CDC Still Ignoring Autopsy Findings by Eminent Pathologists That COVID Vaccines Are the Cause of Most Worldwide Excess Deaths

I am glad you are doing OK. Only, but, a moment of time now.
The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Khnlein, MD, show that this fannning of fear is totally unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven
Millions have died and have been injured. Just because you keep your head buried doesn't mean it's all blissful. We're only 4 years in on the drug and we have no idea of what the long term effects are. We saw the short term injuries and deaths.
The correlation of data does not lead that conclusion.

You can read and write but not cogitate clearly.
The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Khnlein, MD, show that this fannning of fear is totally unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven
The authors of Virus Mania are your experts in an undocumented cry for money?
Covid Truth, 911 Truth, and CO2 FRAUD Truth always meet the same resistance from the very same


the media - which really only has... the two below...
Left Wing Hate Hoaxing Homos
Zionist Fascists

It will be amusing to watch the RFK confirmation hearings. Many mass murdering traitors do not want RFK confirmed...
Ignore the work of truly distinguished scientists but broadcast the words of Wizard of Oz Tony Fauci, who doesn't know much more than a high school biology teacher, but is very skilled at lying. That is the strategy. Every American should be sending this to all major media to answer these findings. Of all the suppressed knowledge we now have of the vaccines, this is the most suppressed.

That the COVID vaccines contributed significantly to the current wave of excess deaths in the US and in countries around the world is no longer in question, according to the findings of eminent pathologists. But th findings have been strenuously ignored, suppressed, and gaslighted in the mainstream media and by the CDC and the FDAA.

Highly respected pathologists such as the late Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. and Director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg Dr. Peter Schirmacher, as well as Dr. Ryan Cole, have all determined a significant causal link between the COVID vaccines and excess deaths. Most recently, a study which was twice censored against scientific publishers’ own rules, one of the authors of which is Dr. Harvey Risch of the Yale School of Public Health, concluded that out of hundreds of autopsies of sudden post-COVID-vaccine deaths, 74% were likely due to the vaccines.

Yet the work is never even presented for debate, or for the pathologists to defend, which they are willing to do.

Following is the detailed slide presentation made by Dr. Burkhardt at the International Covid Summit at European Parliament iin May 2023.

Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt,Presentation at the International Covid Summit at European Parliament May 2023 (view at Rumble)
(Presentation slides)

Dr. Burkhardt principle conclusions:

“In these 75 cases now we have 78% where we are certain that the death process was in some way influenced by the vaccinat ion…” – Professor Arne Burkhardt, MD, Professor of Pathology Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. Final interview in May 2023 before death on May 20, 2023 (transcript)


“Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. ” – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhart and Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Mainz, and winner of the Aronson Prize in Microbiology and Immunology, “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination.”


“Our review reveals that actually in 77% of the 75 autopsied persons; the vaccination had an important impact on the death process.” – Professor Arne Burkhardt, presentation at European Parliament, May 3, 2023. (transcript)

Dr. Burkhardt’s work was cited in a peer-reviewed Australian paper published at the National Institute of Health (NIH) website, which called for a “suspension” in the use of not just the COVID mRNA vaccines but all mRNA vaccines, writing in the “conclusions” section:

“We… advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines and lipid-nanoparticle carrier matrices, and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vectorDNA technology.”

TRANSCRIPT of Dr. Burkhardt remarks at European Parliament COVIT Summit, May 2023
(Presentation slides)

“Good afternoon and I would like to thank that I have the opportunity to talk here about the results that we have achieved in the last two years by doing autopsies and bioptic examinations of histopathological specimens in Reutlingen, Germany.

Actually, it was only three months after the vaccination campaign started that the first relatives came to me, and asked me if I could re-evaluate the autopsies that were done by coroners and by other pathologists because they did not believe in natural death causes.

So, by now we have 75 autopsies that we have evaluated and all people that died in timely connection with the vaccination, and increasingly, we get a surgical and bioptical specimens and we are by 50 sub specimens now and they are increasing.

Now, of course, from the beginning when we saw the first cases we realized that there was a new therapeutic vaccine that was a new way of action on the body, so it was clear that there had to be some new disease entities that we had to discover actually, and it was a toxin, apparently not coming from the outside where you examine the contents of the stomach or the serum, but it was a toxin produced by the body itself.

So we had to look for the toxin in the tissue; in the cells, and that meant that we had to develop a method to demonstrate this by (histology?) chemistry in the tissues.

So it became very clear from the first cases that I looked at—first I was alone with this—but it developed into a scientific project because of these many new and very alarming scenes that we saw, and by now, we are about 10 scientists internationally; we are a loose group collaborating in different fields and chemists and physicists and biochemists, working together just depending on the question.

Our review reveals that actually in 77% of the 75 autopsied persons; the vaccination had an important impact on the death process.​

  • In 77% of the autopsies, the findings indicate that vaccination had an important impact on the death process
  • … all organs are affected
  • … the spike protein is in practically in all organs, mainly in the vessels
  • Image of vessel damage: (2/11)
Now, you have to know that the older the gap, the most more complicated the process of this is, but definitely in these 77%, it was a major contribution.

This is very different from the first reports on the autopsies, which many of them had been done without histology, and in the first diagnosis was there was a natural cause of death in 91%—so only in 10% the possibility of vaccination damage was discussed.

Important is in our series, in 80% these cases, were what we call now the SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), so they dropped that at home; on the street; in the car, and the advantage for us was that there are practically no therapeutic effects that we have to look for.

So if you have people who have been artificially [ventilated/respirators], you have changes in the lung from the therapeutic methods.

So some basic effect of course is overlap between the true viral infection and the vaccination effects on the body, but this overlap is very small because, first of all there are differences in the composition, like the vaccine has adjuvents, it has contamination, and second, the entrance in the body is different because the natural infection comes through the nose, the throat, and the airways, and this is an epithelium that is immunocompetent. The immune cells are already there, waiting for the virus to enter.

Now, if you inject the vaccination into the muscle, and finally, it always gets into the vessels, and into the blood, so if you do this, this is these are both tissues that have no immunocompetence—so there’s no defence by the body, primarily.

So, it’s the endothelium that is the first a target of the vaccination and as we have endothelium in all organs except for the teeth and some other structures—all organs are affected, and actually we could demonstrate the spike protein in practically all organs—mainly in the vessels.

Heart Tissue (Pfizer/Comirnaty)​

  • Heart tissue with disintegrated muscle fibres and lymphocytic infiltration
  • Detection of spike protein in the heart tissue (3/11)
The first picture here shows you on the left side a normal a small vessel in the heart muscle and you see these spindle cells that surround the vessel like a wallpaper. They are very delicate, and in the middle in the lumen there are erythrocytes and some leukocytes.

On the right side you see a victim of the vaccination, and you see the small vessel is destroyed, the spindle cells you can still see these are the remnants of the endothelium, and the dark dots are the lymphocytes that are attacking them.

I could show practically in all organs, similar pictures, referring to the preceding presentations also in the testes, in the ovary, and other organs.

So the science and public attention has mainly paid to the acute deaths and adverse effects of the vaccination, and we focused on the long term effects.

We focused on those structures that are not renewables, so this is the heart. We already heard about the myocarditis and you see the destruction by lymphocytes, and on the right side the demonstration of the spike protein.

Brain Tissue​

  • Needle biopsy of brain tissue (4/11)
  • Damaged vessel with dense infiltration of lymphocyte and bleeding in the surrounding area
Here you can see this is a needle biopsy from the brain, and you see in the middle a vessel with the dense infiltration of lymphocytes and the necrosis and bleeding in the surrounding..... MORE...



So to come to the conclusion.

There are non-regulating elements lost forever, and these are the heart muscle valves, this results in physical weakness, to handicap, and temporarily loss, and actually we had one patient who was an athlete who committed suicide because he could not participate in any competitions anymore.

Second are the nerve cells. These resulted in multiple neurological failure and death, a temporary loss of speech, heavy personality changes, and unconscious periods.

Third (and not so well known and not talked about so much until now) are the elastic lamella. Now, the elastic lamella are never replaced after puberty, so if they are lost they are lost, and what is the consequence? In arterial vessels resulting in immediate necrosis structure death and scar, and if there’s a scar, the elasticity of the order of the arteries are going down, and the blood pressure rises.

So in the skin, this results in premature aging.

I am sorry to say, since people know I have a telephone, they call me, and I will have some kind of a telephone counselling, and one of the most frequent complaints now, is that somebody calls and says, “Well my my husband looks 10 years older since he has been vaccinated,” and I think I know why: Loss of elastic lamella.

So I think these are devastating findings for the long term, because in 10 years nobody will think that maybe the blood pressure rise may have resulted from the lesions in the aorta, so I think this is really alarming, and that is why we have to go to the public. Thank you.”

Definitely need a hand-jerking-off emoji.

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