Can Madona stop the war in Iran before it begins?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

I was thinking if she gave that performance she gave at halftime in Tehran, the Iranians would be begging for mercy.
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Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

I was thinking if she gave that performance she gave at halftime in Tehran, the Iranians would be begging for mercy.

Or begging for a Jackson style wardrobe malfunction. Who needs bombs when you got boobs.
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

They must be hoping to view this

[ame=]Madonna - Justify My Love (video) - YouTube[/ame]
Iran lookin' to provoke a fight...
Iran warships enter Mediterranean via Suez Canal
18 February 2012 - Iranian warships have entered the Mediterranean Sea for only the second time since the 1979 revolution.
The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg have passed through the Suez Canal but their destination remains unclear. Navy chief Admiral Habibollah Sayari told the Irna agency the mission was a show of might and a "message of peace". Two Iranian navy vessels entered the Mediterranean in February last year. Israel called it a "provocation".

Admiral Sayari was quoted by Irna as saying: "The strategic navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has passed through the Suez Canal for the second time since the Islamic Revolution." The mission conveyed "the might" of Iran to regional countries and Tehran's "message of peace and friendship". The ships were reported to have docked earlier at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Reuters quoted a source at the Suez Canal authority as saying the vessels might be en route to Syria.

The mission comes amid heightened tension between Iran and Israel. Iran has recently announced developments in its nuclear programme, prompting some speculation Israel may launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel has also blamed Iran for recent attacks on Israeli targets in Georgia and India, an accusation Tehran denies.

BBC News - Iran warships enter Mediterranean via Suez Canal

See also:

What sanctions? Top five countries buying oil from Iran.
Iran is the third-largest exporter of crude oil in the world, behind Saudi Arabia and Russia. Its economy relies heavily on oil exports. Recent Western sanctions have targeted Iran’s oil industry in hopes of pressuring Tehran to address international concerns about its nuclear program.
However, the effect of the sanctions could be limited if Iran’s top customers keep buying oil, or even increase their imports. According to tallies from June 2011, here are the top 5 importers of Iranian oil:

1. China

China bought 22 percent of Iran’s oil exports in the first half of last year, making it the top importer of Iranian oil.

China has increased its imports of Iranian oil, as other countries including Italy and Britain have decreased their volume, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Iranian exports of crude and other oil products to China totaled close to 540,000 barrels per day (bpd) in China last year – up from 426,000 bpd the year before.

Despite US pressure to help squeeze Iran’s economy, Beijing has consistently stood its ground on remaining a loyal customer of Iranian oil. China is one of the most populous countries in the world, and is dependent on oil imports to fuel its economy.

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Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

I was thinking if she gave that performance she gave at halftime in Tehran, the Iranians would be begging for mercy.

that or a fatwa calling for the death of a slut....

OMG...she showed her hair and some skin...... FATWA!!!

just saying.
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Mebbe a cold war is bettern' a hot one...
'Nuclear-armed Iran will trigger Mideast arms race'
2/18/2012 : UK Foreign Secretary Hague tells 'Telegraph' that Iranians "clearly continuing their nuclear weapons program," but emphasizes that Britain opposes military action; warns of "new Cold War in the Middle East."
Iran is clearly trying to develop a nuclear weapons capability, and if it succeeds it will set off a dangerous round of nuclear proliferation across the Middle East, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in an interview published on Saturday. Iran says its uranium enrichment program is purely for civilian purposes, but Western powers suspect Tehran is trying to develop the ability to produce nuclear weapons. Western powers have been pressing Tehran to hold substantive talks on its nuclear program and want it to halt its uranium enrichment, but Iran says it has an absolute right to press ahead with its plans.

Several rounds of increasingly punitive United Nations and Western sanctions have failed to persuade Iran to stop its enrichment program, some of which has been moved to underground buildings for greater security. The Iranians "are clearly continuing their nuclear weapons program," Hague told The Daily Telegraph. "If they obtain nuclear weapons capability, I think other nations across the Middle East will want to develop nuclear weapons." "The most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun, with all the destabilizing effects in the Middle East, and the threat of a new Cold War in the Middle East without necessarily all the safety mechanisms," he said. "That would be a disaster in world affairs."

There has been public discussion in Israel about whether it should attack Iran to stop it from developing a nuclear bomb, and tension between the two foes has been raised by attacks on Israeli diplomats abroad and the recent assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran. "We are very clear to all concerned that we are not advocating military action," Hague said in the interview. "We support a twin-track strategy of sanctions and pressure, and negotiations on the other hand." "We are not favoring the idea of anybody attacking Iran at the moment," he added. The latest signal from Tehran that it might be willing to resume talks on the nuclear issue, in the form of a letter to European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, have been greeted with cautious optimism by the United States and the European Union.

'Nuclear-armed Iran will trigger... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
Is what Granny been sayin' all along - Iran's stallin' techniques is a bid to buy more time to finish their WMD program...
Iran’s relentless nuclear quest
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - Nothing has slowed regime’s race to build the bomb
The Valentine's Day announcement of new scientific and technological achievements in Iran’s nuclear program demonstrates the continued broadening and deepening of its capacities in this sensitive, dangerous field. While the race to achieve functional nuclear weapons is the most mesmerizing and immediately threatening aspect of Iran’s work, its continued march across the full scope of nuclear activities shows that Tehran is confident it will not soon be thwarted.

Iran is in for the long haul, belying the fancy that diplomacy or economic sanctions can work. The confirmation that the Fordo uranium-enrichment facility near Qom is fully operational and that its first domestically manufactured fuel rods are installed in the Tehran Research Reactor shows Iran steadily mastering the nuclear-fuel cycle. Perhaps we will next hear that the Arak heavy-water production facility is completed and functioning and that the nearby heavy-water reactor will, in fact, be inaugurated in 2013. Or that Iran’s ballistic-missile program has launch-tested vehicles capable of reaching targets in the Western Hemisphere.

Each successive step underscores that Iran’s carefully planned, systematic and increasingly operational nuclear infrastructure is not designed simply to show defiance of Western opposition and sanctions, as some contend. Remember, for example, the flurry of optimism about proposals to exchange Iran’s existing supply of low-enriched uranium so that a foreign nation could manufacture fuel rods for the Tehran reactor. Iran swatted away that initiative, not least because manufacturing fuel rods domestically always was part of its larger strategy to widen and intensify its nuclear capability.

Iran’s slow and steady progress for two decades has demonstrated beyond frantic rhetorical efforts at denial that diplomacy has not only been futile, but has provided Iran political cover and legitimacy while it pursued its nuclear objectives. Even more important, negotiations and the imposition of weak, ineffective sanctions have given Iran time to reach the point where its nuclear activities are broad and deep, and it is close to winning the strategically important race to the nuclear-weapons finish line. President Obama’s own Director of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper testified to the Senate in January that “the sanctions as imposed so far have not caused [the Iranians] to change their behavior or their policy.” Public assertions and actions by China, India, Turkey and others make clear that new financial and oil-related sanctions also will come essentially to naught.

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Please, with as uptight as the Iranian government is, she could freakin cause the war.
A tough nut to crack...
How Israel might strike at Iran
27 February 2012 - An Israeli attack would have to cope with a variety of problems
For all the myriad challenges facing Israel over the past decade it is the potential threat from a nuclear-armed Iran that has pre-occupied the country's military planners. It is this that in large part has guided the development of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) over recent years. The IAF has purchased 125 advanced F-15I and F-16I warplanes, equipped with Israeli avionics and additional fuel tanks - tailor-made for long-range strike missions. In addition, Israel has bought specialised bunker-busting munitions; developed large, long-endurance, unmanned aircraft; and much of its training has focused on long-range missions.

Israel has a track-record of pre-emptive strikes against nuclear targets in the region. In June 1981, Israeli jets bombed the Osirak reactor near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. More recently, in September 2007, Israeli warplanes attacked a facility in Syria that Israel, the US and many experts believed was a nuclear reactor under construction. However, a potential strike against Iran would be nothing like the attacks in Iraq and Syria. These were both against single targets, located above ground, and came literally out of the blue. An Israeli attempt to severely damage Iran's nuclear programme would have to cope with a variety of problems, including range, the multiplicity of targets, and the nature of those targets. Many of these problems are daunting in themselves, but when put together, they only compound the difficulties facing Israeli military planners.

How to get there?

For a start it is a very long way from Israel to Iran. As a rough estimate many of the potential targets are some 1,500km (930 miles) to 1,800km (1,120 miles) from Israeli bases. Israeli warplanes have to get to Iran and, equally important, get back. At least three routes are possible.

* There is the northern one where Israeli jets would fly north and then east along the borders between Turkey and Syria, and then Turkey and Iraq

* The central, more likely route would take Israeli warplanes over Iraq. With the US military gone, the Iraqi authorities are far less able to monitor and control their air space, effectively opening a door to an Israeli incursion

* The third, southern route would take Israeli jets over Saudi air space. Would the Saudis turn a blind eye to such a move given their own concerns about Iran's nuclear programme? Could this route be used by Israeli aircraft on the return leg of their journey? We just do not know

More BBC News - Analysis: How Israel might strike at Iran
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

maybe they should attack DURING the concert...

I'm just sayin... ;)
Mebbe she could go over there an' do a belly-dance fer `em...
How Iran might respond to Israeli attack
6 March 2012 - Iran has the largest and most diverse ballistic missile arsenal in the Middle East
Iran has made it clear that if it is attacked either by Israel or the United States it will respond in kind. But just what could Iran do to strike back? What would be the consequences, both in the region and inside Iran itself? Indeed, could the potential consequences of an Israeli strike be so serious as to make military action the least preferable option in terms of constraining Iran's nuclear programme?

Long-distance missiles

"Iran's ability to strike back directly against Israel is limited," says Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). "Its antiquated air force is totally outclassed by the Israelis and it has only a limited number of ballistic missiles that could reach Israel." Mr Fitzpatrick says Iran's missile arsenal includes "a modified version of the Shahab-3, the Ghadr-1, which has a range of 1,600km (995 miles), but Iran only has about six transporter-erector launchers for the missile".

"Iran's new solid-fuelled missile, the Sajjil-2, can also reach Israel, but it is not yet fully operational," he adds. But, Mr Fitzpatrick argues that "both of these missiles are too inaccurate to have any effect against military targets when armed with conventional weapons". "Nor are they a very effective way to deliver chemical or biological weapons, and Iran does not have nuclear weapons." In summary, he believes that "an Iranian missile strike would be only a symbolic gesture".

Enlisting allies

Mr Fitzpatrick believes Iran is more likely to respond against Israel "asymmetrically, and through proxies". Its ally, the Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, has more than 10,000 rocket launchers in southern Lebanon, many of them supplied by Iran. "These are mostly 25km-range (16-mile) Katyushas, but also Fahr-3 (45km; 28 miles), Fajr-5 (75km; 47 miles), Zelzal-2 (200km; 124 miles) and potentially Fateh-110 (200km) plus about 10 Scud-D missiles that can pack a 750kg (1,653lb) payload and hit all of Israel." He says that the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, could also attack Israel with shorter-range rockets.

More BBC News - Analysis: How would Iran respond to an Israeli attack?
New bunker buster to be field tested on Iran...
Clash with Iran could see use of huge, new U.S. bomb
Fri, Mar 9, 2012 - WASHINGTON - A 30,000-pound (13,600-kg) bunker buster bomb designed to smash through some 200 feet of concrete before exploding is a "great weapon" that could be used by U.S. forces in a clash with Iran over its nuclear program, an Air Force general said on Thursday.
Lieutenant General Herbert Carlisle, Air Force deputy chief of staff for operations, said the massive ordnance penetrator, which the military began receiving only last year, is part of the U.S. arsenal available for strikes against countries like Iran, which has some buried nuclear facilities. "The massive ordnance penetrator is a great weapon. We are continuing to improve that. It has great capability now and we are continuing to make it better. It is part of our arsenal and it will be a potential if we need it in that kind of scenario," Carlisle told a conference on U.S. defense programs.

The Pentagon has begun working on military options if sanctions and diplomacy fail to prevent Tehran from building a nuclear weapon. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told the National Journal in an interview on Thursday that planning had been going on "for a long time." Major powers are increasingly concerned about Iran's nuclear enrichment program, which they view as an attempt to build an atomic weapon. But Tehran says it is meant for peaceful energy production. Israel also is worried about potential for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit to Washington this week that time was running out for diplomacy and sanctions.


Panetta, who has said diplomacy and sanctions should be given more time, told the National Journal he did not think Israel had decided whether to order a high-risk raid on Iran's nuclear sites. He said the United States was committed to preventing Iran from acquiring atomic weapons and would have a greater impact than Israel if it decided force was necessary. "If they decided to do it there's no question that it would have an impact, but I think it's also clear that if the United States did it we would have a hell of a bigger impact," Panetta said.

The tough rhetoric from the Pentagon came despite President Barack Obama's effort this week to tamp down "loose talk" and "bluster" about possible military action, saying there was still an opportunity for diplomacy. Carlisle also told the Credit Suisse-McAleese defense conference that a conflict with Syria or Iran could see U.S. military operations influenced by new tactical thinking at the Pentagon known as Air-Sea Battle. That approach aims to take advantage of highly networked and integrated U.S. forces.

Israel `bout to kick Iran's butt...
US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment'
11 May, 2012, The State of Israel may launch a military strike on the Islamic Republic of Iran any time now, reports Israeli television network Channel 10 News.
Channel 10, a decade-old broadcasting network with international distribution, reports that authorities in the United States are rushing this week to discuss an impending Israeli attack on Iran. The reports have developed in recent days following news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has formed an alliance with Shaul Mofaz, the leader of the nation’s largest opposition party. Speaking of the deal between the two, PM Netanyahu has said the newfangled alliance will stabilize the country’s government. Reporting from Jerusalem, the UK’s Independent adds that the relationship installs “a commanding mandate” for Netanhau, “should he choose to strike against Iran.” In the United States, many have feared that it would only be a matter of time before such a strike occurred. Only now, however, are top US officials reportedly trying to find a way to prevent an immediate attack.

Israel National News reports that the strike could be carried out at "any given moment.” Channel 10 adds in their report that undisclosed sources with ties to the US government say authorities in Washington, DC fear that the Netanyahu/Mofaz alliance brings together two influential party leaders that would both favor an attack on Iran. Speaking together on Tuesday this week, both men said they have much common ground between them when it comes to issues that include Iran. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is also reported to be in favor of a strike on Iran more likely sooner than later. With an attack seeming imminent, US officials are reportedly scurrying to strike a deal that will prevent a war from breaking out in the coming weeks.

Earlier this year, the plans for the US/Israeli joint missile exercise were pushed back, in turn causing much speculation over if and how both nations would cooperate with one another if an attack was waged on Iran.In February, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess told reporters that, if a war erupted, it was most likely to be initiated by Israel. "Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict," Burgess said.

Weeks earlier, it was reported at a US Defense Department briefing at the Pentagon outside of Washington, DC that authorities were readying the deployment of a massive US Navy “mother ship,” the USS Ponce, towards Iran’s Strait of Hormuz. When RT covered the news when it first developed, it was reported that the ship could be sent overseas as early as May 2012. Earlier this week, US Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that he rejects the notion of continuing US support to Israel through military aid, saying that doing so "will lead to war."

US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment' — RT
Israel `bout to kick Iran's butt...
US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment'
11 May, 2012, The State of Israel may launch a military strike on the Islamic Republic of Iran any time now, reports Israeli television network Channel 10 News.
Channel 10, a decade-old broadcasting network with international distribution, reports that authorities in the United States are rushing this week to discuss an impending Israeli attack on Iran. The reports have developed in recent days following news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has formed an alliance with Shaul Mofaz, the leader of the nation’s largest opposition party. Speaking of the deal between the two, PM Netanyahu has said the newfangled alliance will stabilize the country’s government. Reporting from Jerusalem, the UK’s Independent adds that the relationship installs “a commanding mandate” for Netanhau, “should he choose to strike against Iran.” In the United States, many have feared that it would only be a matter of time before such a strike occurred. Only now, however, are top US officials reportedly trying to find a way to prevent an immediate attack.

Israel National News reports that the strike could be carried out at "any given moment.” Channel 10 adds in their report that undisclosed sources with ties to the US government say authorities in Washington, DC fear that the Netanyahu/Mofaz alliance brings together two influential party leaders that would both favor an attack on Iran. Speaking together on Tuesday this week, both men said they have much common ground between them when it comes to issues that include Iran. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is also reported to be in favor of a strike on Iran more likely sooner than later. With an attack seeming imminent, US officials are reportedly scurrying to strike a deal that will prevent a war from breaking out in the coming weeks.

Earlier this year, the plans for the US/Israeli joint missile exercise were pushed back, in turn causing much speculation over if and how both nations would cooperate with one another if an attack was waged on Iran.In February, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess told reporters that, if a war erupted, it was most likely to be initiated by Israel. "Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict," Burgess said.

Weeks earlier, it was reported at a US Defense Department briefing at the Pentagon outside of Washington, DC that authorities were readying the deployment of a massive US Navy “mother ship,” the USS Ponce, towards Iran’s Strait of Hormuz. When RT covered the news when it first developed, it was reported that the ship could be sent overseas as early as May 2012. Earlier this week, US Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that he rejects the notion of continuing US support to Israel through military aid, saying that doing so "will lead to war."

US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment' — RT

And obumble has to change his underwear because he doesn't want Israel's self defense to interfere with his campaign.

Why not? What impact would it have on whether or not the messiah is elected for a second term?

Easy answer.

He might have to stop campaigning and deal with the actual job of being president.
STILL NO EVIDENCE Iran has decided to build the bomb.The Russians are hands on and watching them, so stop baiting THEM too. THE RWers in IRAN JUST love YOU IDIOTS...KEEP THEM IN POWER...

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