CDC Beclowns All Mandates

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
CDC Beclowns All Mandates

It's over folks.
Seriously, there are now two -- and only two -- possible paths.
  • Sue, on the basis below. You will win if the judiciary is competent and so is your counsel. Competence is not in my wheelhouse; that is up to you. If you file bull**** you will lose, and should. But if your counsel is competent and your argument clear and concise you win because the CDC has documented that your position is correct -- the vaccines are in fact worthless from a public health perspective beyond a period of about four months and you win on the balance of harms in that circumstance for reasons I will explain below.

  • If the judiciary is no longer an arbiter of fact then you have to choose between slavery and revolt. That's all that's left if you are in a position that this is impacting your ability to earn a living or otherwise do something necessary. Yes, that gets ugly fast. I would hope the judiciary understands exactly how ugly, and how fast and thus does its job.
The bottom line is right here, in this study:


A prison is highly analogous to a hospital or other health-care setting. Both are "conjugal" living arrangements. Both have a locked in component (the patients in one, the prisoners in the other) and a working and mingling in society component (the doctors, nurses, orderlies, janitors, etc. in one, the guards, cooks, janitors and similar in the other.) In both cases the locked-in persons are not really free to leave; in both they typically leave only when allowed by the working component (yes, you can sign yourself out against medical advice in a hospital, but few actually do.)

Both confine people, typically two to a room but sometimes one, among the conjugal and locked-in persons. Both therefore are highly-effective places to spread disease -- especially airborne pathogens.

But -- in the prison it is now documented that after four months the vaccine's effective rate of protection was statistically zero.

The argument for forcing vaccinations in these highly-confined environments, say much less those which have fewer constraints, such as colleges, secondary and primary schools and other workplaces is that people are put at "unreasonable" risk by unvaccinated individuals.

Yet the data is that four months post-vaccination there is no statistical difference between vaccinated and not when it comes to attack rates. By the CDC's own data the vaccines are worthless to protect others after four months.


The highlighted link to the cdc study is in pdf

Worth the read ...including the comments


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