TRUE. A few
arrestees can create GRIDLOCK in an emergency room.
It is easy to get cynical
Well, of course, no one wants to be dragged off to jail however, what would you do if someone was complaining they can't breathe while fighting off multiple officers trying to 'drag' them to jail? In an ER, there is plenty of medical professionals and equipment to determine if that person was oxygen deprived. Not so for officers on the street. They can only go by actions and Floyd's actions seemed to be of a person who had plenty of breath to vocally and physically protest for quite a while while saying "I can't breathe."

Also...WHAT IF...Say...You checked him out and found out there was nothing wrong with his blood oxygen level and you let the officers take him away....Then he dies on the way to the jail......What then? Do we blame YOU?

In today's IDIOT "race" climate------someone has to
pay. The death of a "person of color" requires a human sacrifice. I did the role of "examine" the arrestee for several decades------I am lucky----I do not
do it anymore. As to death-----in dealing with large
numbers of people there is ALWAYS a few deaths-----
which cannot be attributed to any cause at all even with careful autopsy, lab studies etc ----there is actually a "syndrome" of "sudden adult death" in the
annals of medicine just as there is "crib death" in
the cop was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yes, and the video all by itself is damning to those who prefer to myopically apply racism to tragic events and not consider the events surrounding that one snippet. It's like taking one snippet out of a war scene and blaming one individual.
If you can't breathe you are unable to can't say "I can't breathe". I'll stick with the coroner.

That said, the cop fucked up. He'll get something below murder.
The cop was doing his job he didn't 'fuck up' unless one would prefer that he (Chauvin) play-acted for the Body cams and IPhones like Floyd did with his ridiculous "I can't breathe" and "I got claustrophobia" and "Please don't shoot me."
If you are talking you are breathing....this is on George...he decided to resist arrest and try and pass a bad twenty dollar bill on a hard working store owner....whatever happened after that is all on George....
If you can't breathe you are unable to can't say "I can't breathe". I'll stick with the coroner.

That said, the cop fucked up. He'll get something below murder.
The cop was doing his job he didn't 'fuck up' unless one would prefer that he (Chauvin) play-acted for the Body cams and IPhones like Floyd did with his ridiculous "I can't breathe" and "I got claustrophobia" and "Please don't shoot me."
Fentynal mixed with mesanthetamines and more, makes people say the darndest things. Unforutunately, the suicidal dose taken by the suspect took him down to the unlikely chance his life would continue long enough to face arraignment. Indeed, his intent was to hurt the cops who were desperately trying to get him restrained to protect themselves and others from his belligerent resistance to this arrest. It's so sad he overdosed on everything he could get his hands on which confused his mind and shut down his respiratory system. :(

Edit: My young nephew died from taking drugs provided by the fentanyl/mesanthetamines which caused him to tresspass and destroy property on the way to a coroner's description of his bloodstream and the cartel products that produced him to engage in criminal trespassing and resisting an order to get off the property for his crazed behavior. My nephew was shot dead for his untoward behavior by the property owner. I do not know the details. I only know I hate the idea of restoring drugs like that by reopening the border to ignore the poor little rich boys bringing doom and gloom to American families who lost a family child due to profiteering drug people. My dear sister lost a very beautiful son. I feel so bad for her three years later. Those darn drugs.
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Fentynal mixed with mesanthetamines and more, makes people say the darndest things. Unforutunately, the suicidal dose taken by the suspect took him down to the unlikely chance his life would continue long enough to face arraignment. Indeed, his intent was to hurt the cops who were desperately trying to get him restrained to protect themselves and others from his belligerent resistance to this arrest. It's so sad he overdosed on everything he could get his hands on.
Yep, Ol' George killed hisself.
Fentynal mixed with mesanthetamines and more, makes people say the darndest things. Unforutunately, the suicidal dose taken by the suspect took him down to the unlikely chance his life would continue long enough to face arraignment. Indeed, his intent was to hurt the cops who were desperately trying to get him restrained to protect themselves and others from his belligerent resistance to this arrest. It's so sad he overdosed on everything he could get his hands on.
Yep, Ol' George killed hisself.
Good riddance.

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