Calls For Milley and Austin To Resign Immediately

Over 220 retired admirals and generals call for Milley and Austin to resign over Afghanistan.
Take Biden with you too.....
Oh how they like to be Monday morning quarterbacks.

Those retired men can do it so much better!!!:thewave::banana:
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Yet those letters signed by “several former prosecutors” (all Trump haters) and such calling for Trump and his entire Cabinet to be charged with phony crimes were so legitimate weren’t they? Shove off.
Yea, they were. The Trump crime family has been around for decades, there is plenty of evidence. You won't find it watching Tucker and listening to the late gasbag Limbaugh.
That is why tramp made the deal with the Taliban other than the Afghan Army.

The winners take the spoils of war. Oh you probably don't remember Vietnam, NV took all the weapons.
President Trump had lots of deals (pipeline, the wall, immigration, etc).... that didn't stop Josef Stolen from undoing every single one of them.

Why did the stuttering shit clown not undo this one.... and put his clever touch on it?

Maybe you can get someone to explain this to you.
Over 100,000 Men, Women and Children saved.

The cluster fuck was created by the Orange Asshole who negoiated with the Taliban and released 5,000 Taliban Fighters

That would the Traitor BTW.

That too, But Joe Bin Laden is really as phaked up as they come and these 2 criminals need to be fired and NOT asked to resign. They are both scumbags who need to be treated like the scumbags they are.
Most of the military are proud of Pres. Biden. He had the guts to end the war.
you might wanna pull your head from the insides of the your back entrance, wipe the sh**t out of your eyes so you can See what's happening...
Can you provide a list of the weapons they "took"?
you mean the Taliban? go to, there are 2 very thorough articles there about what's in the hands of the Taliban as far as what the coward in chief left for them in the wake of him running like the cowardly bitch that he is.
Anything from Black Hawks and Chinooks helicopters to drones, US uniforms, rifles, even Contract dogs locked in small carrier cages. Estimated in millions if not the billions of dollars.
A Military Tribunal needs to be held to try this sac of slime for the crimes he committed against us all. Even CNN now is shifting to the opposite side as far as what they think how this stupid Kook handled the whole thing.
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