Can we at least agree on this?

Good luck trying to amend the US Constitution on today's hyper-partisan playing field.
NFW doesn't begin to describe the odds of success.
Tell me something chief, since the depression, what has changed so much that you feel the need to be partisan? After the depression, we went through a re-construction period compliments of the government, that built the economy, we enjoyed S. S., Medicare, Medicaid, a middle class that thrived for decades while the rich paid 70 to 90%, government roads and bridges, the farm bill socialism, sports socialism, police, fire, socialism, etc. Other than the tax code changing to favor the rich, why the need for partisanship? Not that much has changed really.
Trump once said, “Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.” It would appear no one in his admin or inner circle dared to inform him of his colossal misunderstanding of Article II powers. But he's finding out now.
Apparently, no one informed you of your colossal misunderstanding of his meaning or the context in which that statement was made.

You rely too much on CNN et al to do your thinking for you.

I bet you believe Trump told people to drink bleach, don't you?
Obviously we can't resist making everything about Trump. But I agree that the constitution is correct to provide a way for the executive to check the otherwise unlimited power of the judicial over individuals.

It's how we pick the executive we should look at. That's what's broke.
The problem with Trump was, he didn't want the judicial to exist then or now. You okay with a dictator ruling you? I'm not.
Complete insanity to believe that one major political party has all the answers so should be able to do what ever they please.
I refuse to believe That there are no people in government who want to do what's best for our future as a country, FROM BOTH PARTYS.
Yet its clear too many serve them self's 1st, moneys powerful influence 2nd & party 3rd. The rest of us are LAST.
The problem with Trump was, he didn't want the judicial to exist then or now. You okay with a dictator ruling you? I'm not.
I'm not ok with all that Trump does and I don't like him as a person.

But he did many things as president that were good for the country. How good they actually were should be painfully obvious when we see Biden now doing the opposite in many ways.
That you can't prove them, is beyond wonderment for me.
I can prove that Hunter is a crackhead who took millions of dollars from corrupt foriegn companies and that he held some for The Big Guy.

Joe used Hunter as a Bagman. Refusing to pardon him would make Joe less honorable, not more.

But the DOJ claimed not to know where the laptop is so there's no evidence for a court. Thsts how partisan "justice" works.
Marc Rich did not possess incriminating evidence on Clinton. That's the difference. But I would favor a judicial review of all controversial pardons to check for abuses.

Interesting fact of the top 10 presidential pardons at least 8 done by Democrats, 4 by Clinton only 2 GOP!

10. 1858: Buchanan pardons the Mormons

9. 1865: Johnson pardons Confederate soldiers

8. 1977: Carter pardons draft dodgers​

President Jimmy Carter offered a blanket pardon to Vietnam War draft dodgers during his first full day in office, allowing thousands of young men to return to the US from Canada and other countries.

7. 2001: Clinton pardons Patty Hearst, Weathermen

On his last day in office, President Bill Clinton pardoned left-wing radicals from the 1960s and ’70s, including Hearst newspaper heiress Patty Hearst and two women affiliated with the Weather Underground.

6. 2001: Clinton pardons his half-brother

Also on his last day in office, Clinton pardoned his half-brother Roger Clinton, who was convicted in 1985 of cocaine trafficking.

The president’s troubled sibling later was arrested in 2001 and 2016 for drunk driving.

5. 2017: Obama frees WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning

President Barack Obama in 2017 commuted the 35-year prison sentence of WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning, who was arrested in 2010 for sending to the secrets-spilling site thousands of documents on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

4. 1971: Nixon frees Lt. William Calley

President Richard Nixon in 1971 ordered the release of Lt. William Calley, the only person convicted in connection with the 1968 massacre of villagers by US troops in My Lai, South Vietnam.

3. 1999 and 2017: FALN terrorists

Clinton in 1999 outraged members of both parties when he offered prison commutations to 16 members of the Puerto Rican terrorist organization FALN, which set off more than 100 bombs in the 1970s and ’80s, killing six

2. 1974: Ford pardons Nixon

Ford pardoned former President Nixon in 1974 after he resigned during the Watergate scandal.

1. 2001: Clinton pardons Marc Rich

In his most controversial final-day pardon, Clinton pardoned billionare fugitive Marc Rich after his ex-wife, Denise Rich, lavishly donated to Democrats.

Interesting fact of the top 10 presidential pardons at least 8 done by Democrats, 4 by Clinton only 2 GOP!

10. 1858: Buchanan pardons the Mormons

9. 1865: Johnson pardons Confederate soldiers

8. 1977: Carter pardons draft dodgers​

President Jimmy Carter offered a blanket pardon to Vietnam War draft dodgers during his first full day in office, allowing thousands of young men to return to the US from Canada and other countries.

7. 2001: Clinton pardons Patty Hearst, Weathermen

On his last day in office, President Bill Clinton pardoned left-wing radicals from the 1960s and ’70s, including Hearst newspaper heiress Patty Hearst and two women affiliated with the Weather Underground.

6. 2001: Clinton pardons his half-brother

Also on his last day in office, Clinton pardoned his half-brother Roger Clinton, who was convicted in 1985 of cocaine trafficking.

The president’s troubled sibling later was arrested in 2001 and 2016 for drunk driving.

5. 2017: Obama frees WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning

President Barack Obama in 2017 commuted the 35-year prison sentence of WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning, who was arrested in 2010 for sending to the secrets-spilling site thousands of documents on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

4. 1971: Nixon frees Lt. William Calley

President Richard Nixon in 1971 ordered the release of Lt. William Calley, the only person convicted in connection with the 1968 massacre of villagers by US troops in My Lai, South Vietnam.

3. 1999 and 2017: FALN terrorists

Clinton in 1999 outraged members of both parties when he offered prison commutations to 16 members of the Puerto Rican terrorist organization FALN, which set off more than 100 bombs in the 1970s and ’80s, killing six

2. 1974: Ford pardons Nixon

Ford pardoned former President Nixon in 1974 after he resigned during the Watergate scandal.

1. 2001: Clinton pardons Marc Rich

In his most controversial final-day pardon, Clinton pardoned billionare fugitive Marc Rich after his ex-wife, Denise Rich, lavishly donated to Democrats.
AGREE or disagree, there were legit reasons for all those except Maybe the weather underground and Clinton's brother.

But wouldn't pardon their own brother?
Why do lefties keep acting as if they lost the election?

They aren't. Congressional Dems have passed a host of bills designed to move the country forward. Most of which were passed without help from the POT.........which has become the obstructionist party.
Interesting fact of the top 10 presidential pardons at least 8 done by Democrats, 4 by Clinton only 2 GOP!
Since you folks couldn't comprehend it the first time I'll reiterate that none of those pardons involved a person who could offer criminally damaging testimony against the prez who pardoned him. Stop with the false equivalences already!
I'm not ok with all that Trump does and I don't like him as a person.

But he did many things as president that were good for the country. How good they actually were should be painfully obvious when we see Biden now doing the opposite in many ways.
I agree I didn't like Trump personally... But..
Only 2 other presidents donated their salaries as Trump did.
Only 1 president had USA energy independent since 1957!
Trump had nearly $1 Trillion that was reinvested in the USA economy
Corporations have brought back more than $1 trillion of overseas profits to the U.S. since Congress overhauled the international tax system and prodded companies to repatriate offshore funds, a Thursday report showed.
And these are just a few.
Lol could you expand on that thought? That is a very new one for me. All the other countries loved that they had enough money for huge intrusive and war making governments But we had to make do with a discount government?
Are you aware of what the US was like in the late 1700s?

We were deeply in debt from the Revolutionary War and were an isolated agrarian economy

States were isolated from each other and there was no way to execute as a centralized Government.
We couldn’t afford it and we lacked the communication and transportation to run as a centralized Government

But we became a great country once we expanded the powers of the Federal Government
Since you folks couldn't comprehend it the first time I'll reiterate that none of those pardons involved a person who could offer criminally damaging testimony against the prez who pardoned him. Stop with the false equivalences already!
Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich; December 18, 1934 – June 26, 2013) was an international commodities trader, hedge fundmanager, financier, businessman, and alleged financial criminal.
He founded the commodities company Glencore, and was later indicted in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis.
He fled to Switzerland at the time of the indictment and never returned to the United States.[1]
He received a widely criticized presidential pardon from U.S. President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, Clinton's last day in office; Rich's ex-wife Denise had made large donations to the Democratic Party
"Equivalency" Clinton took payments from Rich...criminal behavior on Clinton's part!

Article II​

Section 4.​

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

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