Can You Get Monkey Pox Off Of Contaminated Surfaces?

Prolly all bullshit like everything else they spew.
It seems very odd what with the "sanitize everything" craze during the covid that you are seeing shit-all (no pun intended) about the fudge-packers leaving their nastys behind on surfaces.

Its almost like the dems want it to spread.....You do you but I'd be wary about using public "facilities".

That and given how the sick fucks act these days I'd not be surprised if they left behind their little "gifts" on purpose.

Can you get monkeypox from surfaces? Here's what one study found.

Yes, you can get monkeypox off of surfaces - like the surface of a penis on the surface of your rectum.
According to CDC it takes a prolonged direct contact with infected area. So no, a causal contact with a surface would be very unlikely to infect you but anything is possible.

Most of the sanitizing in public places is done as a statement to customers that their establishment is a clean healthy place to shop or dine. Although sanitizing surfaces is not need to prevent Monkey Pox, it will prevent other diseases. Some diseases spread by indirect contact are minor such as Pink-eye, Head Lice, and Roseola but others such as Rubella, Tetanus, and Ebola are not.

Sanitation is a good thing just as masks in crowed places are. If everyone took pains to avoid diseases, we could reduce our need for healthcare services.

The wearing of masks and sanitation during 20-21 has radically reduce many airborne disease such has the Flu and other diseases spread by thru the air, indirect contact and direct contact.
According to the CDC, the Fauci virus was only spread by large droplets and not vapor. They used that lie to mask the world and put them into panic to allow lockdowns and universal mail in voting in the United States.

What do you want to bet more of the same is coming in November?
According to the CDC, the Fauci virus was only spread by large droplets and not vapor. They used that lie to mask the world and put them into panic to allow lockdowns and universal mail in voting in the United States.

What do you want to bet more of the same is coming in November?
That would be dumb. According to the CDC the virus remains viable on the surface of mail-in voting boxes for week and months.
Why would you have gay sex in a public toilet?
You sound like you are cruising for another pickup. Careful. You could end up like the singer from Wham, George Michael, busted for lewd acts in public toilets and public parks. You should control your urges, better. Nobody cares what you do, but you should not advertise on the internet.

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