Can we finally bury the myth Democrats are smarter?

I don't see either candidate worse or better than the other.

Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Name one.

Only one?

1) She's got Executive experience (one thing that you right-wing whackos rambled on and on and on about Obama having a lack of, yet somehow with Trumpy it no longer matters).

Executive Experience? You mean her disastrous record as Secretary of State? You mean selling her office for cash?
There are two, both are Republican/libertarian. You expected me to read your mind? Really? Are you a chick? Really

Only one stood on the Libertarian ticket. The other Republican only. A kiwi has to educate you on this? Really? You're not that bright, are you?

Rand ran for Presidnet this year, Ron didn't. Rand also presents himself as Republican/libertarian. Rand is in the Senate, Ron has no office now. So you are a chick who expects mind reading
Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life. She is not an honest woman. She is a 1%er, for the 1%er. She is the best of friends with Wall St. She makes great deals for Hillary, no one else.

I agree with some of what you say. However, that in no way negates what I have said in regard to Hillary vs Trump.[/QUOTE]

You said Trump is infinitely worse, you have not proved it. I see them as about the same except I think Trump is more honest and trustworthy than Hillary. So really you have helped me to push the scales in favor of Trump, yet I won't vote for either.
I don't see either candidate worse or better than the other.

Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Name one.
He stiffs his workers.

He stiffs veterans until he was shamed into keeping his promise.

He doesn't believe in the minimum wage.

He doesn't believe in safety regulations.

He doesn't believe in paid family leave.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was only supposed to name one.

Hillary won't tell the truth.

Was for Iraq until she was against it.

Was against gay marriage before she was for it.

Was for NAFTA before she was against it.

She lied so she could bomb Libya.

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

Was pro gun before she was against it.

Against illegal immigration before she was for it.

Uses a fake southern accent when campaigning in the south.

The lady will lie and switch her position on issues for political gain.

No core principles.

I could go on for quite awhile but you are dense and only believe spoon fed Democratic propaganda.

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Provide links for all of the above. Take your time...

So are you going to ask rdean to provide links? I didn't think so.

What and learn, Hillary is a liar, pure and simple. You can not trust her and if you do, you are dumber than a box of rocks.

You said Trump is infinitely worse, you have not proved it. I see them as about the same except I think Trump is more honest and trustworthy than Hillary. So really you have helped me to push the scales in favor of Trump, yet I won't vote for either.

Ok ok, according to you they are, as unlikely as it actually is, exactly equal.

Now the question again:

Who are you voting for?
Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Name one.
He stiffs his workers.

He stiffs veterans until he was shamed into keeping his promise.

He doesn't believe in the minimum wage.

He doesn't believe in safety regulations.

He doesn't believe in paid family leave.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was only supposed to name one.

Hillary won't tell the truth.

Was for Iraq until she was against it.

Was against gay marriage before she was for it.

Was for NAFTA before she was against it.

She lied so she could bomb Libya.

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

Was pro gun before she was against it.

Against illegal immigration before she was for it.

Uses a fake southern accent when campaigning in the south.

The lady will lie and switch her position on issues for political gain.

No core principles.

I could go on for quite awhile but you are dense and only believe spoon fed Democratic propaganda.

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Provide links for all of the above. Take your time...

So are you going to ask rdean to provide links? I didn't think so.

What and learn, Hillary is a liar, pure and simple. You can not trust her and if you do, you are dumber than a box of rocks.

So your position on something changes over 10 years and you're a flip flopper? I believed Bush when he said Saddam had WMD's. I changed my believing him so I'm a flip flopper?

Trump flip flops more in one day more than Hillary has in her entire career.

Check this out:

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

Donald Trump changes his mind so frequently and so dramatically that a compilation of his current policies would not tell the whole story, nor would it be up to date for very long — he once offered up three different views on abortion in eight hours. By mixing fact with many exaggerations and outright falsehoods in hundreds of interviews while simultaneously refusing to offer specifics — insisting that unpredictability is an advantage he'll use to cut better deals — Trump and the Republican Party that's nominated him are putting forward the most elusive presidential platform in modern history.

Three different views in 8 hours. THREE! How do you explain that?
You said Trump is infinitely worse, you have not proved it. I see them as about the same except I think Trump is more honest and trustworthy than Hillary. So really you have helped me to push the scales in favor of Trump, yet I won't vote for either.

Ok ok, according to you they are, as unlikely as it actually is, exactly equal.

Now the question again:

Who are you voting for?

Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.
Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.
Name one.
He stiffs his workers.

He stiffs veterans until he was shamed into keeping his promise.

He doesn't believe in the minimum wage.

He doesn't believe in safety regulations.

He doesn't believe in paid family leave.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was only supposed to name one.

Hillary won't tell the truth.

Was for Iraq until she was against it.

Was against gay marriage before she was for it.

Was for NAFTA before she was against it.

She lied so she could bomb Libya.

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

Was pro gun before she was against it.

Against illegal immigration before she was for it.

Uses a fake southern accent when campaigning in the south.

The lady will lie and switch her position on issues for political gain.

No core principles.

I could go on for quite awhile but you are dense and only believe spoon fed Democratic propaganda.

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Provide links for all of the above. Take your time...

So are you going to ask rdean to provide links? I didn't think so.

What and learn, Hillary is a liar, pure and simple. You can not trust her and if you do, you are dumber than a box of rocks.

So your position on something changes over 10 years and you're a flip flopper? I believed Bush when he said Saddam had WMD's. I changed my believing him so I'm a flip flopper?

Trump flip flops more in one day more than Hillary has in her entire career.

Check this out:

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

Donald Trump changes his mind so frequently and so dramatically that a compilation of his current policies would not tell the whole story, nor would it be up to date for very long — he once offered up three different views on abortion in eight hours. By mixing fact with many exaggerations and outright falsehoods in hundreds of interviews while simultaneously refusing to offer specifics — insisting that unpredictability is an advantage he'll use to cut better deals — Trump and the Republican Party that's nominated him are putting forward the most elusive presidential platform in modern history.

Three different views in 8 hours. THREE! How do you explain that?

That's why him and Hillary won't get my vote. Good grief you nutjobs will vote for anyone with the right symbol after their name.
Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.

So you prefer electing corrupt people because they are electable. That is what is really stupid!

I guess you are really pushing me to vote for Trump. Extremely silly and extremely stupid.
Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.

So you prefer electing corrupt people because they are electable. That is what is really stupid!

I guess you are really pushing me to vote for Trump. Extremely silly and extremely stupid.

I strongly disagree with your assertion that Hillary is corrupt.

And do it! Vote for Trump and directly contradict yourself. After all, you kept on saying how he is exactly as bad as Clinton, but hey at least you'll show me! :coffee: Double dare you.

You think I give a shit about who you vote for? Think again.
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I have said this before, but it's worth repeating - like Rummy said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know."

Hilldebeast is a known known - I know I will rue the day she is elected

TRUMP is a known unknown - I may well rue the day

So, I have NO SHOT or MAYBE a shot

I am voting for and supporting MAYBE a shot

Cuz it is time to make America great again!
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating - like Rummy said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know."

Hilldebeast is a known known - I know I will rue the day she is elected

TRUMP is a known unknown - I may well rue the day

So, I have NO SHOT or MAYBE a shot

I am voting for and supporting MAYBE a shot

Cuz it is time to make America great again!

Was Bill Clinton known known?
Was Bill Clinton known known?

I think yes.

He had a history as Governor of Arkansas; his reputation was one of a "conservative democrat"; which he wound up being if we want to be honest (yes, those on my side can justifiably say that he veered to the right after repubs took the House, but at the end of the day, he was no "leftist")
Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.

So you prefer electing corrupt people because they are electable. That is what is really stupid!

I guess you are really pushing me to vote for Trump. Extremely silly and extremely stupid.

I strongly disagree with your assertion that Hillary is corrupt.

And do it! Vote for Trump and directly contradict yourself. After all, you kept on saying how he is exactly as bad as Clinton, but hey at least you'll show me! :coffee: Double dare you.

You think I give a shit about who you vote for? Think again.

You told me voting for someone not electable is stupid, and if I vote for Trump I contradict myself. If I vote for Hillary I contradict myself. You are just a nutjob. Don't worry, I'll stay away from an R or a D for President. I don't like either enough to vote for them.

You spend a lot of time for not caring. lol!

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Last edited:
Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.

So you prefer electing corrupt people because they are electable. That is what is really stupid!

I guess you are really pushing me to vote for Trump. Extremely silly and extremely stupid.
Hilarious, you insinuated I don't provide links. Which of course me not providing links is rare. The only time I don't supply links is because what I'm saying is so well known I figure i don't need a link. Or, it's some kind of breaking news and hasn't yet made it to the internet.

So here I provide links proving Trump is a liar, flip flopper and unstable. And then here is a list of what Hillary is supposed to have done. Example:

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

She's already getting millions from speaking fees and books. Why would she launder money? And where is the link?

Was pro gun before she was against it.

She still is pro gun. She is just against the crazies owning them.

The right wing twists Hillary's positions with zero proof.

No one twists' Trumps positions, they change day by day, hour by how, No one can say they can believe Trump. Not with ever changing positions.

His friend Putin call tell you all about it.
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating - like Rummy said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know."

Hilldebeast is a known known - I know I will rue the day she is elected

TRUMP is a known unknown - I may well rue the day

So, I have NO SHOT or MAYBE a shot

I am voting for and supporting MAYBE a shot

Cuz it is time to make America great again!

He is a loose cannon. He can make some pretty inflammatory statements and stir the pot. Not seeing how that translates to a good President.

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Not sure, Johnson is a viable candidate with integrity. Still haven't made up my mind.

And I actually said you tipped the scales for me in favor of Trump. So no, they aren't exactly equal.

Don't look now, but sounds kinda stupid.

Johnson, as any third party is not electable - so that statement is stupid.

Me saying something effecting actual worth of presidential candidates also stinks of very silly.

So you prefer electing corrupt people because they are electable. That is what is really stupid!

I guess you are really pushing me to vote for Trump. Extremely silly and extremely stupid.
Hilarious, you insinuated I don't provide links. Which of course me not providing links is rare. The only time I don't supply links is because what I'm saying is so well known I figure i don't need a link. Or, it's some kind of breaking news and hasn't yet made it to the internet.

So here I provide links proving Trump is a liar, flip flopper and unstable. And then here is a list of what Hillary is supposed to have done. Example:

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

She's already getting millions from speaking fees and books. Why would she launder money? And where is the link?

Was pro gun before she was against it.

She still is pro gun. She is just against the crazies owning them.

The right wing twists Hillary's positions with zero proof.

No one twists' Trumps positions, they change day by day, hour by how, No one can say they can believe Trump. Not with ever changing positions.

His friend Putin call tell you all about it.

That's not what I said nutjob, try to be honest. Oh wait, I forgot I'm talking to a partisan drama queen.

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