Carson's tax plan: The epitome of stupid, meaningless, babble.

I am so sick and tired of the same old bullshit messages the GOP expose every election. I don't get this need to feed corporations more tax free outlets just to keep these greedy bastards here in the US. They leave us to pay for cheap labor, what about this shit don't you conservatives get???? You could today tell every corporation on Wall Street, going forward, you pay no taxes at you think for a gotdamned second, they're gonna suddenly tell China goodbye and bring jobs back to this country? Hell to the fuckin NO and you idiots know this. Stop being so gotdamned stupid, please!!

At the end of the day, the Trump has slump, thank God and poor Uncle Tommy Ben, child you are too fuckin pathetic for should know these white folk ain't putting yo black ass in the white house, they just using your sorry ass as a shield to say all the nigga hatin shit, the white man can't say, don't be so stupid, nigga

Finally, everybody is talking about bringing back stability and calm to the US....Put it this way, when a democrat in office white people act a fool and when they're not, white people are happy, thus the calm. Gotta love these rednecks thats causing all the fucked up shit in this country while Obama's in office as with wanting calm and peace, get the fuck outta here, you people reeeeeeekkkkkk of chaos.
Racist, ignorant POS.
BTW, the thread you just posted on, the subject was talking about closing loopholes. Dumbfuck.
There is no reason we should have almost a 4 trillion dollar budget. I believe he explained he would have to cut things. We don't need 500 government agencies either..
Whats the democrats tax plan?

Carson's "let's cut agencies" is about as a nickle payment on a car loan.
Really? Is this a joke or are you really this dense?

Really. Especially when he can't even identify any specific agencies he would cut. The vast majority of government spending comes from defense spending, Medicare, and Social Security. Even if a President went on a rampage to shut down a crap load of government agencies, their vital functions (and associated costs) would just be shifted to other agencies. Literally, the proposal is a nickel payment on a car loan. It won't even scratch the surface for our government spending.
Dude, I just showed how his plan saved a trillion dollars in one lick. ONE LICK. Try NOT being a partisan hack and READ IT AGAIN.
It amuses me that out of almost 500 govt agencies, we couldn't cut enough to make a dent.. How much of a statist ARE YOU?
I wonder if we cut credits and closed loopholes, how much revenue that would account for?
I know NPR stated that loopholes cost us a trillion. What about EIC?
There goes that need for 3.5 trillion :lol:


Why are there still deductions and loopholes in the proposed flat tax?

The 2.7 trillion calculation is without the deductions and loopholes. Add them in, you get less.

Remember, Carson applied his flat rate to the GDP and came up with 2.7 trillion. Deductions and Loopholes do not contribute to the GDP.

Carson is then forced to reduce the budget to below 2.7 trillion. It is 4.1 trillion. That is still 1.4 trillion in spending cuts--33% of the current budget.
Every new dramatic tax plan ends up being a shell game that benefits a certain group (usually big biz ).

The math almost never adds up either .
You know what it is. But it makes more sense so no one on the right likes it.

There is no reason we should have almost a 4 trillion dollar budget. I believe he explained he would have to cut things. We don't need 500 government agencies either..
Whats the democrats tax plan?
its the same tax rhetoric from the right every election year ... bla bla bla

RW tax logic and math never add up ... ever.
I wonder if we cut credits and closed loopholes, how much revenue that would account for?
I know NPR stated that loopholes cost us a trillion. What about EIC?
There goes that need for 3.5 trillion :lol:


Why are there still deductions and loopholes in the proposed flat tax?

The 2.7 trillion calculation is without the deductions and loopholes. Add them in, you get less.

Remember, Carson applied his flat rate to the GDP and came up with 2.7 trillion. Deductions and Loopholes do not contribute to the GDP.

Carson is then forced to reduce the budget to below 2.7 trillion. It is 4.1 trillion. That is still 1.4 trillion in spending cuts--33% of the current budget.
But it contributes to overall revenue. Very good point BTW
During last night's debate, Carson defended his "tithe style" tax plan, saying that it would easily pay for the cost of government. In doing so, he underscored his own flagrant stupidity on all things relating to governance, and the fact that his entire candidacy is based on saying things that he hopes people will like hearing, while having absolutely zero grip on reality.

According to Carson, his plan would involve a simple 15% flat tax. When challenged as to whether this would or would not result in a more than $1 trillion deficit as suggested by some he explained as follows: The US GDP is roughly $18 trillion. A 15% tax would thus equal roughly $2.7 trillion of the needed $3.5 trillion. Furthermore after the tax is levied against corporate profits, the remainder would be covered.

The ridiculousness of this is that GDP already includes corporate profits. Carson, therefore, is presuming that corporate profits be taxed twice, effectively a 30% corporate tax. Carson continued to explain that loopholes and deductions would need to be removed from the picture in order to make his tax plan work. As things currently stand, the US has a corporate tax scheme where rates are anywhere from 15% to 35% on profits. However, various loopholes and deductions result in lower effective tax rates, with some corporations accruing a $0 tax liability. Carson has stated before that he wants to lower corporate taxes, and yet it would in fact seem that he wants to quietly and secretly raise actual corporate taxes, because that is exactly the effect of what he is claiming regarding his tax plan.

Either that, or he's just a moron spouting meaningless babble.

"All that changed in the 1930s, but conservatives have continued to live the life of the lie ever since. They condemn socialism and preach the virtues of America’s “free enterprise system.” They falsely teach their children that America has always had a “free enterprise system” and still does. And then they ardently supporting and defending the Social Security and Medicare, as they did in last night’s debate, as well as farm subsidies, education grants, corporate bailouts, foreign aid, and the rest of the welfare (and warfare) state.".
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its the same tax rhetoric from the right every election year ... bla bla bla

RW tax logic and math never add up ... ever.

I would not say that.

Also note, the right and moderates are normally the ones that show any kind of concern for revenue and budgets.

You have to empower budget hawks after Libs go buck wild with their programs. If Democrats could balance the budget without moderates/rightwingers, they could hold the White house longer than FDR.
Dude, I just showed how his plan saved a trillion dollars in one lick. ONE LICK. Try NOT being a partisan hack and READ IT AGAIN.

Erm, no, you did not. What you posted was the amount of deductions and loopholes, based on our current tax system. Those do not translate into "savings" under Carson's plan.

Carson's plan is a 15% flat tax, with no loopholes or deductions. This is straight forward enough, and can be reasonably calculated in the way Carson did. That is, take the $18 trillion GDP and multiply that by 0.15, which yields an estimated $2.7 trillion in tax. I'll repeat the fact for emphasis that this is the amount after eliminating loopholes and deductions.

Saving money on things spent is not part of a tax plan.

It amuses me that out of almost 500 govt agencies, we couldn't cut enough to make a dent.. How much of a statist ARE YOU?

It has nothing to do with being a statist. I'm nothing of the sort. It has to do with where the spending is happening. Clearly, you don't actually know where the spending takes place. I've already told you, the bulk of government spending is on defense, Social Security, and Medicare.

In 2014 the government spent $3.5 trillion, which is also what Carson suggests to spend. Clearly, Carson does not plan to actually reduce spending. He's just saying that he will, to obfuscate the fact that his proposed tax plan does not add up. But let's imagine for a moment that Carson intends to reduce spending to $2.7 trillion. That would be a 23% reduction in spending. You really think that eliminating some indeterminate agencies will accomplish a 23% reduction?

Here's a pretty picture of how 2014's spending breaks down. Please, do explain exactly what agencies you would do away with, and how that will accomplish the aforementioned 23% spending reduction.

During last night's debate, Carson defended his "tithe style" tax plan, saying that it would easily pay for the cost of government. In doing so, he underscored his own flagrant stupidity on all things relating to governance, and the fact that his entire candidacy is based on saying things that he hopes people will like hearing, while having absolutely zero grip on reality.

According to Carson, his plan would involve a simple 15% flat tax. When challenged as to whether this would or would not result in a more than $1 trillion deficit as suggested by some he explained as follows: The US GDP is roughly $18 trillion. A 15% tax would thus equal roughly $2.7 trillion of the needed $3.5 trillion. Furthermore after the tax is levied against corporate profits, the remainder would be covered.

The ridiculousness of this is that GDP already includes corporate profits. Carson, therefore, is presuming that corporate profits be taxed twice, effectively a 30% corporate tax. Carson continued to explain that loopholes and deductions would need to be removed from the picture in order to make his tax plan work. As things currently stand, the US has a corporate tax scheme where rates are anywhere from 15% to 35% on profits. However, various loopholes and deductions result in lower effective tax rates, with some corporations accruing a $0 tax liability. Carson has stated before that he wants to lower corporate taxes, and yet it would in fact seem that he wants to quietly and secretly raise actual corporate taxes, because that is exactly the effect of what he is claiming regarding his tax plan.

Either that, or he's just a moron spouting meaningless babble.

"All that changed in the 1930s, but conservatives have continued to live the life of the lie ever since. They condemn socialism and preach the virtues of America’s “free enterprise system.” They falsely teach their children that America has always had a “free enterprise system” and still does. And then they ardently supporting and defending the Social Security and Medicare, as they did in last night’s debate, as well as farm subsidies, education grants, corporate bailouts, foreign aid, and the rest of the welfare (and warfare) state.".

So, not only do you fail to address the subject, you also copy/paste without citing your source. Awesome.
During last night's debate, Carson defended his "tithe style" tax plan, saying that it would easily pay for the cost of government. In doing so, he underscored his own flagrant stupidity on all things relating to governance, and the fact that his entire candidacy is based on saying things that he hopes people will like hearing, while having absolutely zero grip on reality.

According to Carson, his plan would involve a simple 15% flat tax. When challenged as to whether this would or would not result in a more than $1 trillion deficit as suggested by some he explained as follows: The US GDP is roughly $18 trillion. A 15% tax would thus equal roughly $2.7 trillion of the needed $3.5 trillion. Furthermore after the tax is levied against corporate profits, the remainder would be covered.

The ridiculousness of this is that GDP already includes corporate profits. Carson, therefore, is presuming that corporate profits be taxed twice, effectively a 30% corporate tax. Carson continued to explain that loopholes and deductions would need to be removed from the picture in order to make his tax plan work. As things currently stand, the US has a corporate tax scheme where rates are anywhere from 15% to 35% on profits. However, various loopholes and deductions result in lower effective tax rates, with some corporations accruing a $0 tax liability. Carson has stated before that he wants to lower corporate taxes, and yet it would in fact seem that he wants to quietly and secretly raise actual corporate taxes, because that is exactly the effect of what he is claiming regarding his tax plan.

Either that, or he's just a moron spouting meaningless babble.

"All that changed in the 1930s, but conservatives have continued to live the life of the lie ever since. They condemn socialism and preach the virtues of America’s “free enterprise system.” They falsely teach their children that America has always had a “free enterprise system” and still does. And then they ardently supporting and defending the Social Security and Medicare, as they did in last night’s debate, as well as farm subsidies, education grants, corporate bailouts, foreign aid, and the rest of the welfare (and warfare) state.".

So, not only do you fail to address the subject, you also copy/paste without citing your source. Awesome.


But you already knew that Republicans like to claim that in spite of the fact that half of the Communist Manifesto has been adopted that we still have Capitalism and Free enterprise.

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Of course. Carson's tax plan is a tax plan. It is the epitome of stupid, meaningless babble to a racist dipshit.

So, it's racist to point out that the GDP already includes corporate profits, and that what Carson is saying would mean up to a 45% effective tax rate on some corporations?
Wanting to elect Carson president because he's really good at brain surgery is like wanting to elect Geppetto president because of his awesome skill at building wooden puppets.
Wanting to elect Carson president because he's really good at brain surgery is like wanting to elect Geppetto president because of his awesome skill at building wooden puppets.

Worked well when Karl Rove sent GWB to the White House.
Brace yourself for "You just hate Carson because he's black" in five, four, three...

I guess it didn't pan out after all. We got one. But I think that all the Carson fanbois are too humiliated to even dare acknowledge this. The maths are so simple that even idiots can't deny the egregious failings of Carson's tax "plan."

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