Canadians think the sun and moon are planets | Family Feud Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
First, Canadians like to pretend we are superior to Americans. So much smarter, we laugh and mock Americans as if we are a nation of rocket scientists. I challenge Canadians when they do this and it only frustrates them. I'll ask them the most simple of questions about Canada such as our history, former PMs or even our Charter of Rights. I tell them, "even a moron in America knows SOMETHING about their own history (at least for now, until some try to destroy this history)"

We definitely are NOT smarter or superior. It's a major reason our economy is finished and keeping G7 status for us is going to be a long term challenge. Creepy, unaccountable police states get what they deserve in this global economy: the bone, while others get steak.

Not only did both of these guys choose moon and then sun as planets. The guy who chooses sun is actually proud, and in his typical arrogant Canadian fashion he says "it's a planet, I betcha others agree. It's a sun to me!" He is defensive about it, not joking, he is arguing that it is a planet for the world to see.

Unbelievably 4 Canadians thought the moon was a planet and 6 others thought the sun was. Our education system that rewarded the least impressive among us while we lose our top talent.

It's a 5 min long video, watch it all the way through for a laugh.

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If the Sun and Moon revolve around these people then I suppose they really are planets.
That seems to be the case maybe? :p
First, Canadians like to pretend we are superior to Americans. So much smarter, we laugh and mock Americans as if we are a nation of rocket scientists. I challenge Canadians when they do this and it only frustrates them. I'll ask them the most simple of questions about Canada such as our history, former PMs or even our Charter of Rights. I tell them, "even a moron in America knows SOMETHING about their own history (at least for now, until some try to destroy this history)"

We definitely are NOT smarter or superior. It's a major reason our economy is finished and keeping G7 status for us is going to be a long term challenge. Creepy, unaccountable police states get what they deserve in this global economy: the bone, while others get steak.

Not only did both of these guys choose moon and then sun as planets. The guy who chooses sun is actually proud, and in his typical arrogant Canadian fashion he says "it's a planet, I betcha others agree. It's a sun to me!" He is defensive about it, not joking, he is arguing that it is a planet for the world to see.

Unbelievably 4 Canadians thought the moon was a planet and 6 others thought the sun was. Our education system that rewarded the least impressive among us while we lose our top talent.

It's a 5 min long video, watch it all the way through for a laugh.

Americans are the worlds dumbest folks
Americans are the worlds dumbest folks
Yet we built the most powerful nation on the planet in a handful of generations while the rest of the world was in stark declines.
Only less than 5 percent did that
Yet we had the highest literacy rates in the world, our extreme advancement happened so fast, so quickly how we outpaced the rest of the world it forced the entire world to abandon their old monarchy based classist societies. America's example literally improved the entire world.

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