Cartels now use power tools to cut through border wall.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If there are no consequences, if there is no effort to take on the Cartels we will have an endless flow of unknown people entering the country. This is EXACTLY what Myorkas and the Democrats want. This is what Biden supporters are voting for. Think before you vote.

If there are no consequences, if there is no effort to take on the Cartels we will have an endless flow of unknown people entering the country. This is EXACTLY what Myorkas and the Democrats want. This is what Biden supporters are voting for. Think before you vote.

More likely those are Biden admin border patrol officers.
If there are no consequences, if there is no effort to take on the Cartels we will have an endless flow of unknown people entering the country. This is EXACTLY what Myorkas and the Democrats want. This is what Biden supporters are voting for. Think before you vote.

The US government has an army of drones.

Unfortunately, they are used to surveille law abiding citizens instead of the border.

All that open border and they decide to saw through one of the few places with a wall?

Methinks they are simply mocking the border wall advocates.

Really, what needs to be done is use drones to go after the cartels. It would be incredibly easy.

But the cartels own the Swamp and both parties, so that would be an issue.
The US government has an army of drones.

Unfortunately, they are used to surveille law abiding citizens instead of the border.

All that open border and they decide to saw through one of the few places with a wall?

Methinks they are simply mocking the border wall advocates.

Really, what needs to be done is use drones to go after the cartels. It would be incredibly easy.

But the cartels own the Swamp and both parties, so that would be an issue.
1800 miles of border?

You.might want to rethink.
If there are no consequences, if there is no effort to take on the Cartels we will have an endless flow of unknown people entering the country. This is EXACTLY what Myorkas and the Democrats want. This is what Biden supporters are voting for. Think before you vote.

A DeSantis administration would be at war with the Cartels, and clowns like the one cutting into our fence would be gunned down on the spot.
What bizarre fantasy.

He has stated that one of his objectives as President is to not only close the border but to go to war with the Cartels for the murder of US Citizens.

He is willing to fight to put US troops on the border and send US agencies after the cartels. In other words, he is willing to be an American president defending America.

Its a real shame that we have a President now who not only won't defend America, he can't even clean his own soiled ass.

He has stated that one of his objectives as President is to not only close the border but to go to war with the Cartels for the murder of US Citizens.

He is willing to fight to put US troops on the border and send US agencies after the cartels. In other words, he is willing to be an American president defending America.

Its a real shame that we have a President now who not only won't defend America, he can't even clean his own soiled ass.
You watch way too much TV. And DeSantis is saying dumbass shit to get the votes of people who watch too much TV.
You watch way too much TV. And DeSantis is saying dumbass shit to get the votes of people who watch too much TV.
Well, it's not as if you have an actual argument or anything, so I'll just let you think that. It costs Me no sleep because you are blind to the truth. Have a nice day.
Well, it's not as if you have an actual argument or anything, so I'll just let you think that. It costs Me no sleep because you are blind to the truth. Have a nice day.
Aganst the fantasy of DeSantis sensing our military to successfully secure an 1800 mile border?

No argument needed. It's absurd on its face, and you embarrass yourself to entertain this fantasy out loud.
Aganst the fantasy of DeSantis sensing our military to successfully secure an 1800 mile border?

No argument needed. It's absurd on its face, and you embarrass yourself to entertain this fantasy out loud.

With Democrats in charge its a fantasy that any border can be secured or defended. Their thought that the immigration system is broken is only that they can not admit enough people fast enough. !00K people O.D. from fentanyl that comes across the border each year and democrats feel like there's no action worth taking.

Hell, you must feel good about illegal immigrants crossing the border. You think thats giving people a better life? For every one that might get a job, someone else might get raped, might be being trafficked into some sort of slavery, might be forced to be carrying drugs for the cartels...etc and all the while drug cartels are profiting off the whole thing. Proving that they are smarter and more powerful than the U.S. government who is basically helpless to the Mexican drug cartels.

The combined effects of a wall, fencing, troops, border agents and surveilance technology could work.
simply doing nothing and not caring about all that human damage done is a crime. In the face of all this you still have Democrat politicians who want to fast track more immigrants here, while we still have illegal immigrants living here in refugee status with no where to go.
Its no wonder you will see more POOR american voters vote against Democrats this coming election. They have figured out people like Biden and Harris dont give a shit about them. Its only the well to do, rich Democrat voters who live in a bubble and affluent communities who are in love with these policies.

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