Canada pretends it wants "free trade" when we engage in anything but


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So, we keep telling the world, like any good back stabbing socialist would: "don't be protectionist, the world needs to be a free market (supposedly so Canada can bribe, steal and assault their economies). However, in Canada we don't even have free trade across provincial lines!

We have protectionism and heavy state control of: dairy, lumber, our television content some even State run with Chinese subsidies (CBC and Huawei). In NAFTA Canada has exceptions for "cultural" issues. Meaning, "we want to spread our socialism onto you America, we don't want you to spread individual liberty onto us".

We have complete barriers and oligarchs in our banking system, what we call the Big Five (CIBC, RBC, TD Bank, Bank of Montreal, Scotia Bank). We have excessive taxes and tariffs, including an absurd $20 limit on buying U.S items over the net duty free, while America has an $800 limit for their citizens. I could literally list hundreds of State owned operations, this, on top of our very active and broad covert apparatus against Canadian and foreign companies here.

So, the bottom line is, and Americans should ask themselves this often as Canadians are doing of late, "just why does Canada pretend it wants a free trade agreement?"

Canada has only an interest in protecting certain classes, some of these classes, the Security Apparatus, work very hard in an effort to defend their OWN interests, along with their pay Masters. Canadians, always get the shaft.

I pay $4.50 for cheap milk at the store, I think it's a 4 litre bag, I am told the equivalent in the U.S if $2 or less. We pay $1.99 for cheap dozen eggs, I am told in the U.S you can get it for .67. You understand what is going on here? IN the free market we have choices, as many as possible, in crony capitalism designed to defend low performers, you have state dictated choices. As one might experience in Russia or China.

I hope Trump stands his ground on this, and if need be, applies tariffs to cars. I guarantee, if he doesn't get a quick deal within a week with ALL U.S demands after applying this tariff, the other outcome would be 200k jobs returned. Trudeau cannot survive if the U.S hits us with a tariff. He will also be doing Canada an amazing favor as the biggest benefactor would be Maxine Bernier, Canadas first rebellious libertarian who left the Conservatives after getting shafted.

Any rise of Berniers stock is good for Canadian liberty.
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Why do you hate Canada so much ?

I laughed at your comment not because it was particularly funny but it was quite fitting, without going into details.

I don't hate Canada, Canada and the covert police hate me, as they hate America, and my love and respect for America (and Canadian soldiers, which I would never turn my back on). I'm relying on my brothers and sisters in the U.S (and some in Europe) to listen and understand so that the massive price I and my family have paid won't be in vain. It's not just my story, but a stark warning of what awaits you if you embrace socialism.

Canada is going to need some tough love from America. It will force us to capitalism and some semblance of liberty. Anyone who tells you differently about Canada is welcome to speak to me.
Thank you for posting.

To this day, I do not understand why we get news about Mexico and the rest of the world but almost not a single word in the media about Canada.
I don’t think he lives here at all. I think he’s a paid Rusduan poster who’s job it is to provoke bad feelings between Canada and the US.

He pretends to have all this secret inside information on Canadian business and trade between Canada and the US but everything he posts about Canada is total bullshit.

Especially his crap about CSIS and the Mounties terrorizing his life.

There is nowhere in Canada you can buy milk for $3.99 a bag, for starters. And there’s no such thing as “cheap milk”. If our shocked Canadian friend were really Canadian, he would know that the Canadian Milk Marketing Board ensures a much higher quality of milk with no human growth hormones, or antibiotics. American milk has both. that’s why it’s cheaper.

If we allow cheap American milk to flood our markets, our farming industry and food independence would be affected.

Canadians vehemently oppose many of the corporate farming practices currently in use in the US, especially in the field of animal husbandry and cash crops.

If Shocked Canadian were really a Canadian, he would be pushing hard for protection for our Canadian farmers from the worst abuses of Monsanto, destruction of bee colonies, and infusing our foods with unnecessary and unhealthy growth hormones.

He would be protective of our farmers and our hone grown products.
I don’t think he lives here at all. I think he’s a paid Rusduan poster who’s job it is to provoke bad feelings between Canada and the US.

He pretends to have all this secret inside information on Canadian business and trade between Canada and the US but everything he posts about Canada is total bullshit.

Especially his crap about CSIS and the Mounties terrorizing his life.

There is nowhere in Canada you can buy milk for $3.99 a bag, for starters. And there’s no such thing as “cheap milk”. If our shocked Canadian friend were really Canadian, he would know that the Canadian Milk Marketing Board ensures a much higher quality of milk with no human growth hormones, or antibiotics. American milk has both. that’s why it’s cheaper.

If we allow cheap American milk to flood our markets, our farming industry and food independence would be affected.

Canadians vehemently oppose many of the corporate farming practices currently in use in the US, especially in the field of animal husbandry and cash crops.

If Shocked Canadian were really a Canadian, he would be pushing hard for protection for our Canadian farmers from the worst abuses of Monsanto, destruction of bee colonies, and infusing our foods with unnecessary and unhealthy growth hormones.

He would be protective of our farmers and our hone grown products.

lol, you must be some wealthy lady from Oakville or something. Milk is $4.27 for 4 litres where I live, the cheap stuff, as I can't bring myself to pay $6-$7 for filtered, "quality" milk.
I don’t think he lives here at all. I think he’s a paid Rusduan poster who’s job it is to provoke bad feelings between Canada and the US.

He pretends to have all this secret inside information on Canadian business and trade between Canada and the US but everything he posts about Canada is total bullshit.

Especially his crap about CSIS and the Mounties terrorizing his life.

There is nowhere in Canada you can buy milk for $3.99 a bag, for starters. And there’s no such thing as “cheap milk”. If our shocked Canadian friend were really Canadian, he would know that the Canadian Milk Marketing Board ensures a much higher quality of milk with no human growth hormones, or antibiotics. American milk has both. that’s why it’s cheaper.

If we allow cheap American milk to flood our markets, our farming industry and food independence would be affected.

Canadians vehemently oppose many of the corporate farming practices currently in use in the US, especially in the field of animal husbandry and cash crops.

If Shocked Canadian were really a Canadian, he would be pushing hard for protection for our Canadian farmers from the worst abuses of Monsanto, destruction of bee colonies, and infusing our foods with unnecessary and unhealthy growth hormones.

He would be protective of our farmers and our hone grown products.

lol, you must be some wealthy lady from Oakville or something. Milk is $4.27 for 4 litres where I live, the cheap stuff, as I can't bring myself to pay $6-$7 for filtered, "quality" milk.

I’m a retired pensioner living on a fixed income in small town Ontario. I’m the one who said that milk was $4.27 at Food Basics and Walmart. You pegged it at $3.99.

Filtered milk is a racket but so are the steriods and growth hormones in American milk.

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