Carter giver PETA anti-fishing ammunition


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Mar 28, 2004
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Apparently PETA has found an ally in Jimmy (The Peanut) Carter - who was never all that smart even BEFORE he turned senile. I found it amazing that PETA can characterize fish as "intelligent". But then I suppose that you have to consider their frame of reference. Taking into account the intellectual prowess of some PETA folks, I suppose that by comparison a fish is pretty damn smart.
PETA urges Jimmy Carter: Stop fishing
Ex-president described agony after being hooked in face

Posted: January 4, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is urging former President Jimmy Carter to stop fishing after he recently told the story of being accidentally hooked in the face during an angling outing.

On one of its websites,, PETA says that during an appearance on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," Carter described the accident.

"His painful ordeal ended when his bodyguard stood on his chest and yanked the embedded lure from his face – the agony and fear that he felt are quite familiar to any fish who has been hooked on a fisher's line," PETA said.
"stood on his chest and yanked the embedded lure from his face? What a load! I can see some secret service guy "standing" on Carter's chest and ripping a hook out of his face. Right.

The animal-rights group claims fish are intelligent creatures who feel pain, "and we expect that a compassionate world leader like President Carter will agree that they deserve to live in peace."

According to Reuters, PETA faxed a letter yesterday to Carter's nonprofit Carter Center appealing to him to give up fishing.

A Carter Center spokesman told the new service the center does not comment on Carter's private correspondence.

The hook incident wasn't the first fishing horror endured by Carter. In 1979, he claimed that during a fishing trip in April of that year he was attacked by a "killer rabbit" and was forced to beat back the animal with a canoe paddle. The president later laughed off the report, saying it was the creation of a group of White House reporters and staff members after a Saturday night of socializing.

Concluded PETA: "We hope that President Carter will make his next foray into the great outdoors without any deadly weapons."
Some of PETA's leaders also advocate that dogs are more important and
life worthy then retard kids.

You are still sleepy, want to get upset.

Well follow this link
aren't there some elephants in asia that need Peta?----starving dogs and cats ??---anything that will get them to go over there for awhile ??? Oh ya---those inconsiderate humans died and polluted the fishs' habitat !!
I like the little picture they put on the antipeta page

That is a picture of Ingrid Newkirk, the head of PETA; nothing more than an extremist. Don't fall for her BS image of "saving the animals." This is the same woman who urged Yasser Arafat to spare animals in suicide bombings, but could care less about the humans that were being killed. To show just how much of a crackpot this woman is, click the following link to see her afterlife requests:
nosarcasm said:
I like the little picture they put on the antipeta page

That is a picture of Ingrid Newkirk, the head of PETA; nothing more than an extremist. Don't fall for her BS image of "saving the animals." This is the same woman who urged Yasser Arafat to spare animals in suicide bombings, but could care less about the humans that were being killed. To show just how much of a crackpot this woman is, click the following link to see her afterlife requests:

Have you ever seen the Penn & Teller "Bullshit" episode that deals with PETA. The woman uses medication made from animal products to keep her alive, then in her hypocrisy says it is okay because she is working to make it so that nobody else can. The animals are "sacrificing" themselves for her so that she can continue the fight.
no but I do disriminate against Vegans. :poke:

I really have an adversion against persons that do not value
a human life and also act like they are morally superior.
I'll join PETA the day after lions create LETA (Lions for the Ethical Treatment of Antelope). Until then, I'm going to act just like the animals they care so much about and eat the meat of other animals.

Which reminds me, I have to take some chicken out of the freezer for dinner tonight!

If God had not intended us to eat animals, he would not have made them out of meat.
its like eddie griffin said about sex... if God didn't want us to be having it, he wouldn't made it so good.

and if we're not supposed to fish, lakes should never have been invented cause he's just trapping these tasty fish for us to eat.
now wait a minute....
peta doesnt want us eating meat of any kind, or hunting to get meat of any kind. so what actions are they going to take against wildlife when they hunt and eat meat?
when are these fuckers going to die so i can eat my steak in peace?
Mr. P said:
Nahhhhhhh...I think they just said,
"Damn, I'm staving, I'll eat anything".

Maybe they all sat around pulling straws.

The conversation in the background would be something like, "Psst. Hey, make sure Jax gets the short straw, he's fat and the meat would be much more tasty! Plus, don't we all like gravy?"
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