Canada faces 'danger' from Muscovy , intelligence chief warns


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
BOMB the horde with Oil - Gas sanctions , ulus will never get it mongols respect only the power !!!

"Canada faces 'danger' from Muscovy , intelligence chief warns

There is a "clear and continuing danger" from "significant and sustained foreign interference" in Canadian public life, the chair of the country's parliamentary intelligence oversight committee has told the BBC.

David McGuinty MP was speaking as his committee published its annual report which includes a detailed outline of the threat and recommendations for how government should respond.

The interference takes a number of forms including targeting the electoral process, government decision-making, academic and media freedoms. Two countries, Russia and China, are singled out as responsible. Russia and China have always denied the allegations of interference.

Mr McGuinty's comments come as a report on Russian interference drawn up by the UK's equivalent body - the Intelligence and Security Committee - has not been published despite being completed a year ago.

The threat of foreign interference while real, was often hidden, the committee's new report argues, pointing to a range of activities....
The committee also looked at how other allies are dealing with the issue - the US has had the most high-profile case of foreign interference with intelligence and law enforcement officials saying Russia tried to influence the 2016 presidential election.

But Australia is described as at the "forefront" of Western nations in dealing with the issue.

Mr McGuinty pointed to the way in which Australia had put in place a strategy, a co-ordinator and a task force with a significant budget attached as well as passing new laws to criminalise certain acts.

A report from the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee which covered Russian interference was completed last March and delivered to the prime minister in October but was not published before the election.

Canada facing 'danger' posed by China and Russia

Sadly, our government has rarely listened to these warnings. The U.S needs to lean on us as well to make sure we take it seriously.

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