Charles Barkley Reveals The REAL Reason Blacks Will Never Be As Successful As Whites...& It's NOT 'Systemic Racism'

Charles Barkley was given a full scholarship and never finished college. Without basketball we would not have racists posting his ignorant comments as if they are fact. He would be moving furniture somewhere and his opinion wouldn't matter.
Wise words indeed.
The movie "FREEDOM WRITERS" starring Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey is instructive.

Yes, 'Freedom Writers' is based on a true story. LaGravenese developed the script for the film from the 1999 book 'The Freedom Writers Diary,' a compiled version of the journal entries by the real Erin Gruwell and her students. In 1994, Gruwell joined Woodrow Wilson High as a student-teacher.

Blacks, Latinos, Asians, one White male student.
Gangs, death by guns in the gangs, racial gang and turf wars, cultures, 'street cred, honor, respect if you go to jail or die defending your own kind'.

After the students circulated in class a drawing of one of the Black students with big lips and laughing about it, teacher Erin caught them, saw the drawing and was horrified.
"What is this? I've seen drawings like this before, in newspapers etc. Except instead of Black people it was of Jewish people. You think you're gangsters, you're amateurs compared to the biggest gang in history, you think you're cool taking over areas, they took over countries. They blamed Jewish people for all their troubles, and that caused the Holocaust."
A Latino student raised his hand, "please Miss, that thing you mentioned earlier, the Holocaust, what is that?" Erin said, slightly annoyed [not with the students]..."hands up anyone who knows what the Holocaust is", White guy the only one to raise his hand.
So she took the class to the Holocaust Museum.
She told the class that "when you die to get honor and respect [in the gang wars etc] you'll rot in the ground, and everyone else will go on living, no one will remember you".
*She taught her students the benefits of an good education, She taught them how to write, offered them the chance to take a blank book from her desk to use as a diary.
They had to write something in the book every day, about anything they liked, anything. They had to give her permission to read them by putting them on a certain shelf in the cupboard.
The stories they wrote about gangs, domestic violence, families being evicted etc were truly sad.
Erin organised computers for them to use to type their diaries and compile them into the book "The Freedom Writers Diary".
In one class they had "A Toast for Change"
The lives of Black etc youth can be changed...for the better.
I think the stereotype needs to end.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

You are full of shit. There are graduation requirements that must be met in all collegiate sports and all college sports aren't elite division one programs. In division 3, there are no scholarship. Then you have NAIA schools and there aren't many pros coming from those schools.

If you believe college athletes dont cheat in college and have others lie for them or even have others do the work for them you're a complete dumbass.
And if they're so smart why do so many of them end up broke?
You are full of shit. There are graduation requirements that must be met in all collegiate sports and all college sports aren't elite division one programs. In division 3, there are no scholarship. Then you have NAIA schools and there aren't many pros coming from those schools.
Were you on the D3 Badminton team?
If you believe college athletes dont cheat in college and have others lie for them or even have others do the work for them you're a complete dumbass.
And if they're so smart why do so many of them end up broke?
College athletes perform better academically than college students who do not participate in sports.
The majority of collegiate athletes are not on a free ride, even in the most popular, money making sports. They know they are never going to the professional leagues and must concentrate on getting a good education.
This is something the 98lbs weaklings of the world refuse to understand.
Yep, this is definitely a part of it.

And who keeps lowering standards and expectations? White liberals, primarily, by weaponizing PC and Identity Politics instead of keeping standards and expectations high.

When you continue to lower standards and expectations, when you refuse to hold people accountable for their actions, all you're doing is enabling their worst behaviors and making things worse.

Another example is what we saw for four years with the former guy. Amazing how similar the two ends of our spectrum can be in their behaviors.
/——-/ “Another example is what we saw for four years with the former guy.”
You mean this former guy?


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/——-/ “Another example is what we saw for four years with the former guy.”
You mean this former guy?
Yes, the former guy who claimed to not know who David Duke is while running for President, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem".

The former guy adored by white nationalists from coast to coast, including good ol' USMB.

Yeah. That former guy. The one who knows how to play to his rube base like a magician.
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Yes, the former guy who claimed to not know who David Duke is while running for President, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem".

The former guy adored by white nationalists from coast to coast, including good ol' USMB.

Yeah. That former guy. The one who knows how to play to his rube base like a magician.
/----/ Donald Trump | David Duke | KKK | White Supremacists

Trump responded by saying that he did not know enough about David Duke or the group to give an answer.

"Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke. OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," Trump said. "So, I don't know. I mean, I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so, you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about."

BTW, I don't know anything about David Duke either except he's intolerant..
YOUR comment that I responded to was about college athletes, you idiot.

I'm referring to pro athletes and college athletes actually.
The college athletes that I'm referring are the ones the colleges want because they're pro caliber and they'll do anything to keep them on the field,hell the same goes for high school kids that are really good.
So then you have these guys coming out of college who have been pampered all their lives because of their athletic abilities including getting a degree they didnt earn.
You apparently weren't good enough for that kind of treatment.
I'm referring to pro athletes and college athletes actually.
The college athletes that I'm referring are the ones the colleges want because they're pro caliber and they'll do anything to keep them on the field,hell the same goes for high school kids that are really good.
So then you have these guys coming out of college who have been pampered all their lives because of their athletic abilities including getting a degree they didnt earn.
You apparently weren't good enough for that kind of treatment.
You're talking out your ass, wannabe.
You're talking out your ass, wannabe.

Like I said,I was raised around pro athletes.
A lot of them use drugs as well as being morons.
Hell,I found a coke spoon in John Lucas's locker,I asked my Dad what it was and he took it from me and told me not to say anything about it.
And seeing some of these guys in interviews I dont see how could miss how dumb some of them are.
Like I said,I was raised around pro athletes.
A lot of them use drugs as well as being morons.
Hell,I found a coke spoon in John Lucas's locker,I asked my Dad what it was and he took it from me and told me not to say anything about it.
And seeing some of these guys in interviews I dont see how could miss how dumb some of them are.
A lot of talk about "around" this and "around" that. What the hell have YOU ever done? I'm smelling some sour grapes here.

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