Can Universities ever be made "Politically Neutral"? (Poll)

Should universities be required to be politically neutral, and "equity" of professors?

  • Yes, having only the Leftist views promoted is "indoctrination"

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No, the universities are just fine as they are, think you.

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
The recent dust up over school boards looks to be on a good track.
The "Tiger Moms and Dads" are protecting their kids from being indoctrinated.
The DOJ and FBI are no match for really angered parents, its not even a contest.

Assuming that many of the leftist controlled school boards will be voted out and replaced with apolitical boards, the next mountain to climb is how to make universities more politically neutral. 39% of universities have ZERO Republican professors!! WTF?

So what should be done? Federal laws requiring "equity" for Republican professors? Or, some other solution, like requiring political neutrality in the classrooms?

If you're that educated you can teach at a university and decide to teach, it means you don't care about money much, and people who don't care about money much are usually left wing.

I guess you could pay university professors a lot of money to teach, that would attract right wing professors.
You are seeing the beginning of the war between corrupt government and the people. It's no longer Dem vs Rep it's the deep state vs the people. The same thing has happened over and over again the past 5,000 years. Government and monarchies become increasingly corrupt until the people rise up and smash them.

If you're that educated you can teach at a university and decide to teach, it means you don't care about money much, and people who don't care about money much are usually left wing.

I guess you could pay university professors a lot of money to teach, that would attract right wing professors.
So diversity of thought, presenting multiple sides equally isn't a good outcome in college?
So put up a few examples. Just saying "Trump" proves nothing.
He doesn't have examples because it is just Pavlovian behavior.

The uneducated sheeple have all been conditioned to bleat "Orange Man Bad" as their ultimate argument for everything, and the other uneducated sheeple then praise them for it.
The recent dust up over school boards looks to be on a good track.
The "Tiger Moms and Dads" are protecting their kids from being indoctrinated.
The DOJ and FBI are no match for really angered parents, its not even a contest.

Assuming that many of the leftist controlled school boards will be voted out and replaced with apolitical boards, the next mountain to climb is how to make universities more politically neutral. 39% of universities have ZERO Republican professors!! WTF?

So what should be done? Federal laws requiring "equity" for Republican professors? Or, some other solution, like requiring political neutrality in the classrooms?
Teaching facts and the truth that conflict with conservative dogma and prove that dogma to be wrong doesn’t mean colleges and universities aren’t politically neutral.
Teaching facts and the truth that conflict with conservative dogma and prove that dogma to be wrong doesn’t mean colleges and universities aren’t politically neutral.
You prove my point.
Having Leftist professors assert what is "conservative dogma" with no rebuttal from real conservative professors is indoctrination. Students would learn more by hearing both sides of arguments instead of memorizing Leftist dogma.
This is among the more tedious and ridiculous of rightwing lies: that colleges and universities engage in ‘liberal indoctrination,’ whatever that’s supposed to be.
Especially the religious ones, oh my. You can also tell who did and who did not go to college.
The reality is that we have choice, our university's are a mix of every kind, from ultra conservatives to ultra liberal. And YOU get to CHOOSE what school you apply for entrance to. Who started this negative stuff? University's are left wing INDOCTRINATION Centers? Makes no sense, We have every kind from religious to liberal arts.
You prove my point.
Having Leftist professors assert what is "conservative dogma" with no rebuttal from real conservative professors is indoctrination. Students would learn more by hearing both sides of arguments instead of memorizing Leftist dogma.
What textbook is that taught from?
The reality is that we have choice, our university's are a mix of every kind, from ultra conservatives to ultra liberal. And YOU get to CHOOSE what school you apply for entrance to. Who started this negative stuff? University's are left wing INDOCTRINATION Centers? Makes no sense, We have every kind from religious to liberal arts.
Exactly, the reason they pull this crap is because their handlers in the echo chamber put it in their minds and they believe it without investigating the truth for themselves...
This is among the more tedious and ridiculous of rightwing lies: that colleges and universities engage in ‘liberal indoctrination,’ whatever that’s supposed to be.
For argument's sake lets say that you wear a MAGA hat or a Trump shirt to class, or around any university, what happens? Why would that happen? What if your a conservative journalist?

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