CAUGHT RED HANDED - Virginia GOPer Calls Lloyd Austin a N***** who needs to BE LYNCHED


Kapernick used the word “country”

as they say, a distinction without a difference
A country that far too often shoots people like look like him for walking in the "wrong" neighborhood

Is he protesting America? No he's protesting the racism...and that triggers the racists
Dont make claims you cant support

I post kapernicks own words disparaging the flag and the nation
You think that makes you special or what? I posted those very words. Those were the words that inspired that Marine to write Kappy and tell him what for. Kap then agreed to meet the Marine to discuss it. That's the guy who suggested kneeling instead of sitting during the rendition of the NA.
Kneeling is now lecturing fans? What did they force the fans to listen to while they were kneeling. The only lectures I ever heard were when the Orange POS went off on the players. But he holds a big grudge against the NFL donchaknow.....
Of course it's lecturing. These idiots are saying, through their stupid actions: "Look at us. Think about what we're saying, through our actions, through the dumb messages written at each end zone, and through all the silly messages printed on the backs of our helmets."

They're morons. Attention whores. Fuck them. They are forever searching for new things to whine about. It seems clear, they'll never fit into this, or any other advanced society.
Of course it's lecturing. These idiots are saying, through their stupid actions: "Look at us. Think about what we're saying, through our actions, through the dumb messages written at each end zone, and through all the silly messages printed on the backs of our helmets."

They're morons. Attention whores. Fuck them. They are forever searching for new things to whine about. It seems clear, they'll never fit into this, or any other advanced society.
It's just a football game. Fuck man, don't watch the pregame show and you'll never see it.
It's just a football game. Fuck man, don't watch the pregame show and you'll never see it.
I've done better than that. I no longer watch the NFL. It's been a couple of years now.

Ever since Kape started getting on his knees. It seems to come so naturally to him. Lol...
A country that far too often shoots people like look like him for walking in the "wrong" neighborhood

Is he protesting America? No he's protesting the racism...and that triggers the racists
Yes he is protesting America as and said so
You think that makes you special or what? I posted those very words. Those were the words that inspired that Marine to write Kappy and tell him what for. Kap then agreed to meet the Marine to discuss it. That's the guy who suggested kneeling instead of sitting during the rendition of the NA.
I dont know who this mythical Marine is ,but at best he only speaks for himself

if kapernick had put a muzzle on himself you could spin

but he told us what he was doing and it was disrespect for America
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I dont know who is mythical Marine is but at best he only speaks for himself

if kapernick had put a muzzle on himself you could spin

but he told us whwt he was doing and it was disrespect for America

Oh he had no problem meeting with and speaking his mind to Kappy about his concerns. Not really my problem if you didn't see the guys story.
I've done better than that. I no longer watch the NFL. It's been a couple of years now.

Ever since Kape started getting on his knees. It seems to come so naturally to him. Lol...

You're the cuck that let him take football from you you soft ass bitch. 😄. Good. Football isn't for you anymore like a lot of other things in America.

A Republican official in Virginia is being pushed to resign by the local GOP after a Facebook post was discovered in which he used the N-word and floated the idea of "lynching" Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and other leaders in Washington, D.C.

The Republican Party of Hampton, Virginia last week became aware of a February 2021 Facebook post by Hampton Electoral Board Chair David Dietrich. In the post, Dietrich attacked Austin—the first Black Defense Secretary in U.S. history—and other Democratic leaders. The controversy was first reported by local WAVY News 10.

Dietrich said in the post that Austin's efforts to root out white nationalists in the military was actually a ploy "to remove conservative, freedom-loving Americans from the roles." He said Austin and other Democratic leaders are "vile and racist," describing them as "stinking" N-words.

"If it is a civil war they want, they will get it in spades," he wrote. "Perhaps the best way to pull us back from the brink is a good public lynching."

On Thursday, the Hampton GOP called on Dietrich to step down, reiterating the call on Friday—sharing a screenshot of the post. The local Republicans said Dietrich had used "abhorrent and unacceptable racist language that has no place in our Party or our Commonwealth." It said it immediately called on him to resign after learning of the post.

"In light of Mr. Dietrich's refusal to resign, the Hampton City Republican Party has asked the chief judge of the Hampton Circuit Court, the appointing authority for all electoral board members, to remove Mr. Dietrich from his position," the local Republican Party said.

Trouble in paradise over in Virginia for the GOP. They may end up having to KICK HIM OUT since he refuses to resign. He said Lloyd Austin is a n-word. Thoughts?!
Well---what exactly do you want to argue is wrong with what he had reportedly said...

Austin is corrupt, inept, traitorous, and awful------
Well---what exactly do you want to argue is wrong with what he had reportedly said...

Austin is corrupt, inept, traitorous, and awful------
No need to argue, your own party declared him a deplorable asshat and forced him out. 😄

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