Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

yeah, that's working GREAT in Venezuela.

and considering Mylan is a foreign company, how do you propose nationalizing it?
Not the point, and you know it. The same meddlers "going after companies" are the same meddlers that set up the system to ensure the problem.

But hey, ad hominem attacks from a lefty. Who'd a thunk?

Again, are you one of these people who blame rape victims for wearing short skirts?

The problem is not the government making sensible regulations to govern drug manufacturing.

It's an unethical corporation ripping people off.


Which you'll defend to the hilt because "Freedom" or something.

Spoken like a true meddler who's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. You and your collectivist buddies are constantly upset with the results of the very policies you support and worse, you look to the very same statist fucks to fix the problem they cause in the first place.

It's mind boggling.

Sorry, but #1, you don't get to decide what a company charges for their product and #2, the price of drugs is directly related to the insane level of regulations imposed by the very people now bitching about the price of drugs. You're all out of your minds.

Oh, and your analogy is beyond stupid.

You've been brainwashed. Do you have an open mind and or willing to read something which will challenge your thinking, or are you one of the many willfully ignorant who hang out on this message board?

Drug company R&D: Nowhere near $1 billion.
They used to blame the president for stuff like this (if he was a republican). What do lefties do if the democrat candidate is so greedy that she accepted 350 grand for twenty minute speeches to wall street bankers and used her influence as secretary of state to pressure donors to give money to a crooked foundation? Shift the blame to drug companies? No surprises here.
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

A bottleneck,...ok, how does that happen?
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
They used to blame the president for stuff like this (if he was a republican). What do lefties do if the democrat candidate is so greedy that she accepted 350 grand for twenty minute speeches to wall street bankers and used her influence as secretary of state to pressure donors to give money to a crooked foundation? Shift the blame to drug companies? No surprises here.

Making an allegation is easy, posting facts to prove even the allegation are not, and proving such an allegaton beyond a reasonable doubt is a high hurdle for reasonable people; partisan hacks who are not too bright seem to have no trouble echoing propaganda as The Truth are not reasonable.
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

A bottleneck,...ok, how does that happen?

Mylan has an 85% market share of these devices. The patents on the medicine and the delivery mechanism ran out long ago. If you want to make a generic drug you have to go through an arduous FDA approval process, that takes years to clear. One manufacturer had to withdraw their product due to dosing issues (even WITH FDA approval), and another one was rejected.

Mylan saw a cornered market and took advantage of it. They created a name brand product in a generic market, and are charging name brand prices due to lack of competition.

The FDA could end this in a few months if they decided to streamline the approval process, but they can't, because bureaucracies are better at preventing progress then encouraging it.
American drug companies have the R&D capability to create some of the most remarkable drugs on the planet and low information idiots seem to think they should do it for free. The president promised us everything would be hunky dory if we ignored the fine print and signed on to his abomination of a health plan. He lied to us and low information idiots want to blame the insurance companies for being greedy. You almost gotta laugh the way low information quasi socialists dodge and weave to avoid blaming Obama for the mess the Country is in while they blame the innocent schleps who only want to make a buck.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

How are doctors and hospitals greedy?

How is big oil greedy?

Spending more than we bring in is how debt occurs.

While I'm not a big fan of lawyers, I thought whether or not you committed a crime determined guilt.

As for career politicians, that goes totally against what the founding fathers intended.

greed noun [ U ]
US /ɡrid/
strong desire to continually get more of something, esp. money:

He was motivated by pure greed.

Its sad how ppl dont know how things work and spew at the mouth and just support more of the same...greed, greed and more greed. Then blame it all on the working and poor for "living beyond their means". How ignorant.
Why are the oil co's greedy?? For taking billions and billions of dollars of welfare from taxpayers, for paying off politicians to start a bs war for oil where over a million muslems have been killed and god knows how many maimed and 5,000+ Americans dead and rising with over 30,000 maimed. Trillions of dollars in tax payers money gone to KBR, halliburton and about 75 other companies American and other country s too getting richer off our blood and their lies. All for profit while the profits they were making before the "war" were exorbitant to say the least. Everyone was making a ton of cash but it wasnt enough....THATS greed.
Ilk like you see where the country is going and just want more. More, more...more.
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We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

yeah, that's working GREAT in Venezuela.

and considering Mylan is a foreign company, how do you propose nationalizing it?
Nice cheat job cherry picking and using Venezuela as a fake example. There are many failed right wing nations. How about Nigeria? That's a right wing government in shambles even worse than Venezuela.

Mylan is an American company that moved their headquarters the the Netherlands so they could avoid paying any taxes. They want to be treated as an American company and they can still be regulated.

After Tax Inversion, Mylan Asks Not to Be Treated as Foreigner
American drug companies have the R&D capability to create some of the most remarkable drugs on the planet and low information idiots seem to think they should do it for free. The president promised us everything would be hunky dory if we ignored the fine print and signed on to his abomination of a health plan. He lied to us and low information idiots want to blame the insurance companies for being greedy. You almost gotta laugh the way low information quasi socialists dodge and weave to avoid blaming Obama for the mess the Country is in while they blame the innocent schleps who only want to make a buck.

Lmao...The insurance companies WROTE THE BILL! Thats why it doesnt work. Its not supposed to.
What were you saying about low information idiots?
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

How are doctors and hospitals greedy?

How is big oil greedy?

Spending more than we bring in is how debt occurs.

While I'm not a big fan of lawyers, I thought whether or not you committed a crime determined guilt.

As for career politicians, that goes totally against what the founding fathers intended.

greed noun [ U ]
US /ɡrid/
strong desire to continually get more of something, esp. money:

He was motivated by pure greed.

Its sad how ppl dont know how things work and spew at the mouth and just support more of the same...greed, greed and more greed. Then blame it all on the working and poor for "living beyond their means". How ignorant.
Why are the oil co's greedy?? For taking billions and billions of dollars of welfare from taxpayers, for paying off politicians to start a bs war for oil where over a million muslems have been killed and god knows how many maimed and 5,000+ Americans dead and rising with over 30,000 maimed. Trillions of dollars in tax payers money gone to KBR, halliburton and about 75 other companies American and other country s too getting richer off our blood and their lies.
Ilk like you see where the country is going and just want more. More, more...more.

Then the low income people are the greediest of all.

Where in the definition does it say greedy involves one person not doing with what they have in a manner a person that doesn't have it thinks they should?
I'm really amused by the phony outrage of these politicians who are the very people who have allowed companies like Mylan to have a monopoly on drug manufacturing. Of course, the ignorant masses won't understand this and chalk this up as another alleged failure of capitalism.

Oh, and by the way, Heather Bresch is the daughter of West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, because, you know, the Republicans are the party of corporate greed and the Democrats are all for the little guy :whip:

If I were you, I would not try to categorize Republicans like that or make greed out as necessarily a bad thing.

Democrats can buy into corporate greed also.

Umm yeah. That was my point....

What gave it away? The phoniness?
The days of the defense department spending $200 on a toilet seat are long gone but low information idiots still use the cliche. It's interesting that the quasi-socialists don't seem fazed by the president authorizing 400 million in cold cash shipped to a country that is known as a sponsor of terrorism. I guess it's easier to blame capitalists than to freaking think about issues.
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

Something made for one purpose can be used for something else. Look at that Shkreli mess, that because he bought the one maker of an old old drug, and because of the cost of getting a generic through the FDA, he was able to corner the market.

One does want to protect the public, but processes like the FDA drug approval process have gone beyond protecting people, and into the bureaucratic quagmire that comes with all processes that endure for too long.

The solution in both cases is to figure out a way to simplify (and thus cost reduce) the process of generic approvals in these cases, thus getting other manufacturers involved, and breaking the monopoly.
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?
Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
American drug companies have the R&D capability to create some of the most remarkable drugs on the planet and low information idiots seem to think they should do it for free. The president promised us everything would be hunky dory if we ignored the fine print and signed on to his abomination of a health plan. He lied to us and low information idiots want to blame the insurance companies for being greedy. You almost gotta laugh the way low information quasi socialists dodge and weave to avoid blaming Obama for the mess the Country is in while they blame the innocent schleps who only want to make a buck.
Make a buck... Or a couple billion

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