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I'll have to remember that next time one Democrat says something monumentally stupid, ALL democrats agree and it's part of their platform.

Well at least your priorities are in the right place. :eusa_eh:

sorry, but based on many libtard posts today, that's how it's done. One person says something stupid, and the entire party is supposed to be blamed, held accountable and the stupidness is automatically party platform. Turnabout is fair play.


GOP's attempted distraction from the MediCare flips flops of last week and the "legitimate rape" platform positions of this week?

I'll have to remember that next time one Democrat says something monumentally stupid, ALL democrats agree and it's part of their platform.

Aren't Akins comments in line with legislation drafted previously by VP pick Paul Ryan?

Yeah, sure......uh-huh.

Strange how just about every lib on this site tries to project a stupid statement onto a different target, you know, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the Tea Party, Conservatives in general.....whoever is the current target of scorn.

Oh, don't forget Sarah Palin.

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