Cancel Culture is destroying America

The term "Cancel Culture" simply gives a specific name to the act of weaponizing Political Correctness.

So the Big Two illiberal strategies used by the illiberal elements of the Left (mostly) -- Identity Politics and Political Correctness -- now have a third, Cancel Culture.
The term "Cancel Culture" simply gives a specific name to the act of weaponizing Political Correctness.

So the Big Two illiberal strategies used by the illiberal elements of the Left (mostly) -- Identity Politics and Political Correctness -- now have a third, Cancel Culture.

Oh, no, is Vichy Mac back to whining about the PC Police because HR had a talk to him about that joke he told that someone didn't find funny.

It isn't "Cancel Culture". It's "Consequence Culture".

If the government were throwing Colin Kapernick or Gina Carano in jail for expressing opinions, I'd be right there with you buddy. That's wrong.

But if their employers decide, "Meh, you're making us look bad, after we gave you those hefty paychecks, so we aren't going to employ you anymore."
The term "Cancel Culture" simply gives a specific name to the act of weaponizing Political Correctness.

So the Big Two illiberal strategies used by the illiberal elements of the Left (mostly) -- Identity Politics and Political Correctness -- now have a third, Cancel Culture.

Oh, no, is Vichy Mac back to whining about the PC Police because HR had a talk to him about that joke he told that someone didn't find funny.

It isn't "Cancel Culture". It's "Consequence Culture".

If the government were throwing Colin Kapernick or Gina Carano in jail for expressing opinions, I'd be right there with you buddy. That's wrong.

But if their employers decide, "Meh, you're making us look bad, after we gave you those hefty paychecks, so we aren't going to employ you anymore."
Kaep and Carano aren’t the same. NFL didn’t fire Kaep. He sucked and wasn’t signed. Carano was fired as admitted by Disney due to pressure from the far left. When employers are bullied it’s different than if employers just dislike the employee. That being said they have every right to do what they did. Those who don’t like it are allowed to state as such and also not buy their product. I have Cancelled by ESPN+ and my kids are almost out of the Disney stage so next year I ll cancel my subscription there as well. I am only one person but hopefully others will do the same.
The term "Cancel Culture" simply gives a specific name to the act of weaponizing Political Correctness.

So the Big Two illiberal strategies used by the illiberal elements of the Left (mostly) -- Identity Politics and Political Correctness -- now have a third, Cancel Culture.

Oh, no, is Vichy Mac back to whining about the PC Police because HR had a talk to him about that joke he told that someone didn't find funny.

It isn't "Cancel Culture". It's "Consequence Culture".

If the government were throwing Colin Kapernick or Gina Carano in jail for expressing opinions, I'd be right there with you buddy. That's wrong.

But if their employers decide, "Meh, you're making us look bad, after we gave you those hefty paychecks, so we aren't going to employ you anymore."

First of all, Colin Kapernick and Gina Carano were NOT doing anything to make anyone look bad.
In fact, what they did and said was totally correct and an attempt to improve the world.
Second is that firing someone IS like putting them in jail, in that you are deliberately causing them great harm.

Employers should have to be much more careful than that in how they arbitrarily fire people without at all understanding the details.
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.

The fact it did not work does not mean the attempt to cancel people and their opinions was not attempted.
I am not even saying that you can not fire people for saying racist or harmful things, but that people like Carano were not actually saying anything remotely controversial or harmful, so then the attempt to prevent those views from getting out were illegal.
What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.

No he's not the stupid one here.

"Cancel culture" is yet another stupid FOX News bullshit notion like the "War on Christmas". This is a deflection from the Republicans lack of ideas, plans and or the ability to run the country without crashing the economy, and putting millions out of work.
What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.

No he's not the stupid one here.

"Cancel culture" is yet another stupid FOX News bullshit notion like the "War on Christmas". This is a deflection from the Republicans lack of ideas, plans and or the ability to run the country without crashing the economy, and putting millions out of work.
Then why is Bill Mahar talking about it? Is he a FoxNews shill?
I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

I totally agree, Azog. JoeB, Mac and Candycorn are totally shameless leftist mind rot assholes! The rest of us realize that cancel is as Unamerican as it gets and all those for the totalitarian fascist culture will be livid if and when it is turned around and used on them!
What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.

No he's not the stupid one here.

"Cancel culture" is yet another stupid FOX News bullshit notion like the "War on Christmas". This is a deflection from the Republicans lack of ideas, plans and or the ability to run the country without crashing the economy, and putting millions out of work.
Um, did you not see what I posted? It was the opposite of Fox. It was on Real Time with Bill Maher? A Liberal. Are you ever not an ignorant Jew hating witch? The video is right in the OP?
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.
What does that have to do with the OP and the video I posted? So you think Maher is making it up?
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.
What does that have to do with the OP and the video I posted? So you think Maher is making it up?

It is a response to the ridiculous idea of a "cancel culture". It is an opinion as valid as Mahers.
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.
What does that have to do with the OP and the video I posted? So you think Maher is making it up?

It is a response to the ridiculous idea of a "cancel culture". It is an opinion as valid as Mahers.
Maher's comes with facts that 80% of the population believes our PC culture sucks. When Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro agree on something we should all listen. You're part of the problem and you don't even see it. Wow
It's time to cancel this talk of 'cancel culture'

What, exactly is cancel culture?​
Is it someone getting fired for harassment or problematic views? No, that's a workplace doing its job.​
Is it a popular figure losing fans or affiliations because of their past actions? No, that's the power of public opinion.​
Is it a company choosing not to publish a book, or a group of people boycotting a brand? No, that's just the free market at work.​
Cancel culture, as it's understood today, isn't real. Not only do people and things allegedly "canceled" by this imaginary movement often prevail in the end, the whole concept is a smoke screen to distract from actual systemic forces of suppression.​

Let's take a look at some recent victims of so-called cancel culture.​
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the group that handles the iconic author's legacy, announced a handful of his titles, out of dozens, will no longer be printed or sold because of racist depictions. These books are not illegal to own, and in fact, many libraries have said they are actively finding ways to keep these titles on their shelves with context around their troubling content.​

Still, some people cried "cancel culture" and within days, mainstream Seuss titles like "The Cat in the Hat" were topping bestseller lists.​

Bestselling country artist Morgan Wallen faced criticism after he was caught saying a racial slur on camera. Some radio stations decided to stop playing his songs, but they climbed up the Spotify charts nonetheless, and his album sales and social media followers skyrocketed. So far, his career has certainly not be canceled.​

Neither were the careers of Lana Del Ray, Doja Cat, Camila Cabello, Justin Bieber or other singers accused of racist speech.​
Gina Carano, who played a supporting role on Disney's "The Mandalorian," was fired after comparing the treatment of conservatives to the Holocaust.​
She's not banned from getting work, and in fact has already landed herself another gig -- funded by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.[...]​

There is accountability. There are legal repercussions. There are tides of public opinion and the pull of the free market. There are also longstanding institutional structures that serve to suppress and threaten those who act against the interests of those with power.​

None of this is cancel culture.
What does that have to do with the OP and the video I posted? So you think Maher is making it up?

It is a response to the ridiculous idea of a "cancel culture". It is an opinion as valid as Mahers.
Maher's comes with facts that 80% of the population believes our PC culture sucks. When Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro agree on something we should all listen. You're part of the problem and you don't even see it. Wow
And yet conservatives fail time and again to provide an example of someone ‘canceled.’

Indeed, those subject to criticism for their comments or actions are not only not ‘canceled,’ but they continue to flourish and thrive.

The fact remains that ‘cancel culture’ is a myth – a rightwing contrivance intended to foment baseless controversy and conflict and further divide the American people, perceived by the right as politically beneficial.

That Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro might agree on something demonstrates only that both are wrong.

What’s harmful to the nation is rightists advancing the lie that conservatives live in perpetual fear that at some point they’re be ‘targeted’ by the ‘liberal elite’ for ‘cancelation.’

‘Cancel culture’ is nothing but a dishonest variation on the conservatives as ‘victims’ lie.
What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.

No he's not the stupid one here.

"Cancel culture" is yet another stupid FOX News bullshit notion like the "War on Christmas". This is a deflection from the Republicans lack of ideas, plans and or the ability to run the country without crashing the economy, and putting millions out of work.
Then why is Bill Mahar talking about it? Is he a FoxNews shill?
Because he’s an insult comedian who wants to be funny at others expense without it backfiring when he crosses a line. Nope. Everyone has to live with consequences. Just a different motivation of Fox News but same goal.
Kaep and Carano aren’t the same. NFL didn’t fire Kaep. He sucked and wasn’t signed.

Actually, he was blackballed because of collusion amongst the owners, and the NFL settled when called upon it.

Carano was fired as admitted by Disney due to pressure from the far left.

Actually, she wasn't 'fired", she just didn't get a new contract, and the decision not to give her one was probably made before this incident.

When employers are bullied it’s different than if employers just dislike the employee. That being said they have every right to do what they did.

How is it different? Frankly, public corporations SHOULD be subject to public pressure. But merely firing someone because you don't like them, workers should have more protections than that.

hose who don’t like it are allowed to state as such and also not buy their product. I have Cancelled by ESPN+ and my kids are almost out of the Disney stage so next year I ll cancel my subscription there as well. I am only one person but hopefully others will do the same.

Disney and the rest of Hollywood have decided they don't care about what little the right pays for entertainment.
Maher's comes with facts that 80% of the population believes our PC culture sucks. When Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro agree on something we should all listen. You're part of the problem and you don't even see it. Wow

Nope, it just shows a term like "Political Correctness" has negative connotations. In reality, nobody wants to work with a screaming bigot of homophobe, and most people are okay with firing them.

What does that have to do with the OP and the video I posted? So you think Maher is making it up?

Maher is still whining because 20 years ago, he got "cancelled" after praising the courage of terrorists and calling our soldiers "cowards".

First of all, Colin Kapernick and Gina Carano were NOT doing anything to make anyone look bad.
In fact, what they did and said was totally correct and an attempt to improve the world.
Second is that firing someone IS like putting them in jail, in that you are deliberately causing them great harm.

Employers should have to be much more careful than that in how they arbitrarily fire people without at all understanding the details.

I don't see how Mannish Woman was making the world a better place by using False Godwins, spreading conspiracy theories against Covid or being a transphobic twat.
The term "Cancel Culture" simply gives a specific name to the act of weaponizing Political Correctness.

So the Big Two illiberal strategies used by the illiberal elements of the Left (mostly) -- Identity Politics and Political Correctness -- now have a third, Cancel Culture.

Vichy Mac is still upset he got fired for telling that not-funny joke about PMS.

Yes, if you put negative labels on something, then you can make it a negative.

Calling the reality of racial inequity in this country "Identify Politics" makes it look bad, and relieves you of the responsibility to fix the problem.

Calling not being a racist jerk and watching what you say "Political correctness" normalizes the behavior.

And calling holding people accountable for what they do and say "Cancel Culture", allows you to claim 'victimhood'.


"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted." - Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza, by Dr. Donald Henderson et al, 2006
(Dr. Henderson led the successful effort to eradicate smallpox)
This anesthesiologist shows how worthless face masks are:

“Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS!” - Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, Feb 29, 2020


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