The Demo-cash-ic Party
Fewer than one taxpayer in nine checks the box on form 1040 to allocate 3$ of his or her taxes as "clean" money for the "Presidential Campaign Fund." Only 11 percent of us check this box because we all know that more of this money would go to candidates we oppose than those we support.
Taxpayers also recognize that htis "clean" money has done nothing to stop dirty politics. Democratic candidate John F Kerry, e.g., got 75 million in federal funds in exchange for agreeing to stop his use of special interest money, but extremist-left organizations such as MOveOn.Org closely linked to Kerry's campaign continue to fund tens of millions of dollars of anti-Republican TV hate ads in a shameful circumvention of campaign finance laws.
But if you have been required to join a labor union, and like up to 40 percent of union members you vote Republican or independent, a sizeable chunk of your forced dues is being spent to elect Democrats. And this is done without your union bosses needing to get prior consent of check-off before they make partisan use of your money.
Campaign Finance Reform, we were told, was going to free our politics from the undue influence of wealthy special interest groups and greedy rich individuals.........Blah blah blatty blah blah.
Menawhile George Sorros uses loopholes in the law to spend 75million of his own money to defeat Bush.
Fewer than one taxpayer in nine checks the box on form 1040 to allocate 3$ of his or her taxes as "clean" money for the "Presidential Campaign Fund." Only 11 percent of us check this box because we all know that more of this money would go to candidates we oppose than those we support.
Taxpayers also recognize that htis "clean" money has done nothing to stop dirty politics. Democratic candidate John F Kerry, e.g., got 75 million in federal funds in exchange for agreeing to stop his use of special interest money, but extremist-left organizations such as MOveOn.Org closely linked to Kerry's campaign continue to fund tens of millions of dollars of anti-Republican TV hate ads in a shameful circumvention of campaign finance laws.
But if you have been required to join a labor union, and like up to 40 percent of union members you vote Republican or independent, a sizeable chunk of your forced dues is being spent to elect Democrats. And this is done without your union bosses needing to get prior consent of check-off before they make partisan use of your money.
Campaign Finance Reform, we were told, was going to free our politics from the undue influence of wealthy special interest groups and greedy rich individuals.........Blah blah blatty blah blah.
Menawhile George Sorros uses loopholes in the law to spend 75million of his own money to defeat Bush.