Can we stop pretending Trump is fit to be president?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.
I think it's sad that countries like New Zealand, Finland, and Austria can elect Millennials to be their prime ministers, but here in the United States we're saddled with a couple of mentally addled dinosaurs as our two major party candidates.
Can we stop pretending that The Washington Post is a real newspaper, and admit its kept in business by its owner simply to represent the Democratic Party and attack Donald Trump.

All such articles as these should be deemed campaign ads for Siffin Joe.
Much to the chagrin of Breitbart..
I think it's sad that countries like New Zealand, Finland, and Austria can elect Millennials to be their prime ministers, but here in the United States we're saddled with a couple of mentally addled dinosaurs as our two major party candidates.
with age comes wisdom,,,
‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.

So are you still pretending that Hillary Clinton would have made a decent President?

What about Joe Biden? It would take some serious industrial-grade suspension of disbelief to actually believe he's presidential material. Or you'd just have to be plain old crazy to believe that.

I think it's sad that countries like New Zealand, Finland, and Austria can elect Millennials to be their prime ministers, but here in the United States we're saddled with a couple of mentally addled dinosaurs as our two major party candidates.
Now this is an honest post and true. Baby Boomers need to give up the ghost on power.

The OP is true IMHO. Trump manifests the worst attributes of the Baby Boomer generation combined with mental instability. Biden is far from perfect but he’d be better for the country. We do need younger leadership. No doubt about it.
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‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.

Opinion from the notorious Trump hating Leftist Newspaper, the same newspaper who continually ignore a lot of exculpatory evidence of his innocence and regularly mislead readers on what Trump actually states.

‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.
We aren't pretending, rapist.

in fact, Trump is like Wayne Gretzky, he skates to where the puck is!
They really need to put his ass back out in the pasture and get someone who can control themselves.
And that's obviously NOT this guy:



DONALD TRUMP, the most successful president who JUST HAD TO GO despite a record economy, record employment, record wages, record progress on trade, national security and crime, just because he's NOT THE GUY THE DEMs WOULD HAVE IN OFFICE constantly exposing all of THEIR foibles! :21:
‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.

What kind of assnine OP is that?
‘If you gave many Republicans in Washington truth serum, they’d say, “Of course [Trump’s] unfit to be president. Of course he’s corrupt, of course he’s incompetent, of course he’s the most dishonest person ever to step into the Oval Office. But I can live with that, because him being reelected means Republicans keep power, we get more conservative judges and we get all the policies we favor.”’

Needless to say, Trump supporters would never acknowledge these facts, they’re just as dishonest and corrupt as Trump.
He’s the greatest president and general in the history of America.. democrats Are suffering from TDS because Trump is doing the greatest job in the history of this country
I think it's sad that countries like New Zealand, Finland, and Austria can elect Millennials to be their prime ministers, but here in the United States we're saddled with a couple of mentally addled dinosaurs as our two major party candidates.
Trump hasn't got anything wrong with his cognitive functioning. Except for the ADD and the personality disorder, he's functioning on all cylinders.

And Biden being mentally addled is just campaign mud slinging. Hillary wasn't a dying drunk, either. If you listen to Biden's interviews, he can at least describe his platform with more words than "Beautiful, believe me."

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