Can we get a Fed Investigation into the Teachers Union


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
probably could fill the prisons with NEA pedos
probably could fill the prisons with NEA pedos
Nope. All Federal investigators are fully occupied investigating Donald Trump.
hey dumbass the vids are right there from tik tok and twitter......derp derp derp

Moonbattery? explains why people are so easily led by the nose. Moonbattery? LOL........did you send them a donation like the site advertises for all over?
probably could fill the prisons with NEA pedos
Lol go fuck yourself, creep.

Send the feds to investigate nothing. Ridiculous.
probably could fill the prisons with NEA pedos
Yup. I've come to the same conclusion about the NEA: it is a communist snake that has wrapped itself around our educational system at all levels, from Federal to State to Local. They have no legal basis, yet have grown to control the functioning of all of our educational systems. Right out of the communist playbook about how they planned on taking over our free society.

By all rights, the NEA is a monopoly. It should be treated as such and broken up. If anyone had the balls and the standing to tackle it.
Yup. I've come to the same conclusion about the NEA: it is a communist snake that has wrapped itself around our educational system at all levels, from Federal to State to Local. They have no legal basis, yet have grown to control the functioning of all of our educational systems. Right out of the communist playbook about how they planned on taking over our free society.

By all rights, the NEA is a monopoly. It should be treated as such and broken up. If anyone had the balls and the standing to tackle it.
The NEA is a monopoly? Since when did the AFT cease to exist? What about all the other ones?
The NEA is a monopoly? Since when did the AFT cease to exist? What about all the other ones?
The AFT doesn't lobby for educational material to be changed, they are a labor union and lobby on behalf of the teachers to keep them well paid. The NEA lobbies specifically for radical, fundamental changes in the material our kids are taught. Besides, for all I know, they work hand in hand. Follow the money.
The AFT doesn't lobby for educational material to be changed, they are a labor union and lobby on behalf of the teachers to keep them well paid. The NEA lobbies specifically for radical, fundamental changes in the material our kids are taught. Besides, for all I know, they work hand in hand. Follow the money.
Oh, please! Randi Weingarten is the PRESIDENT of the AFT!

You apparently know nothing about teacher's unions. Please keep your ignorant mouth closed!
probably could fill the prisons with NEA pedos
If You're Not a Union Man, You're Not a Man at All. You Are a Manservant.

Another dishonest attempt by corporate parasites and their bootlickers on the Netrix to associate all unions with evil deeds so they can again pay slave wages.
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If You're Not a Union Man, You're Not a Man at All. You Are a Manservant.

Another dishonest attempt by corporate parasites and their bootlickers on the Netrix to associate all unions with evil deeds so they can again pay slave wages.
No, it's not corporate parasites that do's government parasites that cause that. Bad companies that don't take care of their employees rarely succeed, since, in a free society, the best workers will simply go somewhere better. Obviously, successful, good companies that do take care of their employees are not the problem.

But when the government reaches into your pocket and takes 50% of what they find, telling you all the while "sorry bud, it's the law", *THAT* my friend is a problem.

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