Can the CDC be trusted to provide factual/honest information on COVID-19 guidance? Not always...


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of a Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020

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Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020

CDC director's office ordered softening of coronavirus safety protocols for meat plant
"Can the CDC be trusted to provide factual/honest information on COVID-19 guidance?"

Not under the corrupt, dishonest Trump administration, no.
Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020

CDC director's office ordered softening of coronavirus safety protocols for meat plant

I never thought I would see meat and Rachel Maddow in the same sentence. Go Figure. :dunno:
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It's almost as if the IMPOTUS's administration is surprised a politicised agency's announcements are taken as political posturing.

It's almost as though obtuse dubmfucks like you didn't know that leviathan bureaucracies like the CDC are loaded down with marginally competent bureaucrats, who have been there for 20 years before Trump showed up.

I don't trust any of the (mis)information coming out of any executive-branch agency. The amount of criminality in the executive branch currently is off the charts. They are trying to destroy this nation.

This level of politicization in Trump’s corrupt administration is unprecedented – typical of most Republican presidents; Nixon and GWB were almost as bad.
I don't trust any of the (mis)information coming out of any executive-branch agency. The amount of criminality in the executive branch currently is off the charts. They are trying to destroy this nation.

This level of politicization in Trump’s corrupt administration is unprecedented – typical of most Republican presidents; Nixon and GWB were almost as bad.
Speaking of obtuse dumbfucks.....

Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020

CDC director's office ordered softening of coronavirus safety protocols for meat plant
"Can the CDC be trusted to provide factual/honest information on COVID-19 guidance?"

Not under the corrupt, dishonest Trump administration, no.

Please prove your point.

I don't trust any of the (mis)information coming out of any executive-branch agency. The amount of criminality in the executive branch currently is off the charts. They are trying to destroy this nation.

This level of politicization in Trump’s corrupt administration is unprecedented – typical of most Republican presidents; Nixon and GWB were almost as bad.

Boy, you must have really bonded with Obama while he was fucking you in the ass.

I've never seen a more partisan asshat who supports nothing he says but acts like people should see him as something other than the moron he is.

There is no more corruption in Trumps administration than Obama's. And Nixon and GWB had no more issues than Clinton.

You are a shitface liar.
America is suffering from the worst pandemic in over 100 years and the corrupt, incompetent Trump administration is placing politics over what’s best for the American people.

That the CDC and other health administration agencies have been so corrupted to be useless to the American people is likewise unprecedented.

America isn't suffering from anything.

The Blue Northeast is killing off the elderly at an incredible rate.

The econonmy is more important than your germophobia.

The CDC was always corrupt. Fuck, it's been shown Obama curt and twisted them.

Unprecedented ?

The left has completely unhinged.

They are burning down cities over reaction to them doing what they are paid to do.

They could give a fuck about George Floyd. They just need an excuse to behave like shitforbrains teenagers who want to do nothing but yell fuck you and vandalize whatever they want.

Now they want to stack the court.

Now they can impeach Trump any day of the week (for doing his job).

Now, the GOP senate should not do his job.

Fuck you on the left and I look forward to the day we are settling this in the street.
Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of a Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020


So changes in a changing situation are somehow evidence they don't know what they are doing?

Management actually managing shows some nefarious intent?

You had to go all the way back to April for this?
I don't trust any of the (mis)information coming out of any executive-branch agency. The amount of criminality in the executive branch currently is off the charts. They are trying to destroy this nation.

This level of politicization in Trump’s corrupt administration is unprecedented – typical of most Republican presidents; Nixon and GWB were almost as bad.

Boy, you must have really bonded with Obama while he was fucking you in the ass.

I've never seen a more partisan asshat who supports nothing he says but acts like people should see him as something other than the moron he is.

There is no more corruption in Trumps administration than Obama's. And Nixon and GWB had no more issues than Clinton.

You are a shitface liar.

Your porn speech and name-calling identify you as a really civilized, quality person. Sure. Right. Firing IGs, quitting important treaties, refusing to testify, lying and spreading misinformation about the pandemic, lying about ties with Russians, attempting to subvert the election, attempting to make discrimination legal, and so much more. Your comment about "settling" something in the street show exactly what you are. Go back to Russia.
I don't trust any of the (mis)information coming out of any executive-branch agency. The amount of criminality in the executive branch currently is off the charts. They are trying to destroy this nation.

This level of politicization in Trump’s corrupt administration is unprecedented – typical of most Republican presidents; Nixon and GWB were almost as bad.

Boy, you must have really bonded with Obama while he was fucking you in the ass.

I've never seen a more partisan asshat who supports nothing he says but acts like people should see him as something other than the moron he is.

There is no more corruption in Trumps administration than Obama's. And Nixon and GWB had no more issues than Clinton.

You are a shitface liar.

Your porn speech and name-calling identify you as a really civilized, quality person. Sure. Right. Firing IGs, quitting important treaties, refusing to testify, lying and spreading misinformation about the pandemic, lying about ties with Russians, attempting to subvert the election, attempting to make discrimination legal, and so much more.

Go fuck yourself. I haven't read anything but your first sentence. And you as a brainwashed asskissing left winger are not going to lecture me about anyting.

Nothing illegal about firing AG's.

Refusting to testify is not illegal and he is not the first to do it (get an education you stupid bitch).

No lies or anything illegal with the Russians for Trump.

Your side on the other hand is a bunch of butt-plugged crooks. And you'll be seeing some of them in jai lsoon.

No subversion of the election. Another left wing bullshit crybaby lie.

You can't point to one fucking thing that says Trump tried to make discrimination legal. You are desperate. Your polls are collapsing as the petrified piece of shit you are running is coming to light. So your blue wave is about to blow up in your face.

Suck on it.

So much more ? Yeah, I see you posting all kinds of bullshit all the time.
It's almost as though obtuse dubmfucks like you didn't know that leviathan bureaucracies like the CDC are loaded down with marginally competent bureaucrats, who have been there for 20 years before Trump showed up.

It had a world reputation as the blue ribbon health organisation.


Now China and Taiwan are given more credence.

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