Cancel Culture: Trans Group gets De-transitioner Movie cancelled

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” was set for initial release on June 21 in dozens of theaters across the country. Producers of the film say AMC caved to the pressure of a de-platforming campaign by a transgender group called the Queer Trans Project, which has not had access to view the full film.

A site for the film describes “No Way Back” as a 90-minute documentary that “cites 45 peer-reviewed medical and journalist articles” and hears from five de-transitioners.

One person in the film, a 26-year-old man named Abel, spoke to The Daily Wire about his transition to female as a teenager and then his de-transition.

“I would tell anyone who wants to transition, especially the young boys who think life would be easier because they are the perfect image of a masculine male, that the transition will not save them. It would actually destroy their lives. Actually, take a step back and think about this for a while. And even if that is what they think they want— the actual negative side effects, nobody will tell you.”

A young woman named Laura took a high dose of testosterone and removed her healthy breasts by way of a double mastectomy before de-transitioning at 22 years old.

“I’m a very vocal advocate of complete bans for transition procedures for minors, both medical and social, because children are not developed,” Laura said. “They do not have the brains or bodies to be able to make long-term decisions about their reproductive and sexual health, and they just are not able to consent to these long-term procedures.”

The Queer Trans project, though, claims the film is “anti-trans” and “perpetuates harmful misinformation.” The group campaigned for allies to send its sample letter to AMC with the goal of de-platforming “No Way Back.”

So here’s the deal:
1. A documentary was made about the reality of detransitioners, backed by medical professionals and multiple detransitioners, who warn of the bad consequences they now live with.

2. Without seeing the movie, a trans group pressured AMC to cancel the movie

3. AMC folded.

4. suffering victims of the consequences of trans ideology were silenced. No compassion by the trans community for those who suffer.

What a horrible group of people who would act to censor peoples lived experiences.
So they want to hide the fact that transgenders are a miserable bunch of people.

BTW: Are they ever going to release the Nashville shooter's Trannyfesto? Inquiring minds want to know.
So they want to hide the fact that transgenders are a miserable bunch of people.
If that movie using ACTUAL TRANSGENDER PEOPLE was in anyway positive or supportive of the gender change, do you think they would be doxxing AMC with threats to shut it down? If I were the head of AMC, I would have told these people: "OK, Here's the deal. I will give you a chance to produce an equal film showing all the good things and happy people and success stories of transgenderism and we will air it in all the same selected theaters for free!"

Only, we both know these idiots would have passed on that deal because they couldn't FIND any happy people or success stories showing the before and after that they would dare air to the rest of the country!

BTW: Are they ever going to release the Nashville shooter's Trannyfesto? Inquiring minds want to know.
Never. It obviously contained more happiness and success than people like you know how to handle. :uhh:
How do these degenerate queers have such influence in the first place? They are not disproportionately wealthy, their population is tiny, they cannot even swing elections, yet liberals flock to their unhealthy and dangerous cause. It defies all logic.
No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” was set for initial release on June 21 in dozens of theaters across the country. Producers of the film say AMC caved to the pressure of a de-platforming campaign by a transgender group called the Queer Trans Project, which has not had access to view the full film.

A site for the film describes “No Way Back” as a 90-minute documentary that “cites 45 peer-reviewed medical and journalist articles” and hears from five de-transitioners.

One person in the film, a 26-year-old man named Abel, spoke to The Daily Wire about his transition to female as a teenager and then his de-transition.

“I would tell anyone who wants to transition, especially the young boys who think life would be easier because they are the perfect image of a masculine male, that the transition will not save them. It would actually destroy their lives. Actually, take a step back and think about this for a while. And even if that is what they think they want— the actual negative side effects, nobody will tell you.”

A young woman named Laura took a high dose of testosterone and removed her healthy breasts by way of a double mastectomy before de-transitioning at 22 years old.

“I’m a very vocal advocate of complete bans for transition procedures for minors, both medical and social, because children are not developed,” Laura said. “They do not have the brains or bodies to be able to make long-term decisions about their reproductive and sexual health, and they just are not able to consent to these long-term procedures.”

The Queer Trans project, though, claims the film is “anti-trans” and “perpetuates harmful misinformation.” The group campaigned for allies to send its sample letter to AMC with the goal of de-platforming “No Way Back.”

So here’s the deal:
1. A documentary was made about the reality of detransitioners, backed by medical professionals and multiple detransitioners, who warn of the bad consequences they now live with.

2. Without seeing the movie, a trans group pressured AMC to cancel the movie

3. AMC folded.

4. suffering victims of the consequences of trans ideology were silenced. No compassion by the trans community for those who suffer.

What a horrible group of people who would act to censor peoples lived experiences.
We are living in a nightmare. I never imagined in a million years the left would fall off the edge of the Earth. It must be flat after all.
We are living in a nightmare. I never imagined in a million years the left would fall off the edge of the Earth. It must be flat after all.
The telling thing to me is how the group that cancelled it cited “harmful information”…

Yes, information can be “harmful”. LOL

They are like cigarette companies who wanted to suppress the harmful effects smoking did. They have no compassion for these victims, and aggressively act to silence them
Yep. No more AMC movies. They're on the verge of bankruptcy anyway, they'll go under because of this.

I remember when AMC first came out, they ONLY played true classic films, then later towards the end of my flirt with cable TV, AMC was playing most anything that was at least a few years old.
Suicide rates 19% higher among trans people. And yet AMC caves. So be detransitioners out there now a days.

AMC abruptly cancels film documenting journey of detransitioners after backlash

Laura Becker, who is featured in the film, called out the 'dangerous precedent' on 'Fox & Friends'

AMC Theaters has abruptly canceled screenings of a documentary film showcasing the experiences of detransitioners following a campaign by a transgender group to have the film pulled.

"No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care" shares the stories of five young detransitioners and insight from a dozen medical experts on the "harm" being posed by health care providers pushing transitions.

Producers of the film claim AMC shelved screenings scheduled to begin June 21 after intense pressure from a group called the Queer Trans Project, which did not have access to view the full documentary.
So it's ok to parade around and promote complete lies like trans women are real women, but it's not ok to tell the truth about what happens to a lot of those fake women?

It's ok to to promote harmful things to children, but it's not ok to warn about harmful things to children.

Lying is fine but truth is bad. Fucking up a good portion of a generation is good, but protecting them is bad.
Suicide rates 19% higher among trans people. And yet AMC caves. So be detransitioners out there now a days.

AMC abruptly cancels film documenting journey of detransitioners after backlash

Laura Becker, who is featured in the film, called out the 'dangerous precedent' on 'Fox & Friends' AMC Theaters has abruptly canceled screenings of a documentary film showcasing the experiences of detransitioners following a campaign by a transgender group to have the film pulled.

"No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care" shares the stories of five young detransitioners and insight from a dozen medical experts on the "harm" being posed by health care providers pushing transitions.
Producers of the film claim AMC shelved screenings scheduled to begin June 21 after intense pressure from a group called the Queer Trans Project, which did not have access to view the full documentary.
What "intense pressure" could stop producers from launching a blockbuster movie?
A movie that would save thousands of lives?
Who with a conscience could buckle to a bunch of deviants?
Someone else needs to pick up that ball.
A group of churches should take it over and run it.
What "intense pressure" could stop producers from launching a blockbuster movie?
A movie that would save thousands of lives?
Who with a conscience could buckle to a bunch of deviants?
Someone else needs to pick up that ball.
A group of churches should take it over and run it.
Threats from the Biden Administration?
So it's ok to parade around and promote complete lies like trans women are real women, but it's not ok to tell the truth about what happens to a lot of those fake women?

It's ok to to promote harmful things to children, but it's not ok to warn about harmful things to children.

Lying is fine but truth is bad. Fucking up a good portion of a generation is good, but protecting them is bad.

Yeah, I don't get how the medical profession has stooped to this level of abuse. Turning so many people and children into Frankenstein's.
And on top of that, with the suicide rates climbing, the rate of detransitioning climbing, information like this documentary is being squelched. Seems to be turning into some epidemic that's affecting a LOT of people and children, and yet, it continues like it's a normal thing.

It's mind bending.
Yeah, I don't get how the medical profession has stooped to this level of abuse. Turning so many people and children into Frankenstein's.
And on top of that, with the suicide rates climbing, the rate of detransitioning climbing, information like this documentary is being squelched. Seems to be turning into some epidemic that's affecting a LOT of people and children, and yet, it continues like it's a normal thing.
It's mind bending.
WTF happened to "FIRST DO NO HARM"? (The Hippocratic Oath)

When Republicans take back DC in 2025 one new law needs to be to stop butchering young kids, no transitioning before age 18.
Yeah, I don't get how the medical profession has stooped to this level of abuse. Turning so many people and children into Frankenstein's.
And on top of that, with the suicide rates climbing, the rate of detransitioning climbing, information like this documentary is being squelched. Seems to be turning into some epidemic that's affecting a LOT of people and children, and yet, it continues like it's a normal thing.

It's mind bending.
It is the result of the faddish nature of what's going on now. True dysphoria cases are rare, but kids today see transitioning as a way to get positive attention and don't understand the permanent nature of the change. Then, when they get out of the school environment and still don't feel good about themselves, they can't go back.
It is the result of the faddish nature of what's going on now. True dysphoria cases are rare, but kids today see transitioning as a way to get positive attention and don't understand the permanent nature of the change. Then, when they get out of the school environment and still don't feel good about themselves, they can't go back.

Well said.


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