Charlie Rangel says Food Stamps and Social Security is in the Bible

I find it strange that you attack people that use God to support restricting abortion, but defend people that use Him to support big government. Are you a hypocrite? Shouldn't the speeration of church and state work even if you like the results, or do you actually support theocracy.

Are there constitutional abortion rights in this country or not?

no, they are not :D

Is there a point to your existence?
It's attrocious how ignorant people are of the Bible.

Acts 20:35
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed

Galatians 6:2
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Matthew 5:42
Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

Deuteronomy 15:11
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Proverbs 14:31
Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.

Luke 12:33-34
Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Proverbs 22:9
Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.

Proverbs 28:27
Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.

Psalm 82:4
Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Mark 10:21
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

John 3:17-18
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Hebrews 13:16
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
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Business finally captured the Republican Party in the 70s.

Problem: the new Republican Party needed a populism in order to make the poor vote for the interests of the wealthy elite. To do this the GOP used Conservatism (along with religion and patriotism) to pry the lower classes away from the Democrats, who over-played "lifestyle", race and feminism in the sixties. (This shift from FDR's working class populism to Reagan's values populism was a perfect strategy. Please recall "Nixon's Silent White Majority", specifically how they felt alienated by the New Left which abandoned traditional working class issues to become the anti-war atheist gay-marriage party)

How would the new GOP use the message of Jesus Chris (who favored the poor over the elite & wealthy) to get rid of welfare and withdraw all government support for the non-wealthy and meek? That is, how would the Right remake Jesus to favor the powerful and the greedy? Answer: they GOP would wage a ruthless propaganda campaign against the poor. They would re-describe the poor as lazy and undeserving. They would also re-describe the wealthy not as corrupt Fat Cats with top-hats and cigars but as innovators and saviors who lifted all our boats through hard work (rather than corrupt financial pressure on Washington). This is where Ayn Rand's message of the persecuted business man fit perfectly. The Right has told Ayn Rand's story every day for 40 years.

Please recall how Ayn Rand's family pharmacy was stolen by Stalin. This act became a battle cry for the GOP which constantly reminds us how Government destroys our hardworking businesses through taxation and regulation. Here's the problem: this story is no longer true because the pharmaceutical now owns government through election funding and lobbying. But the Rightwing voters understands none of this because Rush Limbaugh never talks about how the government is actually owned by the wealthy private sector. Meaning: if you vote against the Koch brother's interests, than you will be removed in a Primary. Period.

The ability of the Right to control the opinions of their voters is hardly an insight. The Right spent 30 years telling people that the truly meek and destitute members of society were parasites on Government - and that Jesus would be disgusted if Government were to feed the starving. This was a brilliant strategy because it allowed the new Business-controlled-GOP to create a scapegoat as they absconded with the lion's share of Government Aid (subsidies/bailouts). So, for instance, when the Bush Meltdown happened, the Rightwing voter was easily manipulated to believe that the problem was based on government aid to poor home owners (as if our largest financial corporations were forced to place 30 trillion dollars of bets on those mortgages at 20 to 1 debt/equity ratio). Tragically, the Rightwing voter was so controlled by Rightwing Media (Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, FOX, etc) that they didn't see the larger scam at work, specifically the way large Wall Street firms converted bogus mortgages into fraudulent securities and derivatives, and by so doing made trillions as the bubble inflated, but then [wait for it] they made additional trillions betting against the products they were pushing on investors. It was one of the greatest scams in World History, but the Republican Voter was kept completely in the dark. Go ahead, ask a "Talk Radio" Republican about the derivative or leveraging insanity of say AIG and you will draw a blank stare. While you're at it, ask a "Talk Radio" Republican who installed the Brutal Shaw in Iran, and how this increased the power of radical Islam and the likelihood of blowback. Again, you will get a blank stare because the Republican voter is 100% controlled by Big Government Conservatism.

These people are idiots - so is it any wonder that they have re-written the life of Jesus Christ to fit Reagan's contempt of the poor AKA welfare queens?
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Business finally captured the Republican Party in the 70s.

Problem: the new Republican Party needed a populism in order to make the poor vote for the interests of the wealthy elite. To do this the GOP used Conservatism (along with religion and patriotism) to pry the lower classes away from the Democrats, who over-played "lifestyle", race and feminism in the sixties. (This shift from FDR's working class populism to Reagan's values populism was a perfect strategy. Please recall "Nixon's Silent White Majority", specifically how they felt alienated by the New Left which abandoned traditional working class issues to become the anti-war atheist gay-marriage party)

How would the new GOP use the message of Jesus Chris (who favored the poor over the elite & wealthy) to get rid of welfare and withdraw all government support for the non-wealthy and meek? That is, how would the Right remake Jesus to favor the powerful and the greedy? Answer: they GOP would wage a ruthless propaganda campaign against the poor. They would re-describe the poor as lazy and undeserving. They would also re-describe the wealthy not as corrupt Fat Cats with top-hats and cigars but as innovators and saviors who lifted all our boats through hard work (rather than corrupt financial pressure on Washington). This is where Ayn Rand's message of the persecuted business man fit perfectly. The Right has told Ayn Rand's story every day for 40 years.

Please recall how Ayn Rand's family pharmacy was stolen by Stalin. This act became a battle cry for the GOP which constantly reminds us how Government destroys our hardworking businesses through taxation and regulation. Here's the problem: this story is no longer true because the pharmaceutical now owns government through election funding and lobbying. But the Rightwing voters understands none of this because Rush Limbaugh never talks about how the government is actually owned by the wealthy private sector. Meaning: if you vote against the Koch brother's interests, than you will be removed in a Primary. Period.

The ability of the Right to control the opinions of their voters is hardly an insight. The Right spent 30 years telling people that the truly meek and destitute members of society were parasites on Government - and that Jesus would be disgusted if Government were to feed the starving. This was a brilliant strategy because it allowed the new Business-controlled-GOP to create a scapegoat as they absconded with the lion's share of Government Aid (subsidies/bailouts). So, for instance, when the Bush Meltdown happened, the Rightwing voter was easily manipulated to believe that the problem was based on government aid to poor home owners (as if our largest financial corporations were forced to place 30 trillion dollars of bets on those mortgages at 20 to 1 debt/equity ratio). Tragically, the Rightwing voter was so controlled by Rightwing Media (Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, FOX, etc) that they didn't see the larger scam at work, specifically the way large Wall Street firms converted bogus mortgages into fraudulent securities and derivatives, and by so doing made trillions as the bubble inflated, but then [wait for it] they made additional trillions betting against the products they were pushing on investors. It was one of the greatest scams in World History, but the Republican Voter was kept completely in the dark. Go ahead, ask a "Talk Radio" Republican about the derivative or leveraging insanity of say AIG and you will draw a blank stare. While you're at it, ask a "Talk Radio" Republican who installed the Brutal Shaw in Iran, and how this increased the power of radical Islam and the likelihood of blowback. Again, you will get a blank stare because the Republican voter is 100% controlled by Big Government Conservatism.

These people are idiots - so is it any wonder that they have re-written the life of Jesus Christ to fit Reagan's contempt of the poor AKA welfare queens?

Just be aware that Dems do it too. Both sides are a 3 ring circus that pit their faction against each other faction in a battle of good vs evil. Problem is both factions believe they are good and the other is evil.

amazing how assholes like Schultz and Rangel can twist Jesus' words to fit their agenda...

Matthew 25:40... "What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me..."

in this passage, Jesus is addressing individuals, calling upon each and every one of them to take the initiative to assist the less fortunate among them during their personal day-to-day actions...

Jesus in no way was calling upon these individuals to pay a gob of tax money to Rome so that Rome could dole out such funds to the less fortunate among them...
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Does the Bible also give the permission to Charlie Rangel to steal and lie as he did?

Forgiveness of sin is the cornerstone of Christianity.

Upon REpENTANCE of the sinner, which is not the case here.

Since when our atheistic rabidly anti-Christian leftards became so interested in the Bible and Church?
Is it a new manual from the master's? And suddenly the komsomol choir is all singing , albeit in a false tune, about the traditions of Christianity :D

Hypocrisy at it's best


no, the Bible does not say ''upon repentance''

...when the adulteress was about to be killed via stoning for her sin, Christ said to her FIRST.....''your sins are forgiven''....then secondly He said, ''Now go, and sin no more''....

her sins were forgiven before she even had the chance to repent and change her life....

And, when reading the "Lord's Prayer".... Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who have sinned against us...

no where in the prayer that Christ gave us does it say forgive the sins of others UPON REPENTANCE.....

Christ died for our sins before we even committed them....let alone have the time to repent for them....

And don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that repentance is not important.... it is important...I just believe that it comes about because we know we have sinned against God, the very God that sent His son to be sacrificed for those sins, so that us sinners may could anyone not want to change/repent knowing how loving and wonderful God is to them?

So basically, by Christ forgiving the adulteress's sin right there on the spot, before she could even repent, How could the adulteress not WANT to repent and change for such a loving act?


amazing how assholes like Schultz and Rangel can twist Jesus' words to fit their agenda...

Matthew 25:40... "What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me..."

in this passage, Jesus is addressing individuals, calling upon each and every one of them to take the initiative to assist the less fortunate among them during their personal day-to-day actions...

Jesus in no way was calling upon these individuals to pay a gob of tax money to Rome so that Rome could dole out such funds to the less fortunate among them...

So your excuse to not help the poor and the needy is that it goes to them via the government? :lol: Yea, right. We all buy that one. :lol: I'm sure Saint Peter will find your little spiel very entertaining.
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amazing how assholes like Schultz and Rangel can twist Jesus' words to fit their agenda...

Matthew 25:40... "What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me..."

in this passage, Jesus is addressing individuals, calling upon each and every one of them to take the initiative to assist the less fortunate among them during their personal day-to-day actions...

Jesus in no way was calling upon these individuals to pay a gob of tax money to Rome so that Rome could dole out such funds to the less fortunate among them...

So your excuse to not help the poor and the needy is that it goes to them via the government? :lol: Yea, right. We all buy they one. :lol: I'm sure Saint Peter will find your little spiel very entertaining.
I agree....besides the fact that tithing (taxing), for the poor and needy etc... was tithing for the most part... given to the ruling gvt...a theocratic gvt, but government none the less...
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Thus spoke Mr. Pot ^^^^

Well no.

I've basically stuck to a self imposed rule, not to personally insult anyone, first.

So far? So good.


Using that rule, you would be able to insult anyone once you were insulted, even if the person you are insulting wasn't the person that insulted you.

Erm..that makes no sense.

And that's obviously not the way I post.

I sometimes post a response to personal insults to the poster.

I generally do not insult someone who insults someone else.
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amazing how assholes like Schultz and Rangel can twist Jesus' words to fit their agenda...

Matthew 25:40... "What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me..."

in this passage, Jesus is addressing individuals, calling upon each and every one of them to take the initiative to assist the less fortunate among them during their personal day-to-day actions...

Jesus in no way was calling upon these individuals to pay a gob of tax money to Rome so that Rome could dole out such funds to the less fortunate among them...

That's one wildly radical leap in logic there, Bill.


food stamps cost the tax payer .008% of the national budget ... way to pick them republicans ... boy that will bring down spending problem ... oh, by the way, the pentagon has 30% wasteful spending in their budget ... I would think if you're a so called stop usless spending is the problem, I would think you would go after the bigger debts instead a debt that is well you tell me ... tell us all here how .008% spending going to bring down the national debt ... this ought to be interesting

amazing how assholes like Schultz and Rangel can twist Jesus' words to fit their agenda...

Matthew 25:40... "What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me..."

in this passage, Jesus is addressing individuals, calling upon each and every one of them to take the initiative to assist the less fortunate among them during their personal day-to-day actions...

Jesus in no way was calling upon these individuals to pay a gob of tax money to Rome so that Rome could dole out such funds to the less fortunate among them...

No, that would have been when Jesus said

'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."
Atrocious indeed :eusa_whistle:

Sheep and goats

Matt 25:31 - 46

And that is what Rangel quoted, not what the OP suggested he said, although...are the GOP sheep or goats?

Rangel said that Jesus would turn people away from Heaven for not supporting Food Stamps. I could use the same lack of logic to argue that he would do it for supporting them. After all, he did say render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and Food Stamps do not have a picture of Jesus on them. His picture isn't on the money they use either.


Modern realities dictate updated methods of multiplying the loaves and fishes.
No, actually churches will not turn the needy away, but most people with morals won't take advantage of their nieghbors. Liberals create dependency through lack of education and encourages life long dependency on welfare, all for a vote.

I remember reading some time ago that military families, because of the pay rates, were in some cases eligible for food stamps.

Do you label those families as immoral if they did in fact take advantage of that eligibility?

I read about progressives that were capable of defending a position using logic, reason, and actual facts. Do you think they are morally repugnant?

You can't run a economy on food stamps and ssi. Fact.

Food stamps are a perfect stimulus.

They are a net negative because the taxpayer is the one who ultimately pays for the food stamps. I know you are able to think this one through. This isn't very difficult.

And you are a perfect moron, I'm sure you will be able to figure out why. We may smell the wood burning whilst you think it through though.
Does a constitutional right to something mean that the government should fund it with other people's money?

If that's so, I'd really like a new rifle. When is the government going to send me a check for one?

We fund religion with tax breaks not afforded to other organizatons.

You cant give tax breaks to organizations you have no authority to tax to begin with.

There are conditions upon the tax free status of religious organizations (and for the next in line, all other tax exempt orgs), so there IS an authority involved.

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