Can a country be properly run by a negro? - no bigot crap please


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.

Yes , a country can be run by a Negro, and a Negra, quit well to say the least. In answer to your question.
Negros, and Negras, tend to be more efficient, and realistic.
Obama is a good example of this trait.
Wouldn't this discussion be better left for a day when there is a negro in the Office? Or are we talking about any country?
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.

Yes , a country can be run by a Negro, and a Negra, quit well to say the least. In answer to your question.
Negros, and Negras, tend to be more efficient, and realistic.
Obama is a good example of this trait.

obviously there are some blacks that are competent enough to be in charge. the problem lies in how big a proportion of the black population can be reasonably drawn upon to perform those jobs. most areas that have high black representation in govt, tend to become inefficient and corrupt. we can argue the reasons for this but the reality is that majority black governance is poor governance. the above quote that blacks tend to be realistic and efficient is more often than not just hogwash. look at any majority black city and you will see major problems that aren't dealt with.
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obviously there are some blacks that are competent enough to be in charge. the problem lies in how big a proportion of the black population can be reasonably drawn upon to perform those jobs. most areas that have high black representation in govt, tend to become inefficient and corrupt. we can argue the reasons for this but the reality is that majority black governance is poor governance. the above quote that blacks tend to be realistic and efficient is more often than not just hogwash. look at any majority black city and you will see major problems that aren't dealt with.

I might have to disagree here.

Black people have a very effective method of dealing with corruption:

Yes it can....the only problem right now is the one we have is not the right one! Actually, i don't believe he's leading this country. He's just following orders from all his cronies that put him where he is now. Just like he didn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he also doesn't deserve to be president. I don't like him because of what he's doing to us. I didn't vote for him, but i was hoping i'd have to say i was wrong about him. But oh well....ain't gonna happen...I WAS RIGHT!
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.

:neutral: In my opinion, any person, regardless of their race, can do the job of running our country, as long as they have the educated and knowledge build behind them. It is the brain, that able bodied person has that's what it takes.
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.

Yes , a country can be run by a Negro, and a Negra, quit well to say the least. In answer to your question.
Negros, and Negras, tend to be more efficient, and realistic.
Obama is a good example of this trait.

obviously there are some blacks that are competent enough to be in charge. the problem lies in how big a proportion of the black population can be reasonably drawn upon to perform those jobs. most areas that have high black representation in govt, tend to become inefficient and corrupt. we can argue the reasons for this but the reality is that majority black governance is poor governance. the above quote that blacks tend to be realistic and efficient is more often than not just hogwash. look at any majority black city and you will see major problems that aren't dealt with.

Washington, D.C.
New Orleans
Pretty much every African country

...Yep, you could be on to something there!
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama moved to Los Angeles in 1979 to attend Occidental College.[25] After two years he transferred in 1981 to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations[26] and graduated with a B.A. in 1983. He worked for a year at the Business International Corporation,[27][28] then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[
Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[36] and president of the journal in his second year
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He is an American , these people are just too stupid to understand what an American is.
He is an American , these people are just too stupid to understand what an American is.

You're right. He is an American... but who the hell is 'these people'?

Personally, I don't give a shit whether the POTUS is black, white, or sky blue and pink, as long as he's competent.
A black man in any high office in this country has a difficult time because a) there will be frequent references to 'black' and therefore unique and/or special and/or historical, etc. and he will not allowed to be a 'normal' person by the media or others who focus on his color rather than his competence. The first woman president will suffer the same kind of fate though perhaps not as extremely unless she is also black.

Apart from that, yes a black man or woman can serve competently as POTUS unless he or she is a Marxist socialist at heart and attempts to implement policy accordingly and also obviously holds his/her own country in contempt while attempting to curry favor with certain other nations.

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