CDC Says Coronavirus Infection Fatality Rate Could be as Low as 0.26%


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Less than the annual flu.
Yeah, that’s worth sending the world into a Great Depression over.

Too late now the milk is already spilt. The stock market led the way.
"New estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that COVID-19 may have an infection fatality rate as low as 0.26%, a number that is double the seasonal flu but significantly lower than earlier estimates."

Okay, so we know that:'

1. It is at least twice as deadly as the flu
2. It lasts longer than the flu, with more severe symptoms
3. For many, it causes permanent health damage (What We Know About the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19)

Did we over-react? Quite possibly. But the Trumpsters are obediently and blindly and characteristically going too far in the opposite direction, because that's what they're trained to do as part of the binary worldview into which they have fallen.
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Less than the annual flu.
Yeah, that’s worth sending the world into a Great Depression over.
Ooopsie! The problem is we are still listening to idiots who are promising bodies stacking up in the streets
if we let states go back to normal life and open up.

They are all democrats, of course. You can't look at this issue without noting how democrats are all
trying to keep us scared, broke and isolated in our own homes.
Less than the annual flu.
Yeah, that’s worth sending the world into a Great Depression over.

Except for you, maybe the rest of the country hasn't seen 100,000 dead in less than 3 month on a disease with no proven cures, or a vaccine to prevent it.. Or maybe it is just me and I haven't seen it. Of course I don't panic, so probably not one of the people you were trying to reach. You sound kind of panic prone. Great depression, eh? Maybe you need to get away from that ant hill and move to the great hinterland where you can survive before it's too late.
You have to consider death counts are exaggerated. Colorado adjusted what was a 25% over-count. If you apply that to each state (and more are likely to be a higher over-count than lower) you’ve just dropped your mortality rate significantly.
Never mind another MSM propaganda piece from today trying to say states that reopened under-counted intentionally. No mention of Colorado’s adjustment.
We have to fight Wuhan virus and MSM propaganda.
You must not have read your own link. It would be double the seasonal flu rate according to your article. Also, this is at least the third thread I've seen about this. ;)
And both are extremely low.
Plus, Wuhan attacks a much more specific group. Had the focus been there and less draconian you can be sure the rate would be significantly lower.
The OP has a hopeful piece written by a site called "Legal Insurrection", and you can tell that it is a far right site.

Other places however, are telling us that the virus is actually being under reported as to how many cases.

And you guys were all up in arms when China under reported their virus cases. Hate to tell you, but the US has the same problem.
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.

Back in March is when Trump was telling us that it would go away like a "miracle", and the doctors and scientists still didn't know much about this virus.

And, because there are new things about this virus being discovered on a regular basis, using outdated information from March isn't a very good thing to do.
The OP has a hopeful piece written by a site called "Legal Insurrection", and you can tell that it is a far right site.

Other places however, are telling us that the virus is actually being under reported as to how many cases.

And you guys were all up in arms when China under reported their virus cases. Hate to tell you, but the US has the same problem.

If anything it's over reported here. Saw today a guy got shot dead but had the virus and death was reported as due to guess what... coronavirus.

Let's get real here.

It's time to move on. If you're skeered stay in your basement
The OP has a hopeful piece written by a site called "Legal Insurrection", and you can tell that it is a far right site.

Other places however, are telling us that the virus is actually being under reported as to how many cases.

And you guys were all up in arms when China under reported their virus cases. Hate to tell you, but the US has the same problem.
And deaths from Covid 19 are OVERREPORTED, since states are reporting ANY deaths that test positive (even asymptomatic ones) as being caused by the disease...

More cases, and less deaths directly attributed to Covid 19 lowers the fatality rate...

Thank you for pointing out that more people than we thought are recovering from Covid 19, and that the death rate is exaggerated!!!
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.

Back in March is when Trump was telling us that it would go away like a "miracle", and the doctors and scientists still didn't know much about this virus.

And, because there are new things about this virus being discovered on a regular basis, using outdated information from March isn't a very good thing to do.

1. Trump has nothing to do with the topic.

2. This number of .26 is right in the range predicted.

There were those with clearer heads studying this to get a handle on the real numbers as far back as March/April.
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.

Back in March is when Trump was telling us that it would go away like a "miracle", and the doctors and scientists still didn't know much about this virus.

And, because there are new things about this virus being discovered on a regular basis, using outdated information from March isn't a very good thing to do.

1. Trump has nothing to do with the topic.

2. This number of .26 is right in the range predicted.

There were those with clearer heads studying this to get a handle on the real numbers as far back as March/April.

Sorry, but Trump DOES have something to do with the topic. He's the president, and how he responds to the pandemic and handles the virus will have a great deal to do with how many more people get infected and die.
"New estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that COVID-19 may have an infection fatality rate as low as 0.26%, a number that is double the seasonal flu but significantly lower than earlier estimates."

Okay, so we know that:'

1. It is at least twice as deadly as the flu
2. It lasts longer than the flu, with more severe symptoms
3. For many, it causes permanent health damage (What We Know About the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19)

Did we over-react? Quite possibly. But the Trumpsters are obediently and blindly and characteristically going too far in the opposite direction, because that's what they're trained to do as part of the binary worldview into which they have fallen.
As the "moderate" triangulation specialist around here can you show me anywhere that you condemn the common leftist opinions around here. Maybe I've missed your "balanced" view.
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.

Back in March is when Trump was telling us that it would go away like a "miracle", and the doctors and scientists still didn't know much about this virus.

And, because there are new things about this virus being discovered on a regular basis, using outdated information from March isn't a very good thing to do.

1. Trump has nothing to do with the topic.

2. This number of .26 is right in the range predicted.

There were those with clearer heads studying this to get a handle on the real numbers as far back as March/April.

Sorry, but Trump DOES have something to do with the topic. He's the president, and how he responds to the pandemic and handles the virus will have a great deal to do with how many more people get infected and die.
Is he doing something to cause all the blur state deaths?
Oxford pegged it at .1-.36% weeks ago, IIRC this was back in March.

Back in March is when Trump was telling us that it would go away like a "miracle", and the doctors and scientists still didn't know much about this virus.

And, because there are new things about this virus being discovered on a regular basis, using outdated information from March isn't a very good thing to do.

1. Trump has nothing to do with the topic.

2. This number of .26 is right in the range predicted.

There were those with clearer heads studying this to get a handle on the real numbers as far back as March/April.

Sorry, but Trump DOES have something to do with the topic. He's the president, and how he responds to the pandemic and handles the virus will have a great deal to do with how many more people get infected and die.
So exactly what are you recommending???

That Trump take over making (and enforcing) decisions for the governors???

Somehow, I don't see that working with the Democrat governors...
As the "moderate" triangulation specialist around here can you show me anywhere that you condemn the common leftist opinions around here. Maybe I've missed your "balanced" view.
Happy to!

Second time today someone has tried this one. Just utilize the Search function, enter "regressive", enter my name, and you'll see the many squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left here.

Let me help: Search results for query: regressive

Oh, and I've never claimed to be moderate. The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

Anything else?

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