Cape Town was once a beautiful, safe city. Thanks to terrorist Mandela, it features violent crime.

Does anyone remember the Sun City MTV douchebag propaganda back in the day. That qu33rs like Michelle Jackson and other will not play a concert in South Africa until it is turned over to the savages? So sad. And the Black and Brown savagery will only increase until or unless Whitey respects the civilization he created and defends that civilization.
Hey, Capri, did you read the "70,000 Whites Murdered..."? Did you see the sidebar articles about how the USS Liberty sinking by Israel was covered up, or the one about Ghosts of Falujah, or US murders by GIs in the ME? Looks like you cherry-picked. This paper slanders the US as much as SA.
Hey, Capri, did you read the "70,000 Whites Murdered..."? Did you see the sidebar articles about how the USS Liberty sinking by Israel was covered up, or the one about Ghosts of Falujah, or US murders by GIs in the ME? Looks like you cherry-picked. This paper slanders the US as much as SA.
Yeah, I know that stuff's in there. The point of posting them was that the S. African genocide is in there but not in the major media. That's all. I didn't cherry pick -- all those links were just on the first page of results for "South Africa genocide."
Hey, Capri, did you read the "70,000 Whites Murdered..."? Did you see the sidebar articles about how the USS Liberty sinking by Israel was covered up, or the one about Ghosts of Falujah, or US murders by GIs in the ME? Looks like you cherry-picked. This paper slanders the US as much as SA.
Yeah, I know that stuff's in there. The point of posting them was that the S. African genocide is in there but not in the major media. That's all. I didn't cherry pick -- all those links were just on the first page of results for "South Africa genocide."
This article looks like an Alex Jones affiliate.
Letting Blacks run wild destroys what the West created.

South Africa was the only African country to have an immigration problem when it was white run. Blacks poured into apartheid SA from black African countries in such huge numbers it overwhelmed SA support agencies.

Not so much now. Whites are fleeing especially. The reasons cited are:
  • Safety – woman and child safety especially;
  • Lifestyle: climate, pollution, space, nature and scenery;
  • Financial concerns;
  • Schooling and education opportunities for their children;
  • Work and business opportunities;
  • Taxes;
  • Healthcare system;
  • Religious tensions;
  • Standard of living;
  • Oppressive government.
5 scary facts about emigration in South Africa

Looks like another leftist liberal success story.
plain and simple--Africa is a MEGA shithole--and it's NOT because of the whites
remember--this is fact--not hate
There is no white genocide in south Africa and furthermore violence has actually been reduced since Afrkkkaners were removed from power.

The number of farm murders in South Africa hit a 30-year low point in 2017-18, according to a report released by the South African Agricultural Industry (AgriSA) that cited South African police data. Overall, farm attacks have also been on a general decline after spiking in 2001-02 at 1,069, although since hitting a low point in 2013-14 that figure has been on the rise. (Recorded incidents include “murder, rape, robbery and causing bodily harm” and also “all violence aimed at destroying farm infrastructure and property with a view to disrupting legitimate farming activities,” according to AgriSA.)

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

The murder rate has more than halved

South African policemen walk at the exit of the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg following the attempted escape by two man found guilty for murdering reggae icon Lucky Dube in 2009. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

In 1994, South Africa's murder rate was 66.9 per 100,000 people, according to the Institute for Security Studies. In 2012-2013, it was 31.3 per 100,000 people, the South African Police Service said.

So while it is still extremely high (the US, in comparison, has a homicide rate of 4.7 per 100,000), South Africa has fewer than half the murders it did two decades ago.

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

Take that shit back to stormfront chump.
Letting Blacks run wild destroys what the West created.

South Africa was the only African country to have an immigration problem when it was white run. Blacks poured into apartheid SA from black African countries in such huge numbers it overwhelmed SA support agencies.

Not so much now. Whites are fleeing especially. The reasons cited are:
  • Safety – woman and child safety especially;
  • Lifestyle: climate, pollution, space, nature and scenery;
  • Financial concerns;
  • Schooling and education opportunities for their children;
  • Work and business opportunities;
  • Taxes;
  • Healthcare system;
  • Religious tensions;
  • Standard of living;
  • Oppressive government.
5 scary facts about emigration in South Africa

Looks like another leftist liberal success story.

The immigration problem began when the first whites got there.
There is no white genocide in south Africa and furthermore violence has actually been reduced since Afrkkkaners were removed from power.

The number of farm murders in South Africa hit a 30-year low point in 2017-18, according to a report released by the South African Agricultural Industry (AgriSA) that cited South African police data. Overall, farm attacks have also been on a general decline after spiking in 2001-02 at 1,069, although since hitting a low point in 2013-14 that figure has been on the rise. (Recorded incidents include “murder, rape, robbery and causing bodily harm” and also “all violence aimed at destroying farm infrastructure and property with a view to disrupting legitimate farming activities,” according to AgriSA.)

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

The murder rate has more than halved

South African policemen walk at the exit of the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg following the attempted escape by two man found guilty for murdering reggae icon Lucky Dube in 2009. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

In 1994, South Africa's murder rate was 66.9 per 100,000 people, according to the Institute for Security Studies. In 2012-2013, it was 31.3 per 100,000 people, the South African Police Service said.

So while it is still extremely high (the US, in comparison, has a homicide rate of 4.7 per 100,000), South Africa has fewer than half the murders it did two decades ago.

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

Take that shit back to stormfront chump.
The article is informative but doesn't break out the numbers -- black on white murders vs white on black vs black on black vs white on white. Therefore, it doesn't support your contention and isn't really relevant to a conversation about White Genocide in S.A. It's also 5 years old.
There is no white genocide in south Africa and furthermore violence has actually been reduced since Afrkkkaners were removed from power.

The number of farm murders in South Africa hit a 30-year low point in 2017-18, according to a report released by the South African Agricultural Industry (AgriSA) that cited South African police data. Overall, farm attacks have also been on a general decline after spiking in 2001-02 at 1,069, although since hitting a low point in 2013-14 that figure has been on the rise. (Recorded incidents include “murder, rape, robbery and causing bodily harm” and also “all violence aimed at destroying farm infrastructure and property with a view to disrupting legitimate farming activities,” according to AgriSA.)

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

The murder rate has more than halved

South African policemen walk at the exit of the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg following the attempted escape by two man found guilty for murdering reggae icon Lucky Dube in 2009. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

In 1994, South Africa's murder rate was 66.9 per 100,000 people, according to the Institute for Security Studies. In 2012-2013, it was 31.3 per 100,000 people, the South African Police Service said.

So while it is still extremely high (the US, in comparison, has a homicide rate of 4.7 per 100,000), South Africa has fewer than half the murders it did two decades ago.

20 years since apartheid: What's changed in South Africa, and what hasn't

Take that shit back to stormfront chump.
The article is informative but doesn't break out the numbers -- black on white murders vs white on black vs black on black vs white on white. Therefore, it doesn't support your contention and isn't really relevant to a conversation about White Genocide in S.A. It's also 5 years old.

It is and does. There is no conversation because there is no white genocide there.
White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche.

Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

The decision by Parliament this month to support a motion to review the possibility of changing the Constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation has brought into sharp focus how a calculated campaign to influence right-wing media is shaping some Western government decisions.

Last week, Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp publication The Daily Telegraph that he was considering fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers, who he said needed to flee “horrific circumstances” for a “civilised country”. He said the farmers “deserve special attention” because of land seizures and violence.

He stood by his comments this week, insisting that opposition has come from “crazy lefties”, who “are dead to me”.

The plight of white South African farmers had already been placed on the news agenda in Australia by two News Corp columnists, Miranda Devine and Caroline Marcus. Apart from entreating the Australian government to fast-track immigration for white South Africans, these columnists repeated a narrative that has grown popular in extreme rightwing publications — South African whites are under attack.

This narrative, fostered in fringe alt-right publications in the US and repeated in the Murdoch-owned mainstream press, has had a direct influence on the utterances of a senior Australian politician.

But it is not only in Australia where the alt-right media narrative is influencing politicians. There has also been more focus on white South African farmers in Europe, with right-wing politicians who have direct links to the alt-right in the US, calling on the European Parliament to intervene in South Africa. Anti-refugee political players in the United Kingdom have also been linked to the cause.

The centring of South Africa in the alt-right agenda can be traced to a Suidlanders tour of the US last year.

Speaking to the Mail & Guardian on Thursday, Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, said the promulgation of the message of South Africa’s “white genocide” to Europe and Australia could be directly attributed to his group’s protracted tour of the US last year.

He said some local government politicians and even some mayors in Australia have contacted the Suidlanders and offered to assist with funding and lawyers to process their refugee applications.

But Roche stressed that the Suidlanders are not interested in leaving South Africa. “We have no interest in immigration.”

He said, although the campaign to raise money in the US was not very successful — “we never made a breakthrough to high-powered guys with big bucks” — the response from the American and Canadian right-wing media was good.

The rest of the story.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond


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White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche.

Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

The decision by Parliament this month to support a motion to review the possibility of changing the Constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation has brought into sharp focus how a calculated campaign to influence right-wing media is shaping some Western government decisions.

Last week, Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp publication The Daily Telegraph that he was considering fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers, who he said needed to flee “horrific circumstances” for a “civilised country”. He said the farmers “deserve special attention” because of land seizures and violence.

He stood by his comments this week, insisting that opposition has come from “crazy lefties”, who “are dead to me”.

The plight of white South African farmers had already been placed on the news agenda in Australia by two News Corp columnists, Miranda Devine and Caroline Marcus. Apart from entreating the Australian government to fast-track immigration for white South Africans, these columnists repeated a narrative that has grown popular in extreme rightwing publications — South African whites are under attack.

This narrative, fostered in fringe alt-right publications in the US and repeated in the Murdoch-owned mainstream press, has had a direct influence on the utterances of a senior Australian politician.

But it is not only in Australia where the alt-right media narrative is influencing politicians. There has also been more focus on white South African farmers in Europe, with right-wing politicians who have direct links to the alt-right in the US, calling on the European Parliament to intervene in South Africa. Anti-refugee political players in the United Kingdom have also been linked to the cause.

The centring of South Africa in the alt-right agenda can be traced to a Suidlanders tour of the US last year.

Speaking to the Mail & Guardian on Thursday, Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, said the promulgation of the message of South Africa’s “white genocide” to Europe and Australia could be directly attributed to his group’s protracted tour of the US last year.

He said some local government politicians and even some mayors in Australia have contacted the Suidlanders and offered to assist with funding and lawyers to process their refugee applications.

But Roche stressed that the Suidlanders are not interested in leaving South Africa. “We have no interest in immigration.”

He said, although the campaign to raise money in the US was not very successful — “we never made a breakthrough to high-powered guys with big bucks” — the response from the American and Canadian right-wing media was good.

The rest of the story.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Very interesting. Definitely worth looking into further. Thank you.
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White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche.

Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

The decision by Parliament this month to support a motion to review the possibility of changing the Constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation has brought into sharp focus how a calculated campaign to influence right-wing media is shaping some Western government decisions.

Last week, Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp publication The Daily Telegraph that he was considering fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers, who he said needed to flee “horrific circumstances” for a “civilised country”. He said the farmers “deserve special attention” because of land seizures and violence.

He stood by his comments this week, insisting that opposition has come from “crazy lefties”, who “are dead to me”.

The plight of white South African farmers had already been placed on the news agenda in Australia by two News Corp columnists, Miranda Devine and Caroline Marcus. Apart from entreating the Australian government to fast-track immigration for white South Africans, these columnists repeated a narrative that has grown popular in extreme rightwing publications — South African whites are under attack.

This narrative, fostered in fringe alt-right publications in the US and repeated in the Murdoch-owned mainstream press, has had a direct influence on the utterances of a senior Australian politician.

But it is not only in Australia where the alt-right media narrative is influencing politicians. There has also been more focus on white South African farmers in Europe, with right-wing politicians who have direct links to the alt-right in the US, calling on the European Parliament to intervene in South Africa. Anti-refugee political players in the United Kingdom have also been linked to the cause.

The centring of South Africa in the alt-right agenda can be traced to a Suidlanders tour of the US last year.

Speaking to the Mail & Guardian on Thursday, Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, said the promulgation of the message of South Africa’s “white genocide” to Europe and Australia could be directly attributed to his group’s protracted tour of the US last year.

He said some local government politicians and even some mayors in Australia have contacted the Suidlanders and offered to assist with funding and lawyers to process their refugee applications.

But Roche stressed that the Suidlanders are not interested in leaving South Africa. “We have no interest in immigration.”

He said, although the campaign to raise money in the US was not very successful — “we never made a breakthrough to high-powered guys with big bucks” — the response from the American and Canadian right-wing media was good.

The rest of the story.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Very interesting. Definitely worth looking into further. Thank you.

You're welcome.

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