Can Scott Brown Win in Massachusetts?

I'm voting for Brown.

But I'll fall off my rocker if he wins.
I'm voting for Coakley. We'll be canceling out each other's votes. If we both agree not to vote, we can save each other having to go to the polling station.


I have a taker!! My aunt in Milton is going to refrain from voting for Brown if you promise to stay home. Deal? :eusa_angel:

you should both stay home, but make sure to private message me your information so I can register an absentee ballot for both of you ;).

Yeah I learned from ACORN :lol:
GOP Fears Democrats Will Stall Swearing-In if Brown Wins Mass. Senate Race

Massachusetts Republicans fear that if their candidate for U.S. Senate scores an upset victory in the special election next week, Democrats in the state and in Washington will drag out the certification process just long enough so that he won't be able to block health care reform. - GOP Fears Democrats Will Stall Swearing-In if Brown Wins Mass. Senate Race
The DNC's hatchet man is in Boston today.

Here come the negative campaign ads.

BTW in rasmussens' polling Scott Brown is up 7 points from where they had him at last week.

He is certainly catching some incredible momentum.

His "It's the peoples' seat" clip is among the most viewed on YouTube right now...

I think we are in for some serious shenanigans if the race is close. Democrats control the entire political machine in Massachusetts, so the only chance Brown has is to win by an unassailable margin. Otherwise mysterious votes will appear all over the state, mysterious votes for the Democrat candidate of course!! Massachusetts has a long history of rigging elections for Democrats.

Even if Brown somehow pulls off the miracle upset, the Democrats can stall for up to a month or maybe longer. So I wouldn't expect to see Brown in the Senate until March at the earliest.

The fact that Brown - an unapologetic CONSERVATIVE ON THE ISSUES that voters care about - is this close in Massachusetts is very encouraging and we can learn a few things here. Republicans need to nationalize every race come November. Focus on all of the lies we have been told this last year (transparency, lobbyists, bipartisanship etc..) and the reckless spending. Make voters understand that every candidate across the country is really running against Reid and Pelosi and the Corrupt "For sale" Congress. Frame the argument in such a way that a vote for the Republicans is a vote for "Checks and Balances". We've seen what the rubber stamp Congress has done - they have doubled the national debt in 1 year, they have literally purchased votes from Senators, and they have wasted our time on a piece of shit healthcare bill while the economy crashed. It is time they were made to pay a political price for their incompetence.

Most importantly, this election shows that Republicans need to run real CONSERVATIVES . Limp wristed moderates need not apply. Conservatives win and they win big when they run Real Conservatives.
Democrat Coakley Goes Thug


A reporter attempting to get clarifaction from would-be Democrat Senate candidate Martha Coakley regarding her comments that there were no more terrorists in Afghanistan, is pushed down on the sidewalk and then physically forced to show his press credentials by man who stated he "works for himself"

It is now believed the man in question was Coakley Campaign staffer Michael Meehan.

...After Coakley finished her answer, she began walking away from the restaurant, and I walked behind her asking why health care industry lobbyists were supporting her at the fundraiser. She didn't reply.

As I walked down the street, a man who appeared to be associated with the Coakley campaign pushed me into a freestanding metal railing. I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine. He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street.

He asked if I was with the media, and I told him I work for THE WEEKLY STANDARD. When I asked him who he worked for he replied, "I work for me." He demanded to see my credentials, and even though it was a public street, I showed them to him.

I eventually got around him and met up with the attorney general halfway down the block.

"Attorney General, could I ask you a question please?" I said. "We're done, thanks," Coakley replied. She walked back toward the restaurant, apparently searching for her car. She remained silent as I (politely) repeated my question.

Coakley staffers told me they didn't know who the man was who pushed me, though by every indication he was somehow connected to the campaign

Video of attack:


We report, we get pushed | Washington Examiner
The DNC's hatchet man is in Boston today.

Here come the negative campaign ads.

BTW in rasmussens' polling Scott Brown is up 7 points from where they had him at last week.

He is certainly catching some incredible momentum.

His "It's the peoples' seat" clip is among the most viewed on YouTube right now...


I'm interested to see if the independants stick with him with the full frontal negative ad assult that is about to start up.

They are going to paint Scott Brown as someone who hates puppies :lol:
The DNC's hatchet man is in Boston today.

Here come the negative campaign ads.

BTW in rasmussens' polling Scott Brown is up 7 points from where they had him at last week.

He is certainly catching some incredible momentum.

His "It's the peoples' seat" clip is among the most viewed on YouTube right now...


I'm interested to see if the independants stick with him with the full frontal negative ad assult that is about to start up.

They are going to paint Scott Brown as someone who hates puppies :lol:

Oh yeah - millions of dollars being mobilized and favors being called in by the national Democrat Party Machine.

It will be Scott Brown's momentum vs the Democrat Smear Campaign...
Brown may be ok, and surely he will be better than the alternative. But, is he really all that?

Arkady Kamenetsky blogs about Scott Brown, the much-heralded Republican candidate for senate in Massachusetts. He is, says Arkady:
A state Senator serving during Romney’s administration supporting and voting for billions in additional spending, millions of dollars in fee hikes, and the utterly broken MassCare system known as RomneyCare.
A man who voted for a property tax hike in his town of Wrentham, purposely overriding proposition 2 ½ designed to keep property taxes limited.
A man who went on air to publicly speak out against ending the state income tax on the 2008 ballot and returning 12 billion dollars back into the pockets of Massachusetts citizens. Claiming that depriving 12 billion from the State coffers is reckless, despite knowing full well that the state spent almost 49 billion in 2008!
A man who proudly speaks of his involvement in RomneyCare, a plan widely endorsed by both Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
Scott Brown is legit.

By historical standards, he would be a JFK Democrat, and frankly, I will take that any day over this crop of rampant Big Government Anti-American liberalism that dominates the Democrat Party - and to some extent, the Republican Party, of today.
I really do hope so. He's clearly the better candidate. Not sure that matters in Massachusetts these days though. I really did like his reply to Gergen about that seat not belonging to Ted Kennedy or the Democrats but rather it belonging to the People. Brown has a bright future win or lose. It really is refreshing observing a politician who actually gets it. Go get em Mr. Brown!
He should win because he's obviously the superior candidate. However even if he wins he'll probably still lose. The Dems will figure out a way to rig that thing up there. I would have to say the fix is already in on this one. It is very sad but it is what it is.
Scott Brown is legit.

By historical standards, he would be a JFK Democrat, and frankly, I will take that any day over this crop of rampant Big Government Anti-American liberalism that dominates the Democrat Party - and to some extent, the Republican Party, of today.

You do realize that the war on poverty programs were a JFK legacy that Johnson continued and eventually passed?

As was the Civil Rights act of 1964, widely opposed by conservatives, such as conservative icon Barry Goldwater?

The right has such a cute mythology built around JFK. Part of their Adopt-a-Dem-and-Makeover project.
Project Vote Smart - Senator Scott P. Brown - Voting Record

Check out that JW.

Like i said in a different thread I dont agree with all his decisions as a state senator. I almost was going to vote for Kennedy but Coakley is such a bad choice, IMO, that i'm going to go for brown this time.

You have obviously asked yourself the important question:

"What can Brown do for you?"


This would be a huge loss for the D's should Brown win, although I imagine some of the resident liberals already have their canned responses to the contrary warmed up in the bullpen for just that occasion...

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