Can the Administrator (singular) and the maudes (plural) see...

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come on people...I'm trying for the most pos reps in the shortest amount of time on this lame old (before I got here) message board.


my latest book: "How To Make Lasting Friends On Internet Message Boards" is now on the remainder's list on
come on people...I'm trying for the most pos reps in the shortest amount of time on this lame old (before I got here) message board.


my latest book: "How To Make Lasting Friends On Internet Message Boards" is now on the remainder's list on

If your other screen names (with the same IP) didn't keep pos repping you, you'd be in a world of hurt.
If your other screen names (with the same IP) didn't keep pos repping you, you'd be in a world of hurt.

Dude, chill. His other screen names can't log in. So much for THAT theory. When I need you to help me keep track of things, I'll let you know.

I'm not going to instruct dev to not discuss the issue then allow you to. Rather one-sided, dont you think? I should let him have your ass as he suggests, but even *I* am not so cruel.

I made the decision to let him have another shot, as I have with countless others. End of discussion. If you feel there is something I need to know, you PM me at this User ID.

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