Can There Be Too Much Capitalism?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Well…what are the choices?
There was one of the earliest economies, where folks traded the only thing they had….themselves. That was slavery.

We moved on to feudalism…”peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.”

The growth of freedom, individualism, gave rise to capitalism.

2. “The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy”

As politics is part of every endeavor, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the growth of government, and taxation, what we call Progressivism, is a return to earlier times, inching towards slavery.

3. But, as per the title….has capitalism been over-extended? Outlived its usefulness???? Is there too much??

Only in the same respect as a famous man said about winning: “We’re gonna’ win so much that you will say, please, please, Mr. President….stop!! We’re tired of winning!!!!!”
Should we be tired of capitalism????

No….there isn’t too much capitalism, wealth, or profit. But too many have seen this as the be-all-and-end-all, and forgotten this:
1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

4.As a result, we have President who has succumbed to that love, to the point of selling out his home nation. And there are many such elites who would bind themselves to alien nations and alien ideology, if it provided wealth.

“…Trump saw decoupling the United States from China as a way to dismantle the oligarchy that hated him and sent American jobs abroad, he couldn’t follow through on the vision. After correctly identifying the sources of corruption in our elite, the reasons for the impoverishment of the middle classes, and the threats foreign and domestic to our peace, …

China was the source of the China Class’ power, the novel coronavirus coming out of Wuhan became the platform for its coup de grace. So Americans became prey to an anti-democratic elite that used the coronavirus to demoralize them; lay waste to small businesses; leave them vulnerable to rioters who are free to steal, burn, and kill; keep their children from school and the dying from the last embrace of their loved ones; and desecrate American history, culture, and society; and defame the country as systemically racist in order to furnish the predicate for why ordinary Americans in fact deserved the hell that the elite’s private and public sector proxies had already prepared for them.

For nearly a year, American officials have purposefully laid waste to our economy and society for the sole purpose of arrogating more power to themselves while the Chinese economy has gained on America’s. China’s lockdowns had nothing to do with the difference in outcomes. Lockdowns are not public health measures to reduce the spread of a virus. They are political instruments, which is why Democratic Party officials who put their constituents under repeated lengthy lockdowns, …” The Thirty Tyrants

Too much capitalism????

No…..too little integrity.
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1.Well…what are the choices?
There was one of the earliest economies, where folks traded the only thing they had….themselves. That was slavery.

We moved on to feudalism…”peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.”

The growth of freedom, individualism, gave rise to capitalism.

2. “The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy”

As politics is part of every endeavor, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the growth of government, and taxation, what we call Progressivism, is a return to earlier times.

3. But, as per the title….has capitalism been over-extended? Outlived its usefulness???? Is there too much??

Only in the same respect as a famous man said about winning: “We’re gonna’ win so much that you will say, please, please, Mr. President….stop!! We’re tired of winning!!!!!”
Should we be tired of capitalism????

No….there isn’t too much capitalism, wealth, or profit. But too many have seen this as the be-all-and-end-all, and forgotten this: 1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

4.As a result, we have President who has succumbed to that love, to the point of selling out his home nation. And there are many such elites who would bind themselves to alien nations and alien ideology, if it provided wealth.

“…Trump saw decoupling the United States from China as a way to dismantle the oligarchy that hated him and sent American jobs abroad, he couldn’t follow through on the vision. After correctly identifying the sources of corruption in our elite, the reasons for the impoverishment of the middle classes, and the threats foreign and domestic to our peace, …

China was the source of the China Class’ power, the novel coronavirus coming out of Wuhan became the platform for its coup de grace. So Americans became prey to an anti-democratic elite that used the coronavirus to demoralize them; lay waste to small businesses; leave them vulnerable to rioters who are free to steal, burn, and kill; keep their children from school and the dying from the last embrace of their loved ones; and desecrate American history, culture, and society; and defame the country as systemically racist in order to furnish the predicate for why ordinary Americans in fact deserved the hell that the elite’s private and public sector proxies had already prepared for them.

For nearly a year, American officials have purposefully laid waste to our economy and society for the sole purpose of arrogating more power to themselves while the Chinese economy has gained on America’s. China’s lockdowns had nothing to do with the difference in outcomes. Lockdowns are not public health measures to reduce the spread of a virus. They are political instruments, which is why Democratic Party officials who put their constituents under repeated lengthy lockdowns, …” The Thirty Tyrants

Too much capitalism????

No…..too little integrity.
Yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. Nicely done.
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1.Well…what are the choices?
Regulated capitalism, with progressive taxation, as recommended by Adam Smith, the father of capitalism

Adam Smith also pointed out that unregulated capitalism turns into monopolies and cronyism, which is what modern Republicans are pushing for.

Liberals are the heirs of Adam Smith, and the backers of sustainable capitalism.
Regulated capitalism, with progressive taxation, as recommended by Adam Smith, the father of capitalism

Adam Smith also pointed out that unregulated capitalism turns into monopolies and cronyism, which is what modern Republicans are pushing for.

Liberals are the heirs of Adam Smith, and the backers of sustainable capitalism.

I see you've missed the point of the OP.

But that's not your fault.....the post was for adults who have had an education, and are equipped with more than a two digit IQ.

Stick to the threads on monster trucks, and favorite color Crayolas.
I don't think there can be to much capitalism, but there can be too much gov't control. Look - unfettered capitalism can lead to all sorts of undesirable results, as we saw in the 19th century. You have to have sufficient and efficient gov't regs so that no one is cheated, abused, or otherwise taken advantage of. BUT, there is a line somewhere that gets crossed too many times wherein gov't regs become too burdensome and capitalism is unnecessarily choked and limited. Too often, capitalist enterprises use gov't to further their own ends relative to their competition, or one segment of our economy gets a tax break or subsidy at the expense of everyone else, for political reasons. That's not a failure of capitalism, that's a failure of gov't.

IMHO, most of the time the ills of capitalism are really the ills of a gov't that has failed in doing it's duty fairly, prudently, and efficiently.
I addressed the title of thread directly. I did ignore your delusinoal rambling, but so does everyone.

Don't worry, given your history, nobody expects better from you.

"I addressed the title of thread directly."

There are lots of dolts who only look at the cover of books, too.

Raise your paw.
5. Capitalism and individual profit was the ‘tide that lifted all boats,’ as JFK famously opined. It was the political/economic cornerstone of that provided the fuel for the advances in Western Civilization.

This is what we had within our grasp: Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

6. Contrary to the lies that those who need to sow dissension and victimology, capitalism brought the rich and the poor closer.

Once, the rich rode in carriages, the rest of the people walked.
Today both ride in cars, whether or not they are all the same model.

“Nobody, not even Bill Gates, lives like Marie Antoinette. And nobody in the US lives like her peasants.Cochrane's Questions About Inequality - Econlib
Capitalism is/was the single most important and effective factor in lifting billions out of abject poverty over the past 200 years. No other advancement comes close, nor does any other economic model. It used to be that only the rich got richer; but with the advent of capitalism the rich still got richer but a heckuva lot more people also got richer. Socialism doesn't do that for you.
6. Contrary to the lies that those who need to sow dissension and victimology, capitalism brought the rich and the poor closer.

Once, the rich rode in carriages, the rest of the people walked.
Today both ride in cars, whether or not they are all the same model.
I love capitalism but this is not true. During the heyday of US capitalism, the "Robber Barons" were immensely wealthy while their employees often went hungry. Today the gap in wealth is still huge but the poor are much better off. Not all because of capitalism though, it was unions, labor organizers, and worker protection legislation that did much of it.

The rich and poor may both have cars but only one group has private jets and yachts.

7. When Donald Trump planned to interrupt the elites path through Communist China to vast wealth, well, Trump’s benefitting America and Americans was not allowed to stand in their way. A corrupt use of capitalism worked hard to end the Trump administration.

“….the number of American industries and companies that lobbied against Trump administration measures attempting to decouple Chinese technology from its American counterparts is a staggering measure of how closely two rival systems that claim to stand for opposing sets of values and practices have been integrated. Companies like Ford, FedEx, and Honeywell, as well as Qualcomm and other semiconductor manufacturers that fought to continue selling chips to Huawei, all exist with one leg in America and the other leg planted firmly in America’s chief geopolitical rival. To protect both halves of their business, they soft-sell the issue by calling China a competitor in order to obscure their role in boosting a dangerous rival.

Nearly every major American industry has a stake in China. From Wall Street—Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley— to hospitality. A Marriott Hotel employee was fired when Chinese officials objected to his liking a tweet about Tibet. They all learned to play by CCP rules.

“It’s so pervasive, it’s better to ask who’s not tied into China,” says former Trump administration official Gen. (Ret.) Robert Spalding.”
The Thirty Tyrants

7. When Donald Trump planned to interrupt the elites path through Communist China to vast wealth, well, Trump’s benefitting America and Americans was not allowed to stand in their way. A corrupt use of capitalism worked hard to end the Trump administration.

“….the number of American industries and companies that lobbied against Trump administration measures attempting to decouple Chinese technology from its American counterparts is a staggering measure of how closely two rival systems that claim to stand for opposing sets of values and practices have been integrated. Companies like Ford, FedEx, and Honeywell, as well as Qualcomm and other semiconductor manufacturers that fought to continue selling chips to Huawei, all exist with one leg in America and the other leg planted firmly in America’s chief geopolitical rival. To protect both halves of their business, they soft-sell the issue by calling China a competitor in order to obscure their role in boosting a dangerous rival.

Nearly every major American industry has a stake in China. From Wall Street—Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley— to hospitality. A Marriott Hotel employee was fired when Chinese officials objected to his liking a tweet about Tibet. They all learned to play by CCP rules.

“It’s so pervasive, it’s better to ask who’s not tied into China,” says former Trump administration official Gen. (Ret.) Robert Spalding.”
The Thirty Tyrants

A corrupt use of capitalism worked hard to end the Trump Administration.

I'm not sure I see the corruption of capitalism here, but rather a failure of journalism to accurately portray the full and complete story to the American people, and a failure on the political Right to push that narrative. Are we not talking in essence about freedom of speech as far as lobbying and donating money for political ads in favor of one party over another? Remember, capitalism is nothing more than an economic model, supply and demand. Such things as corruption, greed, fraud, exploitation, etc., exist in every economy and the only reason why they are worse in capitalism is because capitalism creates far more wealth and prosperity. IOW, it's not a feature of capitalism, it's a problem with human nature.
A corrupt use of capitalism worked hard to end the Trump Administration.

I'm not sure I see the corruption of capitalism here, but rather a failure of journalism to accurately portray the full and complete story to the American people, and a failure on the political Right to push that narrative. Are we not talking in essence about freedom of speech as far as lobbying and donating money for political ads in favor of one party over another? Remember, capitalism is nothing more than an economic model, supply and demand. Such things as corruption, greed, fraud, exploitation, etc., exist in every economy and the only reason why they are worse in capitalism is because capitalism creates far more wealth and prosperity. IOW, it's not a feature of capitalism, it's a problem with human nature.

Corrupt in the sense that they allow themselves to be bribed to be totalitarians.

Nothing can stand in the way of their becoming more rich, not even building up the nation that fully plans to destroy their own.

My next post will provide the correct use of capitalism.

8. If the elites ties to Communist China, and the wealth it promises, is a corrupt use of capitalism…..what is a principled use of the accumulation of wealth?

Republican President Coolidge saw capitalism in its proper role.

Often misquoted as ‘The a of America is business,” he really said: “... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life. …

Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort.

In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture. Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement.

So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”

January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors

1.Well…what are the choices?
There was one of the earliest economies, where folks traded the only thing they had….themselves. That was slavery.

We moved on to feudalism…”peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.”

The growth of freedom, individualism, gave rise to capitalism.

2. “The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy”

As politics is part of every endeavor, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the growth of government, and taxation, what we call Progressivism, is a return to earlier times, inching towards slavery.

3. But, as per the title….has capitalism been over-extended? Outlived its usefulness???? Is there too much??

Only in the same respect as a famous man said about winning: “We’re gonna’ win so much that you will say, please, please, Mr. President….stop!! We’re tired of winning!!!!!”
Should we be tired of capitalism????

No….there isn’t too much capitalism, wealth, or profit. But too many have seen this as the be-all-and-end-all, and forgotten this:
1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

4.As a result, we have President who has succumbed to that love, to the point of selling out his home nation. And there are many such elites who would bind themselves to alien nations and alien ideology, if it provided wealth.

“…Trump saw decoupling the United States from China as a way to dismantle the oligarchy that hated him and sent American jobs abroad, he couldn’t follow through on the vision. After correctly identifying the sources of corruption in our elite, the reasons for the impoverishment of the middle classes, and the threats foreign and domestic to our peace, …

China was the source of the China Class’ power, the novel coronavirus coming out of Wuhan became the platform for its coup de grace. So Americans became prey to an anti-democratic elite that used the coronavirus to demoralize them; lay waste to small businesses; leave them vulnerable to rioters who are free to steal, burn, and kill; keep their children from school and the dying from the last embrace of their loved ones; and desecrate American history, culture, and society; and defame the country as systemically racist in order to furnish the predicate for why ordinary Americans in fact deserved the hell that the elite’s private and public sector proxies had already prepared for them.

For nearly a year, American officials have purposefully laid waste to our economy and society for the sole purpose of arrogating more power to themselves while the Chinese economy has gained on America’s. China’s lockdowns had nothing to do with the difference in outcomes. Lockdowns are not public health measures to reduce the spread of a virus. They are political instruments, which is why Democratic Party officials who put their constituents under repeated lengthy lockdowns, …” The Thirty Tyrants

Too much capitalism????

No…..too little integrity.
Yes, it is standard right-wing modus operandi to eschew Capitalism rather than embrace it for All of its Capital worth.

The right-wing only alleges to believe in Capitalism, in socialism threads. Otherwise, Capitalism; What is That sayeth the right-wing, at every Capital opportunity. Only their socialism on a national or international basis will be enough for the right-wing.
Communism is the final stage of monopolization of capitalism, when the proletarian is deprived of all the levers of production and then his freedom is taken away and turned into a slave
1.Well…what are the choices?
There was one of the earliest economies, where folks traded the only thing they had….themselves. That was slavery.

We moved on to feudalism…”peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.”

The growth of freedom, individualism, gave rise to capitalism.

2. “The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy”

As politics is part of every endeavor, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the growth of government, and taxation, what we call Progressivism, is a return to earlier times, inching towards slavery.

3. But, as per the title….has capitalism been over-extended? Outlived its usefulness???? Is there too much??

Only in the same respect as a famous man said about winning: “We’re gonna’ win so much that you will say, please, please, Mr. President….stop!! We’re tired of winning!!!!!”
Should we be tired of capitalism????

No….there isn’t too much capitalism, wealth, or profit. But too many have seen this as the be-all-and-end-all, and forgotten this:
1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

4.As a result, we have President who has succumbed to that love, to the point of selling out his home nation. And there are many such elites who would bind themselves to alien nations and alien ideology, if it provided wealth.

“…Trump saw decoupling the United States from China as a way to dismantle the oligarchy that hated him and sent American jobs abroad, he couldn’t follow through on the vision. After correctly identifying the sources of corruption in our elite, the reasons for the impoverishment of the middle classes, and the threats foreign and domestic to our peace, …

China was the source of the China Class’ power, the novel coronavirus coming out of Wuhan became the platform for its coup de grace. So Americans became prey to an anti-democratic elite that used the coronavirus to demoralize them; lay waste to small businesses; leave them vulnerable to rioters who are free to steal, burn, and kill; keep their children from school and the dying from the last embrace of their loved ones; and desecrate American history, culture, and society; and defame the country as systemically racist in order to furnish the predicate for why ordinary Americans in fact deserved the hell that the elite’s private and public sector proxies had already prepared for them.

For nearly a year, American officials have purposefully laid waste to our economy and society for the sole purpose of arrogating more power to themselves while the Chinese economy has gained on America’s. China’s lockdowns had nothing to do with the difference in outcomes. Lockdowns are not public health measures to reduce the spread of a virus. They are political instruments, which is why Democratic Party officials who put their constituents under repeated lengthy lockdowns, …” The Thirty Tyrants

Too much capitalism????

No…..too little integrity.
You are talking about what has happened to our poor country under Reagan tax rates of giveaway to the rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is no coincidence. Brainwashed functional moron. The final solution is fair capitalism with a good safety net like they have and every other modern country. We are the richest country in the world and we screw over everyone but the rich. You are the chump of the greedy idiot brainwashing GOP mega rich.

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