Canada News


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick rely on equalization while shunning resource development
We hear so little about our neighbors to the north that I thought I'd share this story. The Equalization Policy surprised me – distributing money from wealthier provinces to poorer ones. Show a major difference between their system and ours. Some form of socialism?
Read more and decide for yourselves @
If I'm going to hear news about Canada, I want it to be about something serious. Noteworthy.


The equalization payments do not offset the lost revenue from natural resources. Newfoundland developed its offshore oil industry and incomes have gone up.

The two Maritime provinces are choosing to be poor.
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick rely on equalization while shunning resource development
We hear so little about our neighbors to the north that I thought I'd share this story. The Equalization Policy surprised me – distributing money from wealthier provinces to poorer ones. Show a major difference between their system and ours. Some form of socialism?
Read more and decide for yourselves @

They pull that shit here in Texas for the school systems.
They call it the Robin Hood plan...I call it bullshit.
The equalization payments do not offset the lost revenue from natural resources. Newfoundland developed its offshore oil industry and incomes have gone up.

The two Maritime provinces are choosing to be poor.
If only the U.S. would open eastern and western seaboards to O&G E&P, including the eastern GOM... all of America would benefit.

'Merka, fuck yeah. :thup:
^ You are obsessed with the idea of polluting this world with oil and gas.

Future belongs to clean energy sources like solar, wind, nuclear, hydro, bio, etc.

(I just realized it is Christmas and I should not have been that harsh on you :))
We moved from Toronto to the Niagara Peninsula a little over a year ago. We're 10 minutes from Lake Erie.

There are dozens of windmills all around us. They're big business here, except our Township Mayor persists in her opposition to windmills. The grounds for such opposition are noise (they're very quiet), and danger to health. I have many friends and clients living near windmills and no one has reported a single health issue.

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