Can a law that "helps" millions of people be a bad law?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.
Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.

Bill and Melinda Gates will not get a Covid relief check. I mean can you people even read, or do you just watch videos on Facebook.
Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Why on Earth do you think Bill and Melinda Gates only have a $160,000 AGI last year? ...

The $2 trillion from the Biden administration is cheap compared to the $9 trillion issued by the Trump administration ... do you agree both are terrible laws and both Presidents are just buying votes ... another $8 trillion from the George XLIII and another $8 trillion from the Obama administration ...

We're propping up an unsustainable economy ... the government is preventing people from losing their asses in bankruptcy court ... I feel sorry for folks who pay taxes ...
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Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.

Let me give you a damn history lesson. You ever hear of the Whiskey Rebellion? A lot of people may have heard of it, but they don't know a damn thing about the back story. The newly formed federal government, like damn near right after the Constitution passed, needed some revenue. The reason they needed that revenue is that the new government also passed a law saying they would buy up all the Continental Script for face value. Both the federal government, and state governments issued "scripts" during the Revolutionary War.

It worked like this. So, you are a farmer and you have some cattle. The state militia comes through during the Revolutionary War and they needed to feed their troops. So they TOOK, yeah, TOOK, annexed, call it what you like, some of your cattle. And they gave you this damn piece of paper saying you could collect, oh, say a hundred dollars, from the state government. An IOU so to speak.

Well after the war things were pretty tough. Farms had been neglected because, well people were out fighting Redcoats and Germans. Food was tight, supplies were tight, and the state governments didn't have a pot to piss in. And here you are, holding a damn piece of paper. That piece of paper wasn't feeding your family, it was not paying for you feed, your seed, or even your lease. Yeah, yeah, lots of farmland was leased back then, another story, another time.

So anyways, some rich assholes, like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and others traveled the countryside handing out gold for those scripts, like pennies on the damn dollar. They got those scripts for pennies on the dollar because the farmers were desperate and the state governments were broke, and the likelihood of getting anything from the state government was slim to none, and slim had left town.

But lo and behold the new federal government came along a few years later, after the farmers had let go of all their scripts, and passed a damn law giving all those speculators full face. And to add insult to injury, well they funded that enterprise by making the very people that had given up their scripts pay for it through the whiskey tax. So screw you and your complaining about the government helping out someone. It is the American way, just ask any of the founders.
Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.
I'm left handed and it causes me SO MUCH grief.

I deserve 12k a month!
Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.
^ This could be remedied by creating a system of proportional representation and taxation. Taxpayers, Parties and States can set up an interface, such as through their party precincts or electoral districts, to review the bills and budgets and register their approval to pay, which is tallied by percentages. So if Democrats want to fund health care and defund the death penalty, and Conservatives want to fund border security and benefits for Veterans, they can vote on where to allocate their taxes, credits or deductions. If votes are partisan, it affects those taxpayers who consent to fund those policies.
To answer the thread title (question) ...
... Jews in Nazi Germany back in the 1930-40s when the German state passed laws helping the non-Jewish majority of citizens victimize the Minority of Jewish citizens might have thought those were bad laws.
Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Why on Earth do you think Bill and Melinda Gates only have a $160,000 AGI last year? ...

The $2 trillion from the Biden administration is cheap compared to the $9 trillion issued by the Trump administration ... do you agree both are terrible laws and both Presidents are just buying votes ... another $8 trillion from the George XLIII and another $8 trillion from the Obama administration ...

We're propping up an unsustainable economy ... the government is preventing people from losing their asses in bankruptcy court ... I feel sorry for folks who pay taxes ...
The government tyrannically shut down the businesses and jobs of millions of Americans and ruined the booming economy. They need to give US a huge chunk of our tax money back. Government illegal 'law' is 100% responsible for the pain and misery they caused.
This could be remedied by creating a system of proportional representation and taxation. Taxpayers, Parties and States can set up an interface, such as through their party precincts or electoral districts, to review the bills and budgets and register their approval to pay, which is tallied by percentages. So if Democrats want to fund health care and defund the death penalty, and Conservatives want to fund border security and benefits for Veterans, they can vote on where to allocate their taxes, credits or deductions. If votes are partisan, it affects those taxpayers who consent to fund those policies.
That would require a whole government, bureaucratic overhaul that would be fought against just like they fought against Trump's draining of the DC swamp.
The swamp didn't drain it only got higher. Want to drain the swamp? Elect a middle class person.
No the swamp would quickly swallow them. If you really want to drain the swamp, don't vote for your State/Local career politicians.
Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Why on Earth do you think Bill and Melinda Gates only have a $160,000 AGI last year? ...

The $2 trillion from the Biden administration is cheap compared to the $9 trillion issued by the Trump administration ... do you agree both are terrible laws and both Presidents are just buying votes ... another $8 trillion from the George XLIII and another $8 trillion from the Obama administration ...

We're propping up an unsustainable economy ... the government is preventing people from losing their asses in bankruptcy court ... I feel sorry for folks who pay taxes ...

Did you overlook the part that 2 Trillion came in the first two months, while Trump had FOUR years to get the 9 Trillion from Congress

Now talking about another 3 Trillion or so coming soon, that would be 5 Trillion in just first 3-4 months of the slow spending Biden time.

You are slipping lot these days.....
Did you overlook the part that 2 Trillion came in the first two months, while Trump had FOUR years to get the 9 Trillion from Congress
Now talking about another 3 Trillion or so coming soon, that would be 5 Trillion in just first 3-4 months of the slow spending Biden time.
You are slipping lot these days.....

Are you overlooking the $8 trillion George XLIII laid out the last 6 months in office? ...
Did you overlook the part that 2 Trillion came in the first two months, while Trump had FOUR years to get the 9 Trillion from Congress
Now talking about another 3 Trillion or so coming soon, that would be 5 Trillion in just first 3-4 months of the slow spending Biden time.
You are slipping lot these days.....

Are you overlooking the $8 trillion George XLIII laid out the last 6 months in office? ...

More evidence that you are slipping, are you the son of Reinydays making these strange posts?

I only responded to this and ignored the rest for a reason that apparently eludes you, heck my reply made that clear.... :rolleyes:

"The $2 trillion from the Biden administration is cheap compared to the $9 trillion issued by the Trump administration ... do you agree both are terrible laws and both Presidents are just buying votes."

I agree with this part you wrote: "We're propping up an unsustainable economy ... the government is preventing people from losing their asses in bankruptcy court ... I feel sorry for folks who pay taxes ..."

Government running on FIAT money and built in debt ridden Entitlements, which is about 68% of the entire Federal budget and will reach 100% in a couple decades from now, then collapse will come soon after.
Is that the test of a good law? If one can say that "millions will be helped," is that the end of the discussion?

What if Congress passes a law that provides a $12k/year stipend ($1,000, tax free per month) to people who are Left-Handed, to compensate them for the difficulties that they encounter in daily life?

The law would benefit about one-seventh of the population - fifty million people - and it has the added benefit of treating all people equitably. POC's, women, and the sexually irregular, all treated equitably under this law.

Is it a "good" law? It stimulates the economy, treats people fairly, and has fifty million beneficiaries.

No. It's a horrible law. It is unconstitutional, wasteful, an undue burden on 85% of the population, and UNFAIR.

The perversely named Covid Relief law is the same thing. It benefits a lot of people who are suffering as a result of the COVID SHUTDOWNS (not the pandemic), which is government imposed, but it benefits tens of millions, at government expense, for no rational reason. Bill & Melinda Gates will get a check (figuratively speaking) for $2,800, at YOUR expense.

Really, if anyone out there wants to defend this legislative Leftist abomination, don't say that it benefits a lot of people. That means nothing. Is it Constitutional? Is it rational? Is it reasonably related to the "crisis" at hand? Is it fiscally tenable? THOSE are the questions that must be answered affirmatively if this is to be considered a "good" law.

And of course, they are all answered truthfully in the negative.
In general we need a lot less laws. Congress should be required to take one off the books everytime it passes one. If they can't do that the new law is not a good law. Also any group favoritism law is bad. Congress passes few good laws.

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