Cancel Culture = Fascist Culture


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.
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Thing I've noticed a pinch OT is PROGS no longer defend themselves. Assuming they might it's out of context or just labeling, nothing rational.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice.
I get Rand... I'd vote for Rand... But Ben Carson? *shivers*

Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.
Oh boy.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. If one of these worthless fucks were to catch on fire, I would throw gasoline on them. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?
Ummm... Yes.. They do seem to try to silence those they disagree with. However it's more the really far left that does this. You will find some intelligent democrats here on these forums. You'll also find some social retards as I like to call them. If all you see is social retards, you aren't looking hard enough.

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.
Enjoy your stay.
Gee, I thought y'all were about solving problems with grassroots action, with minimal government interferance. Guess that sh~t changed...
Here are lots of examples of the cocksucking cancel culture at work.

So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.'ll be tough to get that 10.
You should offer to coach him up.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.'ll be tough to get that 10.
You should offer to coach him up.

Why, he's one of yours. Dont' shirk your responsibility on others. Of you want a job done right, do it yourself.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.'ll be tough to get that 10.
You should offer to coach him up.

Why, he's one of yours. Dont' shirk your responsibility on others. Of you want a job done right, do it yourself.

Sorry...but I'll leave to you,the expert.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.'ll be tough to get that 10.
You should offer to coach him up.

Why, he's one of yours. Dont' shirk your responsibility on others. Of you want a job done right, do it yourself.

Sorry...but I'll leave to you,the expert.

Nah, my class is already overcapacity and there is no room for an RtWingNutjob Party of the Rumpers.
So, before any of you think I was and am a Trump or nothing bot, think again. I used to be Libertarian before switching to American Independent. During the Republican primaries I was hoping for either Ben Carson or Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee, Trump was my 3rd choice. Make no mistake about it, I fully support Trump and will do my part to help him get a 2nd term. Hopefully after Trump, Rand Paul will be the next president. Until then, Trump has my full support.

When I post, what makes me unique is I can express my opinion in a highly articulate way without using any vulgarity, or I can put up a post that has more vulgarity than one desires. Well, this is going to be one of those vulgarity laced posts, that is just the mood I happen to be in.

The cancel culture, what a collection of fascist fucking worthless pieces of America-hating shit they are. These worthless pieces of fucking shit are the perhaps the most hard core fascists ever known. If a person is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engles, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev and other worthless piles of shit like them, then you have no right to free speech, let alone the right to exist on this planet. The cancel culture is a radical, extremist, tyrannical communist hate culture with absolutely zero tolerance for anyone with a differing point of view. So, what the fuck are they afraid of. If these worthless piles of shit are so secure in their beliefs, why are they such fucking snowflakes in regards to those who see them for the fucking piles shit they are? If these worthless, just shit out pieces of shit were so confident in righteousness, why are they so adamant in silencing and boycotting anyone who disagrees with them? Well, let't put it this way, if you are part of the cancel culture, you are fucking spineless chickenshit coward who couldn't fight their way out a wet roll of toilet paper. You are worthless fucking pile of hateful intolerant shit. What are you afraid of? Why must you silence those you disagree with?

As for me, I have no problem with those who disagree with my opinions expressing themselves. That is what America is all about. The 1st Amendment is not about protecting popular, or supposed popular free speech, it is to protect all free speech. Somehow with the fucking pussies in the cancel culture, this very basic, easy to understand concept is completely beyond their comprehension, empathy, morality and civility - which proves if one is with the cancel culture, they are a worthless fascist, pile of shit. These worthless fucks are never to be mistaken for what is a true liberal, because true liberal will disagree with someone, but will fight for that person's right to disagree with them. Fuck the cancel culture, go move to Venezuela where your type of thinking is prevalent. Fuck off cancel culture, you are worthless shit that would make a sewer smell like a bed of roses.

Sorry, but you have to do better than that to get a daily fruitcake award. On the Fruitcake scale you only registered a 3.'ll be tough to get that 10.
You should offer to coach him up.

Why, he's one of yours. Dont' shirk your responsibility on others. Of you want a job done right, do it yourself.

Sorry...but I'll leave to you,the expert.

Nah, my class is already overcapacity and there is no room for an RtWingNutjob Party of the Rumpers.

I'm sure there's not.
It's no surprise a fruitcake class would be full of liberals.

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