Carson's tax plan: The epitome of stupid, meaningless, babble.

I am so sick and tired of the same old bullshit messages the GOP expose every election. I don't get this need to feed corporations more tax free outlets just to keep these greedy bastards here in the US. They leave us to pay for cheap labor, what about this shit don't you conservatives get???? You could today tell every corporation on Wall Street, going forward, you pay no taxes at you think for a gotdamned second, they're gonna suddenly tell China goodbye and bring jobs back to this country? Hell to the fuckin NO and you idiots know this. Stop being so gotdamned stupid, please!!

At the end of the day, the Trump has slump, thank God and poor Uncle Tommy Ben, child you are too fuckin pathetic for should know these white folk ain't putting yo black ass in the white house, they just using your sorry ass as a shield to say all the nigga hatin shit, the white man can't say, don't be so stupid, nigga

Finally, everybody is talking about bringing back stability and calm to the US....Put it this way, when a democrat in office white people act a fool and when they're not, white people are happy, thus the calm. Gotta love these rednecks thats causing all the fucked up shit in this country while Obama's in office as with wanting calm and peace, get the fuck outta here, you people reeeeeeekkkkkk of chaos.
Racist, ignorant POS.
BTW, the thread you just posted on, the subject was talking about closing loopholes. Dumbfuck.

My bad, have a nice day and upcoming weekend. To tired to blast your ass, just got off from work.
Republicans won't shrink the government. They don't want to. They just want to shift money out of social programs and into the defense lobby's pocket.
its the same tax rhetoric from the right every election year ... bla bla bla

RW tax logic and math never add up ... ever.

I would not say that.

Also note, the right and moderates are normally the ones that show any kind of concern for revenue and budgets.

You have to empower budget hawks after Libs go buck wild with their programs. If Democrats could balance the budget without moderates/rightwingers, they could hold the White house longer than FDR.

Question for supporters of Carson's tax plan.

Does his 15% apply to your gross income, or are there exemptions, deductions, and credits?

1. If the latter, what are they?

2. If the former, do you all realize that's a big tax increase on millions of low to moderate income Americans?
Question for supporters of Carson's tax plan.

Does his 15% apply to your gross income, or are there exemptions, deductions, and credits?

1. If the latter, what are they?

2. If the former, do you all realize that's a big tax increase on millions of low to moderate income Americans?

Carson has already said that his plan is to close all loopholes and deductions.

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