Can Trump Save The Confederacy???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"President Donald Trump is threatening to veto legislation to fund the military as one of his final acts in office unless a widely supported, bipartisan provision to rename military bases honoring Confederate military leaders is removed -- Since the Nov. 3 election, Trump has privately told Republican lawmakers that he won't back down from his position during the campaign that he would veto the annual National Defense Authorization Act if it includes an amendment to rename the bases. The effort to change the names of military bases honoring Confederate military leaders has been a target for Trump for months. While some Republicans are now shifting their positions to align with Trump, Democrats are refusing to budge on the agreed-to amendment, threatening passage of the legislation."

I believe Trump should totally take a stand for our rich and vast Confederate legacy, even if it means defunding the military -- our soldiers have fought to protect the Confederacy and the Democrats are trying to attack and disgrace our honorable Confderate generals -- I mean, the Democrats are trying to hide their racist past, yea, that's it!!
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

"President Donald Trump is threatening to veto legislation to fund the military as one of his final acts in office unless a widely supported, bipartisan provision to rename military bases honoring Confederate military leaders is removed -- Since the Nov. 3 election, Trump has privately told Republican lawmakers that he won't back down from his position during the campaign that he would veto the annual National Defense Authorization Act if it includes an amendment to rename the bases. The effort to change the names of military bases honoring Confederate military leaders has been a target for Trump for months. While some Republicans are now shifting their positions to align with Trump, Democrats are refusing to budge on the agreed-to amendment, threatening passage of the legislation."

I believe Trump should totally take a stand for our rich and vast Confederate legacy, even if it means defunding the military -- our soldiers have fought to protect the Confederacy and the Democrats are trying to attack and disgrace our honorable Confderate generals -- I mean, the Democrats are trying to hide their racist past, yea, that's it!!

I agree. The generation that actually fought the war to end the Confederacy, healed the wounds of that war, by re-assimilating the South back into the Union.

Doing that made the Confederacy part of American History.

Undoing that, is an attempt by anti-American assholes to reopen old wounds and tear this nation apart.
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

the white-hating race hustlers like Billyboom and Biff_Poindexter are using misunderstood history for their own race baiting today
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This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.

Agreed. They are filthy liars, who cannot be honest about the reasons for their hate.

Hell there is another thread about some racist cops beating a black man for not wearing a mask. But it happened in France and the liberals in the thread have all the outrage of a... well something without any outrage.

Because they don't give a damn about black lives. THey just want to use anything and everything as a weapon to club their enemies with.
The Union thought to forgive and forget might be a good strategy for resolving the difficulties of a divided nation. They were wrong. Confederate leaders should never be forgiven and their treason never ever is forgotten.

Actually it worked pretty well for about 150 years, until you modern libs decided you wanted to demonize and marginalize southern whites.

And who are you to renege on the forgiveness of the generation that actually FOUGHT THE WAR?
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.

Agreed. They are filthy liars, who cannot be honest about the reasons for their hate.

Hell there is another thread about some racist cops beating a black man for not wearing a mask. But it happened in France and the liberals in the thread have all the outrage of a... well something without any outrage.

Because they don't give a damn about black lives. THey just want to use anything and everything as a weapon to club their enemies with.
Every time the confederacy pops up -- here comes your bitch ass to whine about it......

It's like you folks can't get over the fact you lost..and will keep losing......

_00-rac008 (225).jpg
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.

Agreed. They are filthy liars, who cannot be honest about the reasons for their hate.

Hell there is another thread about some racist cops beating a black man for not wearing a mask. But it happened in France and the liberals in the thread have all the outrage of a... well something without any outrage.

Because they don't give a damn about black lives. THey just want to use anything and everything as a weapon to club their enemies with.
Every time the confederacy pops up -- here comes your bitch ass to whine about it......

It's like you folks can't get over the fact you lost..and will keep losing......

View attachment 423371

I've made a number of points supporting my position in regards to this issue.

You have been unable or unwilling to even try to address any of them.

I asked you a question, tough guy. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. How long are you going to be beating this dead horse and pretending it makes you brave?

the white-hating race hustlers like Billyboom and Biff_Poindexter are using misunderstood history for their own race baiting today

Real accurate history comes from old John Wayne movies.

It does show the complete acceptance of southern history as part of the larger American Heritage in the recent past, before you people decided you needed an excuse to marginalize the Southern Whites.
Real accurate history comes from old John Wayne movies.
John Wayne sure

But I think John Ford deserves a lot of credit because he decided what was or wasnt in the film

and before either of those men, history teachers who were interested in the truth
before you people decided you needed an excuse to marginalize the Southern Whites.
Marginalizing conservative whites is the goal of black race race hustlers and guilt-ridden white liberals

Actually ANY whites that do not cower in submission.

Southern Whites are just the one of the first in the cross hairs. All of us will get our turn, based on some bullshit "reason" or another.
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.

Agreed. They are filthy liars, who cannot be honest about the reasons for their hate.

Hell there is another thread about some racist cops beating a black man for not wearing a mask. But it happened in France and the liberals in the thread have all the outrage of a... well something without any outrage.

Because they don't give a damn about black lives. THey just want to use anything and everything as a weapon to club their enemies with.
Every time the confederacy pops up -- here comes your bitch ass to whine about it......

It's like you folks can't get over the fact you lost..and will keep losing......

View attachment 423371

Every time the confederacy pops up -- here comes your bitch ass to whine about it......

Self analysis?
This will free up Sleepy Joe to rename Fort Bragg for WW2 hero Private Christine Jorgensen who was the first known homosexual to be bobbitized and say that made him a broad.
If only Christine was a neo-nazi lost cause sympathizer who waged war against her own country...

Then maybe you would be on board with naming something after her......

another loss for the sad

This county has had a bi-partisan consensus against white racism since the early 60s. how long you going to be beating a dead horse and pretending that makes you brave?

The libs want to wage a war of extermination against the Southern Honky, only because he spurned them in the current day. Not because of "slavery" at all.

For the first 135 years or so after the end of the War of Northern Aggression, liberal southern honkies like the Clintons, Carters and Gores ruled and that was fine. Now, that those folks have been rejected, its time for the current white southerners to "pay", even though many are like my nephews and nieces whose ancestors were drinking and passing gas in the backwaters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the Civil War was waging.

Agreed. They are filthy liars, who cannot be honest about the reasons for their hate.

Hell there is another thread about some racist cops beating a black man for not wearing a mask. But it happened in France and the liberals in the thread have all the outrage of a... well something without any outrage.

Because they don't give a damn about black lives. THey just want to use anything and everything as a weapon to club their enemies with.
Every time the confederacy pops up -- here comes your bitch ass to whine about it......

It's like you folks can't get over the fact you lost..and will keep losing......

View attachment 423371
Its telling of black ignorance that Biff would post that sign

the GI’s that defeated the nazi’s in WWII were the proud grandsons of Confederate soldiers who fought in the Civil War. And they trained for combat at US Army camps named after great Confederate generals

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