Can the United States Earn Back Respect?

Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?

Which biased crap was that from?

I just showed you he did.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?

Which biased crap was that from?

I just showed you he did.

Where was that from? Your link.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?

Which biased crap was that from?

I just showed you he did.

Where was that from? Your link.

So, explain O’s “myRA” plan then
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?

Which biased crap was that from?

I just showed you he did.

Where was that from? Your link.

So, explain O’s “myRA” plan then

There is no plan.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

He might. It has nothing to do with what I've said though.

P.S. Obama never wanted to do that.

Wrong again...

Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No.

Try again?

Which biased crap was that from?

I just showed you he did.

Where was that from? Your link.

So, explain O’s “myRA” plan then

There is no plan.

I accept your concession.
The US doesn't get "respect" from the Euotrash and other third world assholes. All those turds want is US welfare.

They got welfare under the Obama/Biden Administration and thy sure as hell will get it under the filthy Biden Administration.

The country that will do the best is China. Their man is now in the White House. Bought for lock, stock and barrel. Then we have Obama's Iranian Muslim Mullah buddies who have partying like it is 1999. More cash being flown in with Air Force transports. Africans will do well.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

Why should the US pay the bills of other nations?

What bills?

IF you want to use an example of Germany and defence...

Germany too the money they saw as being needlessly spent on tanks and bombs (which we have plenty) and put it into R&D in places like Vaccine Research, invested in Universities to produce graduates to handle a cyberwar or put it in general education so the German Population can tell the difference between allegations made with no evidence and evidence based research. Germany kind of knows about threats from within.
The US doesn't get "respect" from the Euotrash and other third world assholes. All those turds want is US welfare.

They got welfare under the Obama/Biden Administration and thy sure as hell will get it under the filthy Biden Administration.

The country that will do the best is China. Their man is now in the White House. Bought for lock, stock and barrel. Then we have Obama's Iranian Muslim Mullah buddies who have partying like it is 1999. More cash being flown in with Air Force transports. Africans will do well.

Will you say that while you get the German or the British vaccine?
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

We went back on our word on how many things in the past four years? Do you do business with clients that do that to you? Britain will forgive us quickly. The others it will be a while. The clock will not even start for as long as there is 73 million people voting in approval. Very likely more of it to come under that situation. For as long as other countries think policy can be reversed every for years, what is the point in long term agreements

Does it bother you that our allies "went back on their word" with bearing their share of defense costs?

For one limited example.

You are looking for excuses to justify your anti-Americanism.

Breaking a deal, that is unfair and unjust, is the job of a President.
Ya. Correll just realy don't give a crap what you have to say. Your like talking to a rock. I would not do business with you. You are just a loon with no real philosophy other than hate and idiocy. Again you worship a fat,lying, piece of trash, idiot blob that tells you to put cleaner in your veins. You are nothing but a waist of time
In reality, respect = how much foreign aid other Countries can sucker our Gov't and U.S. taxpayers for!
Your suggestion that Trump is paying Israel to buy its affection and keep quiet about it is odd.
Casting a democratic ally as Stormy Daniels is just so, so Trumpy.

Trump toadies are hellbent on smearing the civilized world because they are in a snit over its collective loathing for their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer, but that merely confirms that the international community of advanced, democratic nations is simpatico with the majority of the American electorate. Such a confirmation betokens harmony and shared values that are prerequisites for mutual progress.

Contempt for anyone who does not kowtow to Cry Baby Loser is not a formula for amity, foreign or domestic.

I'll defend your freedom of religion and the right to worship the Mar-a-lago Lardass, but, as a political matter, Americans have affirmed that divisiveness here and abroad is antithetical to their interests and demeans our nation.

Despite his lies to dupe the nativist crackpots, Trump's largesse with the American taxpayer's dollar is undeniable:

10 Countries Receiving the Most Aid from the USA
under the Trump Regime in 2019:

1. Afghanistan: $5.7B​
2. Iraq: $3.7B​
3. Israel: $3.2B​
4. Jordan: $1.5B​
5. Egypt: $1.5B​
6. Ethiopia: $1.1B​
7. Kenya: $1B​
8. South Sudan: $924M​
9. Syria: $891M​
10. Nigeria: $852M​
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.

Oh? And surely you can differentiate between the college grad, wall streeter, and the start up plumber with a high school education right?

The wall streeter has benefitted by massive socialists programs and should share more.

That‘s just the thing isn’t it? Your proposals don’t / can’t differentiate between the two. Equal taxation and all.

It would. While a plumber invests in a 401k he isn't making trade after trade like a wall streeter would. The tax is on trades.

Oh, but 401k’s are on the table too....Obama wanted to take them into the gov structure, don’t tell me Biden doesn’t...

401k trad
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

We went back on our word on how many things in the past four years? Do you do business with clients that do that to you? Britain will forgive us quickly. The others it will be a while. The clock will not even start for as long as there is 73 million people voting in approval. Very likely more of it to come under that situation. For as long as other countries think policy can be reversed every for years, what is the point in long term agreements

Does it bother you that our allies "went back on their word" with bearing their share of defense costs?

For one limited example.

You are looking for excuses to justify your anti-Americanism.

Breaking a deal, that is unfair and unjust, is the job of a President.
Ya. Correll just realy don't give a crap what you have to say. Your like talking to a rock. I would not do business with you. You are just a loon with no real philosophy other than hate and idiocy. Again you worship a fat,lying, piece of trash, idiot blob that tells you to put cleaner in your veins. You are nothing but a waist of time

And thus it is revealed that your stated excuse for hating Trump, is bullshit.

Your real reason, is that he was a problem for the lefty agenda. Just like all the other people you hate.
Fixed the title for you: Can America buy back it's sudo "respect" by giving $trillions away to them again.
Do you mean "pseudo-"?

As noted Cry Baby Loser's allocation of resources did not reflect his xenophobic propaganda designed to sucker in nativist crackpots.

Meanwhile, his crusade to diminish America has just been cancelled by the American electorate.

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 8.07.32 AM.png

"Next, we'll downsize America to the point that
it's presence on the global stage is so puny
advanced nation's won't even notice us!...
And I've ordered an even smaller desk with
no room whatever for a buck to stop! ...
I can spend all my time lying, brooding and

firing off petty, pissy-tweets!"
January 4th, 2021.... Biden sends first installment to the EU council...
Trump's abdication of leadership in the coalition of advanced democratic nations made Pooty giggle and cavort merrily, but America is again assuming pre-eminence to his immense chagrin.

Sewing discord here and abroad is the KGB thug's nefarious agenda that all but the most abject Trump cultists get.

Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 1.09.02 PM.png
"Damn that 'most secure
free election ever!'

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