Candy-Girl: Casino/Lounge [iPhone Spook-Tales?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA media-and-tech themed crime-story inspired by The Net.

Does TrumpUSA remind you of a 'Detective-Rapture' (compared to, say, Reagan's America)?

Will TrumpUSA generate social-network oriented 'insanity spook-tales' for critical gossip/folklore? How will archaeologists in the future weigh the sociological value of TrumpUSA toys and chemicals?

Since this is a sociology-tabloid, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but what do you think?

What makes you feel like a Steve Martin citizen of TrumpUSA and what makes you feel like an Ichabod Crane citizen of TrumpUSA (hehe)?

Anyone a fan of the film Johnny Mnemonic?

Cheers (signing off),



"My name is Candy, but I go by the Vegas showgirl alias 'Candy-Girl.' I've been dancing/performing in Vegas lounge-stageshows for 3 years now, and I truly love my job. There's something completely immersing about being in a casino in Vegas as a witness of the lights and fantasies and American daydreams about quick fortune and tasty shrimp buffets. This seems like a giddy life for me, and it really is, but I harbor a deep and dark secret. One of my favorite toys is my Apple iPhone which I use to take photos of patrons/customers at our Vegas casino lounge. There's a reason I collect these photos, which is what I'm relating to you in this 'TrumpUSA testimony'."


"My iPhone is slick and stylish and a cool cream-white in color. I've had it for 4 years now, and I really love my iPhone. I use it to call my mom and sister and friends of course and I also use it to connect to people I'm trying to meet on social-networking/dating sites since I have an awesome modern Internet-browser. I've used my iPhone to take photos of patrons/customers at the Vegas lounge I perform in every since I began work at the casino as a flowery showgirl named 'Candy-Girl'."


"The Vegas casino I work in is lush and dazzling, which is why I find it ideal as an attractive venue that draws in a cross-section of humanity which I find people to 'select' as my 'photo-people.' It's a strange imagination I have regarding this 'ant-like' neon traffic certainly symbolic of the commerce and media gum of TrumpUSA. We've had multiple celebrities come into our Vegas lounge, and I once noticed Goldie Hawn and Dean Cain at one of our shows."


"I take these photos of the people I encounter and I make giant albums/collections on my handy-dandy iPhone. These albums are dear to me and I consider them my perception of the magic and daily buzz of modern society, of American, and of course, of 'TrumpUSA.' Now, I'll relate to you my deep and dark secret...about what I do with these photos. My iPhone photo-albums perfectly my capture my intent to freeze-frame the Vegas-traffic that dazzles my sense of American flavor. The secret (dark) I harbor has to do with who I select from my albums as my 'pedestrian targets'."


"Ever since I was a young girl, I've loved Marvel Comics characters and stories. These days, it seems there're countless comics-adapted films being made in Hollywood (USA) by big-time film-makers such as Christopher Nolan and Sam Raimi and starring big-time movie-stars like Gary Oldman, Gal Gadot, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ben Affleck. When I was somewhat younger, I came across the Marvel Comics super-villain Menace, a very eerie witch-looking androgynous hellraising jet-glider soaring terrorist and mayhem-messenger. I decided I wanted to 'become' Menace, somehow and in some way. I decided my iPhone album of Vegas pedestrians would help me achieve this dark 'fantasy'."


"I've achieved this dark fantasy. I put on a eerie serial-killer oriented face-mask, a clear-plaster and plastic 'dollface' mask. It makes me look like the 'evil version of Candy-Girl.' So I select people from my iPhone Vegas photo-album to invite to my private hotel-room, entreating them with great alcohol and decent marijuana. When they enter my room, they notice I ('Candy-Girl') am wearing my dollface mask and sometimes only a bikini. I invite them to sit down on the bed next to me and I get them very drunk/high. Sometimes, I give my male guests oral sex, and sometimes I do the same for my more attractive female guests/invitees. I then slit their throat with a Swiss army-knife I keep in my purse. I dump their bodies in the hotel basement furnace-heater chamber, and no one can track me. I've killed 20 people in just 2 years now."


"I'm being tracked by an ambitious Vegas homicide detective named Jim Starles who believes the strange and unexplained disappearances of random patrons/customers at the Vegas casino I work at is related to a series of murders. You see, I cut my victims' bodies up with a saw I hide in my bathroom after I kill them and clean everything up and put the cut up body-parts into a large bag which I carry down into the furnace-heater chamber in the hotel basement. Detective Starles is a clever and handsome young 'cop' and I liken him to some shrewd Scotland Yard policemen you see on media-photos or in culture-magazines. Starles doesn't understand that my victims represent my anti-social urge to create random and shadowy crime-mysteries in TrumpUSA."


"I don't think they'll ever catch me, and I believe this, because I sincerely believe that the pedestrian patrons/customers in my Vegas casino I 'select' as my victims are ignored by God who 'allows' random TrumpUSA citizens to simply 'indulge' in consumerism/recreation amenities with a hidden 'sneer' towards the morality of capitalism itself. You see, I'm something of an Apocalypse-philosopher, and my ultimate goal is to walk into NYC one day carrying a large bag of explosives to completely destroy the subway system. Once I accomplish that final task, I'll take a suicide sleeping-pill and slip into Hell and merge with my Marvel Comics 'inspiration' --- the eerie/ugly and anti-social Menace. Then, people will say that the flowery of TrumpUSA and the light of NYC was 'moistened' and 'strangled' by a mysterious and venomous(!) 'anti-traffic Candy-Girl'."


STARLES: I'm grateful we captured 'Candy-Girl.'
REPORTER: But you're sorry the damage is done?
STARLES: It took us a while to uncover her furnace-burning murder-deeds in Vegas!
REPORTER: Well, you couldn't stop her from blowing up the New York subway-system.
STARLES: Yes, that was a failure/tragedy as well...
REPORTER: What led you to her?
STARLES: I trekked to New York to chase her after getting a tip from her 'iPhone party.'
REPORTER: What did she say to you when you caught her?
STARLES: She was wearing her 'dollface' mask and said, "You've arrested Menace!"
REPORTER: Who's 'Menace,' Detective Starles?
STARLES: Menace is Candy-Girl's 'dark inspiration' (her own words).
REPORTER: So 'Candy-Girl' the sociopathic Vegas-showgirl believes she's Menace!
STARLES: That's right; I'm headed to a Yale-tech conference in two weeks.
REPORTER: What's that all about, detective?
STARLES: The conference will address the use of modern tech in crime-solving.
REPORTER: Well, I'm sure you'll have input, since you used Candy-Girl's iPhone!
STARLES: That's right; this is one of those 'TrumpUSA iPhone spook-stories.'
REPORTER: I wonder how many of such 'tales' we'll see in the 21st Century.
STARLES: Who knows? Candy-Girl/Menace believes she's a 'prophetess.'
REPORTER: Of the Apocalypse or something?
STARLES: Yes, apparently she thinks TrumpUSA is a sign of 'gambler's-venom.'
REPORTER: Are you demoralized?
STARLES: No, there are always pro-American angels and demons...
REPORTER: Thank goodness for that 'utilized iPhone' (for your case).
STARLES: God bless America!




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