Trump let us down on Covid 19, Not Cuomo or Whitmer.

March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.

Fauci said in mid Feb that there was no reason to think it would spread here.

You're reaching, Captain Fake News.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Yeah dummy. China is where the disease started.

Drumpf knew about it at least in Nov. He stood around with his finger up his ass. Its not Faucis responsibility to take Drumpfs finger out of his ass.

Trump put a travel ban in place and was vilified for it. LMAO. You lost another debate. Idiot.
All that proves is that Drumpf was a fucking idiot that banned China while europeans with covid-19 streamed into NY. You lose again moron.

" President Donald Trump failed to impose restrictions on travelers from Europe until mid-March, allowing a flood of Covid-19 cases into the U.S. "
That is before people knew it spread to Europe. He doesn't have ESP. You're so stupid it hurts. Our first death was Feb 29th. LOL. And you deflected and changed the narrative. So now you take back that he should have done something in November.
Only a fucking retard wouldnt know it was going to spread to europe back in November. Drumpfs incompentent ass fucked up. You carnival marks fell for his bullshit....again. :lol:
LMAO...if you knew then find one thread or one article where someone said it would. You have typos galore. That means your fat fingers are typing in anger. You lost another debate. I have utterly debunked you. Our infectious disease experts didn't raise an alarm til March.
I already posted where he knew about in November. Its not my fault Drumpf was too stupid to know it would spread to europe. Thats what diseases do. They spread. You have lost again and claiming victory to cover up your embarrassment. :lol:
Knew what? What did he know? I posted what Fauci, our so called expert said. One the one hand you yell at him for not listening and then you yell at him when he does. You are the stupidest person on this board. Honestly, you're embarrassing yourself. Just admit you look like a fool and move on.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.

Fauci said in mid Feb that there was no reason to think it would spread here.

You're reaching, Captain Fake News.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Yeah dummy. China is where the disease started.

Drumpf knew about it at least in Nov. He stood around with his finger up his ass. Its not Faucis responsibility to take Drumpfs finger out of his ass.

Trump put a travel ban in place and was vilified for it. LMAO. You lost another debate. Idiot.
All that proves is that Drumpf was a fucking idiot that banned China while europeans with covid-19 streamed into NY. You lose again moron.

" President Donald Trump failed to impose restrictions on travelers from Europe until mid-March, allowing a flood of Covid-19 cases into the U.S. "
That is before people knew it spread to Europe. He doesn't have ESP. You're so stupid it hurts. Our first death was Feb 29th. LOL. And you deflected and changed the narrative. So now you take back that he should have done something in November.
Only a fucking retard wouldnt know it was going to spread to europe back in November. Drumpfs incompentent ass fucked up. You carnival marks fell for his bullshit....again. :lol:
LMAO...if you knew then find one thread or one article where someone said it would. You have typos galore. That means your fat fingers are typing in anger. You lost another debate. I have utterly debunked you. Our infectious disease experts didn't raise an alarm til March.
I already posted where he knew about in November. Its not my fault Drumpf was too stupid to know it would spread to europe. Thats what diseases do. They spread. You have lost again and claiming victory to cover up your embarrassment. :lol:
Knew what? What did he know? I posted what Fauci, our so called expert said. One the one hand you yell at him for not listening and then you yell at him when he does. You are the stupidest person on this board. Honestly, you're embarrassing yourself. Just admit you look like a fool and move on.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Drumpf knew it was a world wide threat you retard. Did you read the link or did you just bury your head in the sand? :lol:

Again Fauci is not the POTUS. Fatass is. Its not Faucis job to make the decisions. Fatass was already briefed by the intel community. He should have acted in November and a lot of lives would have been saved.
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.

Fauci said in mid Feb that there was no reason to think it would spread here.

You're reaching, Captain Fake News.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Yeah dummy. China is where the disease started.

Drumpf knew about it at least in Nov. He stood around with his finger up his ass. Its not Faucis responsibility to take Drumpfs finger out of his ass.

Trump put a travel ban in place and was vilified for it. LMAO. You lost another debate. Idiot.
All that proves is that Drumpf was a fucking idiot that banned China while europeans with covid-19 streamed into NY. You lose again moron.

" President Donald Trump failed to impose restrictions on travelers from Europe until mid-March, allowing a flood of Covid-19 cases into the U.S. "
That is before people knew it spread to Europe. He doesn't have ESP. You're so stupid it hurts. Our first death was Feb 29th. LOL. And you deflected and changed the narrative. So now you take back that he should have done something in November.
Only a fucking retard wouldnt know it was going to spread to europe back in November. Drumpfs incompentent ass fucked up. You carnival marks fell for his bullshit....again. :lol:
LMAO...if you knew then find one thread or one article where someone said it would. You have typos galore. That means your fat fingers are typing in anger. You lost another debate. I have utterly debunked you. Our infectious disease experts didn't raise an alarm til March.
I already posted where he knew about in November. Its not my fault Drumpf was too stupid to know it would spread to europe. Thats what diseases do. They spread. You have lost again and claiming victory to cover up your embarrassment. :lol:
Knew what? What did he know? I posted what Fauci, our so called expert said. One the one hand you yell at him for not listening and then you yell at him when he does. You are the stupidest person on this board. Honestly, you're embarrassing yourself. Just admit you look like a fool and move on.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Drumpf knew it was a world wide threat you retard. Did you read the link or did you just bury your head in the sand? :lol:

Again Fauci is not the POTUS. Fatass is. Its not Faucis job to make the decisions. Fatass was already briefed by the intel community. He should have acted in November and a lot of lives would have been saved. now you know more than Fauci? Trump should have listened to you. I'll repeat it for the third time. Idiot.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

And enlighten us, what SHOULD HE HAVE DONE IN NOVEMBER?!?!?!?


When the WHO even said it was contained?
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.

Fauci said in mid Feb that there was no reason to think it would spread here.

You're reaching, Captain Fake News.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Yeah dummy. China is where the disease started.

Drumpf knew about it at least in Nov. He stood around with his finger up his ass. Its not Faucis responsibility to take Drumpfs finger out of his ass.

Trump put a travel ban in place and was vilified for it. LMAO. You lost another debate. Idiot.
All that proves is that Drumpf was a fucking idiot that banned China while europeans with covid-19 streamed into NY. You lose again moron.

" President Donald Trump failed to impose restrictions on travelers from Europe until mid-March, allowing a flood of Covid-19 cases into the U.S. "
That is before people knew it spread to Europe. He doesn't have ESP. You're so stupid it hurts. Our first death was Feb 29th. LOL. And you deflected and changed the narrative. So now you take back that he should have done something in November.
Only a fucking retard wouldnt know it was going to spread to europe back in November. Drumpfs incompentent ass fucked up. You carnival marks fell for his bullshit....again. :lol:
LMAO...if you knew then find one thread or one article where someone said it would. You have typos galore. That means your fat fingers are typing in anger. You lost another debate. I have utterly debunked you. Our infectious disease experts didn't raise an alarm til March.
I already posted where he knew about in November. Its not my fault Drumpf was too stupid to know it would spread to europe. Thats what diseases do. They spread. You have lost again and claiming victory to cover up your embarrassment. :lol:
Knew what? What did he know? I posted what Fauci, our so called expert said. One the one hand you yell at him for not listening and then you yell at him when he does. You are the stupidest person on this board. Honestly, you're embarrassing yourself. Just admit you look like a fool and move on.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Drumpf knew it was a world wide threat you retard. Did you read the link or did you just bury your head in the sand? :lol:

Again Fauci is not the POTUS. Fatass is. Its not Faucis job to make the decisions. Fatass was already briefed by the intel community. He should have acted in November and a lot of lives would have been saved. now you know more than Fauci? Trump should have listened to you. I'll repeat it for the third time. Idiot.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

And enlighten us, what SHOULD HE HAVE DONE IN NOVEMBER?!?!?!?


When the WHO even said it was contained?
" now you know more than Fauci? "

Intel knew more than Fauci obviously. I wasnt part of it.

If it was me finding out about it Nov I would have shut down travel to the US that moment. Why dont you think of a harder question to ask me?
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol: that. Thanks.

Again, what would you have done in his shoes.
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
The NCMI you fucking retard. Thats not the CDC.
I watched Hannity last night and Karl Rove put up a time line of both what Joe Biden was doing Vs what Trump was saying and doing... Biden was downplaying this virus on a loud speaker as he thought it would hurt Trump all while Trump was protecting US citizens...

Biden lied out of his ass big time yesterday.. and now its on tape.. look for it to become a commercial in the next few days...
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
The NCMI you fucking retard. Thats not the CDC.
NCMI has doctors INSIDE THE CDC... They make assessments from both civilian and military assets. You really are ignorant of how this works. I was part of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological warfare family and have in roads to this very day. NO ONE thought this was a credible threat to the US in November or December.
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
The NCMI you fucking retard. Thats not the CDC.
NCMI has doctors INSIDE THE CDC... They make assessments from both civilian and military assets. You really are ignorant of how this works. I was part of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological warfare family and have in roads to this very day. NO ONE thought this was a credible threat to the US in November or December.
Too bad you lack credibility. Having doctors inside the CDC doesnt change the fact that it wasnt the CDC you retard. If they are in the CDC they are held to the security restrictions. Need to know applies. They cant say anything to the CDC even if they were informed because the CDC doesnt have the security clearance or need to know. I still have a top secret security clearance. Go run that bullshit on someone that doesnt know any better.

March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
The NCMI you fucking retard. Thats not the CDC.
NCMI has doctors INSIDE THE CDC... They make assessments from both civilian and military assets. You really are ignorant of how this works. I was part of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological warfare family and have in roads to this very day. NO ONE thought this was a credible threat to the US in November or December.
Too bad you lack credibility. Having doctors inside the CDC doesnt change the fact that it wasnt the CDC you retard. If they are in the CDC they are held to the security restrictions. Need to know applies. They cant say anything to the CDC even if they were informed because the CDC doesnt have the security clearance or need to know. I still have a top secret security clearance. Go run that bullshit on someone that doesnt know any better.

He does? You said you would beat Luka Doncic one on one and that you have not provided proof of your assumptions. LOL.
I watched Hannity last night and Karl Rove put up a time line of both what Joe Biden was doing Vs what Trump was saying and doing... Biden was downplaying this virus on a loud speaker as he thought it would hurt Trump all while Trump was protecting US citizens...

Biden lied out of his ass big time yesterday.. and now its on tape.. look for it to become a commercial in the next few days...

Link of the video or tape.
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

So trump, not cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes? 40% of our deaths are from nursing homes democrat scum governors drunk on power caused.

You can't blame trump and give them a pass, that's partisan bullshit.

Most of the people who died from the virus came from Europe and it spread in NY city, and tramp did shut European travel down Mar 11th (except London) and the new book Rage he knew it was deadly. Tramp was in charge and he knew exactly what he was doing. He downplayed it so did everyone else until it really hit NYcity.
Drumpf knew about it at the very least officially in November but stood around with his finger up his ass for a couple of months pretending it was a hoax.
So you read that in Wacko Today, the news that isnt the news???
Sorry Drumpfster. Unfortunately I can't be conned like Drumpf does you clowns.

What sources? Fake News an hearsay and you fell for it. Sucker.

Be quiet loser. You lose yet again.
As I told you before this was a POTENTIAL THREAT that everyone in the CDC world said was a nothing burger... Again you post up this lie when the experts said there was no problem... SO do we beleive them then or now? Hypocritical asslips
The CDC didnt know about this report you retard. Face it. Drumpf has bullshitted you again. :lol:
Who the fuck do you think makes those assemsent reports? You really are ignorant of how this works..
The NCMI you fucking retard. Thats not the CDC.
NCMI has doctors INSIDE THE CDC... They make assessments from both civilian and military assets. You really are ignorant of how this works. I was part of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological warfare family and have in roads to this very day. NO ONE thought this was a credible threat to the US in November or December.
Too bad you lack credibility. Having doctors inside the CDC doesnt change the fact that it wasnt the CDC you retard. If they are in the CDC they are held to the security restrictions. Need to know applies. They cant say anything to the CDC even if they were informed because the CDC doesnt have the security clearance or need to know. I still have a top secret security clearance. Go run that bullshit on someone that doesnt know any better.

Keep spinning moron.... Your ignorance is stunning...
I watched Hannity last night and Karl Rove put up a time line of both what Joe Biden was doing Vs what Trump was saying and doing... Biden was downplaying this virus on a loud speaker as he thought it would hurt Trump all while Trump was protecting US citizens...

Biden lied out of his ass big time yesterday.. and now its on tape.. look for it to become a commercial in the next few days...

Link of the video or tape.
HE was singeling out McCain..... LOL You people are desperate...
Tramp had a rally on March 28, 2020 in Grand Rapids and not a word about covid.
I watched Hannity last night and Karl Rove put up a time line of both what Joe Biden was doing Vs what Trump was saying and doing... Biden was downplaying this virus on a loud speaker as he thought it would hurt Trump all while Trump was protecting US citizens...

Biden lied out of his ass big time yesterday.. and now its on tape.. look for it to become a commercial in the next few days...

Link of the video or tape.
HE was singeling out McCain..... LOL You people are desperate...

Seems you can't supply a link, so I don't believe you, everyone knows who the liar is.
March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

A few Democrat Gov's killed the grandparents with their foolish nursing home policies.

NO WONDER BIDEN RAN FROM TRUMP WHEN President Donald Trump brought up the H1N1 epidemic:

“According to the Centers for Disease Control’s latest numbers, out of the more than 200,000 people who died with COVID-19, only 92 were under age 18.

“But 1,282 children died from the H1N1 pandemic of 2009-2010, when Barack Obama was in the White House and Joe Biden was vice president.

“The number of children hospitalized from COVID has been around 8,000. The number hospitalized because of H1N1 – 86,813.

“The swine flu was particularly worrisome because, unlike COVID and the seasonal flu – this one targeted the young more than the elderly. In fact, fully 10% of the deaths from H1N1 were age 17 or younger, while just 13% were over age 65.”


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March 13, 2020

When should nursing homes consider transferring a resident with suspected or confirmed infection with COVID-19 to a hospital? Nursing homes with residents suspected of having COVID-19 infection should contact their local health department. Residents infected with COVID-19 may vary in severity from lack of symptoms to mild or severe symptoms or fatality. Initially, symptoms may be mild and not require transfer to a hospital as long as the facility can follow the infection prevention and control practices recommended by CDC. Facilities without an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) are not required to transfer the resident assuming: 1) the resident does not require a higher level of care and 2) the facility can adhere to the rest of the infection prevention and control practices recommended for caring for a resident with COVID-19. Please check the following link regularly for critical updates, such as updates to guidance for using PPE: The resident may develop more severe symptoms and require transfer to a hospital for a higher level of care. Prior to transfer, emergency medical services and the receiving facility should be alerted to the resident’s diagnosis, and precautions to be taken including placing a facemask on the resident during transfer. If the resident does not require hospitalization they can be discharged to home (in consultation with state or local public health authorities) if deemed medically and socially appropriate. Pending transfer or discharge, place a facemask on the resident and isolate him/her in a room with the door closed.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital? A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been
developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

My Grandmother who is 101 now is in a nursing home in Texas---------------------they don't let any covid people in at all. And the nursing home has had no patients who have come down with the covid despiite 2 employees catching it from the outside world. Cuomo and Whitmer are murderers-------they ordered their nursing homes to take in infected---knowing because cuomo was in almost daily contact with fauci that doing so would spread the disease as the nursing homes themselves asked to not be forced to take in the infected. As Cuomo and Whitmer had the infected spreading the disease around in nursing homes killing people---they were using the higher infected and death rates as an excuse to try to get more federal funds that they could control and funnel around. It's sick-----------they killed off elderly people for $$$$. But watch the lib propagandists try to justify these murders.

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