Calling the pro-arab muslims' bluff


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
As someone from the mideast who has studied the arab-Israeli conflict for over 5 decades, I have given a great deal of thought recently to a proposal on ending it in a rapid fashion.

For argument's sake, I propose the following solution: Israel will immediately exit the west bank entirely, and terminate the gaza siege.

HOWEVER, were there to be any acts of terrorism, or clear signs that either/both of the regions will be used to launch attacks against Israel as happened in gaza and lebanon when Israel vacated the two territories, Israel will have a complete and free hand to both respond with massive, totally disproportionate force, and/or to ethnically cleanse the region of arab muslims outright.

If Israel were to call the bluff of all of the leftist pro-arab muslim activist filth demanding it end its "occupation" of the west bank, and the gazan siege - would that filth come clean and admit how they were wrong if the terrorism continued after Israel did so? Will the pro-arab muslims admit they were wrong and that this conflict has NOTHING to do with land, and never has?

This will serve to get the UN, EU leftist media outlets like the NY Times and all of the other anti-Israel dung that rails against it on a daily basis - and expose them if they refuse this offer, since they are so aggressive in claiming that "if only Israel would end the occupation..."

I am calling out every one of them along with all pro-arab muslim terror apologists/supporters, as I make this offer: Israel will exit the west bank and remove all of its citizens from there, BUT Israel will reserve the right to respond with unimaginable fury if there were further acts of terrorism, or if external cancers like iran were to try and use either region as a launching pad for further attacks.

To the pro-arab muslim agitators, are you willing to lay your cards on the table, and make that trade? Do you have the courage to do so?
As someone from the mideast who has studied the arab-Israeli conflict for over 5 decades, I have given a great deal of thought recently to a proposal on ending it in a rapid fashion.

For argument's sake, I propose the following solution: Israel will immediately exit the west bank entirely, and terminate the gaza siege.

HOWEVER, were there to be any acts of terrorism, or clear signs that either/both of the regions will be used to launch attacks against Israel as happened in gaza and lebanon when Israel vacated the two territories, Israel will have a complete and free hand to both respond with massive, totally disproportionate force, and/or to ethnically cleanse the region of arab muslims outright.

If Israel were to call the bluff of all of the leftist pro-arab muslim activist filth demanding it end its "occupation" of the west bank, and the gazan siege - would that filth come clean and admit how they were wrong if the terrorism continued after Israel did so? Will the pro-arab muslims admit they were wrong and that this conflict has NOTHING to do with land, and never has?

This will serve to get the UN, EU leftist media outlets like the NY Times and all of the other anti-Israel dung that rails against it on a daily basis - and expose them if they refuse this offer, since they are so aggressive in claiming that "if only Israel would end the occupation..."

I am calling out every one of them along with all pro-arab muslim terror apologists/supporters, as I make this offer: Israel will exit the west bank and remove all of its citizens from there, BUT Israel will reserve the right to respond with unimaginable fury if there were further acts of terrorism, or if external cancers like iran were to try and use either region as a launching pad for further attacks.

To the pro-arab muslim agitators, are you willing to lay your cards on the table, and make that trade? Do you have the courage to do so?

A very good thoughtful plan, certainly a great opportunity for the Palestinians. However that is what worries me over it. Every time Israel just gives for peace, the Pali terrroists thank Israel with more hostilities & killings of Israeli's.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?
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A very good thoughtful plan, certainly a great opportunity for the Palestinians. However that is what worries me over it. Every time Israel just gives for peace, the Pali terrroists thank Israel with more hostilities & killings of Israeli's.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

The hamas filth would never show, since by negotiating it would be tantamount to acknowledging the existence of Israel, and that the jews have a legitimate homeland.

I would do something similar to what you suggest; make an announcement than on Jan 1, 2017, israel will exit the west bank and leave all of its administration, power production, and governmental functions up to the arab muslims; they will now have to step up and support themselves entirely. No arab muslims from the west bank will be allowed into Israel for work, and Jerusalem will be divided into jewish and arab sectors, with a berlin wall separating the two. Oversight for the jewish holy sites inside the arab section will be performed by a joint Israel-US-UN task force.

For gaza, the siege will be lifted, but if there is so much as a pebble fired over the border, hamas will be liquidated, and all arab muslims in gaza removed and placed in the sinai. The israel border fence will be extended between israel and egypt to include gaza.

It has not gone unnoticed that the pro-arab muslim terrorist filth apologists on this forum will never agree to my plan, since it would utterly expose them as the lying scumbag frauds they are suspected of - my plan would prove that the arab muslims are incapable of peace, and that this conflict has never been about land.
I can't picture Israel ever giving back East Jerusalem. Nor a corridor to it.

Not sure if you read the thread, "what if Israel stopped playing the nice guy" but I spelled out a plan there too.

The problem I see with this plan is that it would give the pali's a chance to infiltrate deeply into Israeli territory and build up arms prior to the inevitable attack. Also it puts Israel in a position where it has to win back land its already won and at what cost.

I think we are risking to many lives with this plan. Mine risks as few lives as possible and removes by forced repatriation the hostile element. Then maybe there can be room for negotiation. But I'd throw most of these bums out first and then start talking.
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I can't picture Israel ever giving back East Jerusalem. Nor a corridor to it.

Not sure if you read the thread, "what if Israel stopped playing the nice guy" but I spelled out a plan there too.

The problem I see with this plan is that it would give the pali's a chance to infiltrate deeply into Israeli territory and build up arms prior to the inevitable attack. Also it puts Israel in a position where it has to win back land its already won and at what cost.

I think we are risking to many lives with this plan. Mine risks as few lives as possible and removes by forced repatriation the hostile element. Then maybe there can be room for negotiation. But I'd throw most of these bums out first and then start talking.

If Israel expelled the arab population out of the WB in 1967, they would have gotten away with it, and that would have been that. In 2016 it is operating in a less sympathetic environment (driven to a significant degree by the scumbag media), so it cannot just expel them all outright now; it will need a justification to do so.

While educated people like you and I who know the history realize that there was sufficient justification to do so 100 years ago, today Israel will have to let the arab muslims provide one that will allow what I would call the Permanent Resolution to the arab muslim terrorism, a complete removal of all non-beduin/druze arab muslims out of gaza and the west bank.

That justification would be Israel announcing its exit of the west bank and ending of the gaza siege, and doing so to the World alongside the proclamation that it is up to the arab muslims to build a functional, non-violent state. Any hostilities would lead to their annihilation/expulsion - this would be their last chance for peace and to have their own state. No doubt, the iranian scum would try and use this as an opportunity to try and attack Israel, as they would unquestionably arm their proxies in the WB and gaza and order them to use this to conduct attacks, but Israel would not have to concern itself with the geneva conventions or any such nonsense; it would have a free hand under UN charter article 51 to use all and any means necessary to defend itself, which would entail mass expulsion.

The interesting thing about this plan is that if it is carried out properly, it will be the template for the feckless, despicable europeans who have railed against Israel - and would no doubt do so when Israel inevitably expelled the arab muslims - to do exactly the same thing when they realize in about 20-25 years that to survive as Western democracies, they will need to mass deport all of the arab muslims out of their countries as well.

In summary while I agree with your plan - had Israel done the smart thing in 1967 and mass deported the arabs then we would not be dealing with this issue 50 years later, it cannot be conducted outright now; Israel needs political cover to do so - which it would gain within days of exiting the WB in my opinion. Would there have to be absorbed casualties to initiate the plan, unfortunately yes - but it will put an end to this ridiculous charade / false conflict which has been used as a buttress to attack jews by the worst of humanity for much too long, so it would be worth it.
Hmmm, I would like to think that finally segregating the combatants from those with legitimate protected persons status would meet with worldwide approval.

I can't imagine why anyone would expect Israel to put up with these savages indefinitely
A very good thoughtful plan, certainly a great opportunity for the Palestinians. However that is what worries me over it. Every time Israel just gives for peace, the Pali terrroists thank Israel with more hostilities & killings of Israeli's.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

The hamas filth would never show, since by negotiating it would be tantamount to acknowledging the existence of Israel, and that the jews have a legitimate homeland.

I would do something similar to what you suggest; make an announcement than on Jan 1, 2017, israel will exit the west bank and leave all of its administration, power production, and governmental functions up to the arab muslims; they will now have to step up and support themselves entirely. No arab muslims from the west bank will be allowed into Israel for work, and Jerusalem will be divided into jewish and arab sectors, with a berlin wall separating the two. Oversight for the jewish holy sites inside the arab section will be performed by a joint Israel-US-UN task force.

For gaza, the siege will be lifted, but if there is so much as a pebble fired over the border, hamas will be liquidated, and all arab muslims in gaza removed and placed in the sinai. The israel border fence will be extended between israel and egypt to include gaza.

It has not gone unnoticed that the pro-arab muslim terrorist filth apologists on this forum will never agree to my plan, since it would utterly expose them as the lying scumbag frauds they are suspected of - my plan would prove that the arab muslims are incapable of peace, and that this conflict has never been about land.

I disagree with your opening statement. Over & over again Israel has been condemned by Hamas & neatly all Palestinians for failing to be willing to negotiate with Hamas. By implementing my plan Hamas would no longer have that valid argument.
A very good thoughtful plan, certainly a great opportunity for the Palestinians. However that is what worries me over it. Every time Israel just gives for peace, the Pali terrroists thank Israel with more hostilities & killings of Israeli's.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

The hamas filth would never show, since by negotiating it would be tantamount to acknowledging the existence of Israel, and that the jews have a legitimate homeland.

I would do something similar to what you suggest; make an announcement than on Jan 1, 2017, israel will exit the west bank and leave all of its administration, power production, and governmental functions up to the arab muslims; they will now have to step up and support themselves entirely. No arab muslims from the west bank will be allowed into Israel for work, and Jerusalem will be divided into jewish and arab sectors, with a berlin wall separating the two. Oversight for the jewish holy sites inside the arab section will be performed by a joint Israel-US-UN task force.

For gaza, the siege will be lifted, but if there is so much as a pebble fired over the border, hamas will be liquidated, and all arab muslims in gaza removed and placed in the sinai. The israel border fence will be extended between israel and egypt to include gaza.

It has not gone unnoticed that the pro-arab muslim terrorist filth apologists on this forum will never agree to my plan, since it would utterly expose them as the lying scumbag frauds they are suspected of - my plan would prove that the arab muslims are incapable of peace, and that this conflict has never been about land.

I disagree with your opening statement. Over & over again Israel has been condemned by Hamas & neatly all Palestinians for failing to be willing to negotiate with Hamas. By implementing my plan Hamas would no longer have that valid argument.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here, unless I missed some sarcasm somewhere.

Of course Hamas and its supporters would blame Israel. But realistically how is anyone supposed to negotiate with these kind of people

A very good thoughtful plan, certainly a great opportunity for the Palestinians. However that is what worries me over it. Every time Israel just gives for peace, the Pali terrroists thank Israel with more hostilities & killings of Israeli's.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

The hamas filth would never show, since by negotiating it would be tantamount to acknowledging the existence of Israel, and that the jews have a legitimate homeland.

I would do something similar to what you suggest; make an announcement than on Jan 1, 2017, israel will exit the west bank and leave all of its administration, power production, and governmental functions up to the arab muslims; they will now have to step up and support themselves entirely. No arab muslims from the west bank will be allowed into Israel for work, and Jerusalem will be divided into jewish and arab sectors, with a berlin wall separating the two. Oversight for the jewish holy sites inside the arab section will be performed by a joint Israel-US-UN task force.

For gaza, the siege will be lifted, but if there is so much as a pebble fired over the border, hamas will be liquidated, and all arab muslims in gaza removed and placed in the sinai. The israel border fence will be extended between israel and egypt to include gaza.

It has not gone unnoticed that the pro-arab muslim terrorist filth apologists on this forum will never agree to my plan, since it would utterly expose them as the lying scumbag frauds they are suspected of - my plan would prove that the arab muslims are incapable of peace, and that this conflict has never been about land.

I disagree with your opening statement. Over & over again Israel has been condemned by Hamas & neatly all Palestinians for failing to be willing to negotiate with Hamas. By implementing my plan Hamas would no longer have that valid argument.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here, unless I missed some sarcasm somewhere.

Of course Hamas and its supporters would blame Israel. But realistically how is anyone supposed to negotiate with these kind of people


I already told you how Israel should negotiate peace with Hamas. Read & comprehend.

If I were prime minister of Israel I would prefer this plan. Invite all members of Hamas to a peace meeting in Tel Aviv. Peace cannot be achieved without Israel negotiating directly with Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinian people. Israel to pay in full for their their trip, housing & dining in the finest of accomodations. All under high security. Next morning when the meeting begins, I would first welcome them all, thank them for attending & then make the following announcement. From now on each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Anything else you would like to discuss for peace?
You sure enjoy thinking about killing Palestinians. Genocidal wet dreams. LOL

Are you daft? Good grief man. We know you're not among the brightest of human specimans on this earth but there is a limit to what any rational, reasonably intelligent person can communicate with you. But feeling sorry for you I shall try to help you just this one time.

# 1. Israel tells Hamas leaders in person that from now on each time they kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Get it so far?

# 2. Hamas does or does not kill any more Israels. Their choice.

# 3. If Hamzs does not any longer kill any Israeli, problem solved. If Hamas does kill one or more Israeli's, Israel kills 10,000 Palestinians for each Israeli killed by Hamas.

# 4. How many rounds of this do you think it will take for the Palestinin people themselves to put the kabash on Hamas? And how many Palestinians will live via this action over the long run thanks to Israel COMMUNICATING with Hamas?
You sure enjoy thinking about killing Palestinians. Genocidal wet dreams. LOL
Very Nazi of you. The Germans had standing orders to kill occupied people if Germans killed at a 100 to 1 ratio. You propose 10,000. You are a better Nazi than the Nazis. Congratulations.
Very Nazi of you. The Germans had standing orders to kill occupied people if Germans killed at a 100 to 1 ratio. You propose 10,000. You are a better Nazi than the Nazis. Congratulations.

Sure c-nt, sounds just like the arab muslim groups like ISIS, hamas and hezbollah - all supported by your beloved fascist cancer state of iran.

Tell us fucking idiot, when's the last time you complained about iran?
Very Nazi of you. The Germans had standing orders to kill occupied people if Germans killed at a 100 to 1 ratio. You propose 10,000. You are a better Nazi than the Nazis. Congratulations.

Sure c-nt, sounds just like the arab muslim groups like ISIS, hamas and hezbollah - all supported by your beloved fascist cancer state of iran.

Tell us fucking idiot, when's the last time you complained about iran?

I for one appreciate those who think like Monte & express themselves publically. Without them the peace loving world would not be aware of what evil imbeciles the USA & Israel are up against. It is they who guarantee continued US support for Israel & a strong AIPAC.
Very Nazi of you. The Germans had standing orders to kill occupied people if Germans killed at a 100 to 1 ratio. You propose 10,000. You are a better Nazi than the Nazis. Congratulations.

Sure c-nt, sounds just like the arab muslim groups like ISIS, hamas and hezbollah - all supported by your beloved fascist cancer state of iran.

Tell us fucking idiot, when's the last time you complained about iran?

Go look in the appropriate forum. This is the Israel/Palestine forum.
Very Nazi of you. The Germans had standing orders to kill occupied people if Germans killed at a 100 to 1 ratio. You propose 10,000. You are a better Nazi than the Nazis. Congratulations.

Sure c-nt, sounds just like the arab muslim groups like ISIS, hamas and hezbollah - all supported by your beloved fascist cancer state of iran.

Tell us fucking idiot, when's the last time you complained about iran?

Go look in the appropriate forum. This is the Israel/Palestine forum.

Actually its the antifada and without nitwits like yourself it just wouldn't be the same.

The simple reality is you and your friends


are impossible to negotiate with and so a lot of people thing we should stop trying and just steam roll the pali's and get it over with.

The violent among you can just go live somewhere else.
As someone from the mideast who has studied the arab-Israeli conflict for over 5 decades, I have given a great deal of thought recently to a proposal on ending it in a rapid fashion.

For argument's sake, I propose the following solution: Israel will immediately exit the west bank entirely, and terminate the gaza siege.

HOWEVER, were there to be any acts of terrorism, or clear signs that either/both of the regions will be used to launch attacks against Israel as happened in gaza and lebanon when Israel vacated the two territories, Israel will have a complete and free hand to both respond with massive, totally disproportionate force, and/or to ethnically cleanse the region of arab muslims outright.

If Israel were to call the bluff of all of the leftist pro-arab muslim activist filth demanding it end its "occupation" of the west bank, and the gazan siege - would that filth come clean and admit how they were wrong if the terrorism continued after Israel did so? Will the pro-arab muslims admit they were wrong and that this conflict has NOTHING to do with land, and never has?

This will serve to get the UN, EU leftist media outlets like the NY Times and all of the other anti-Israel dung that rails against it on a daily basis - and expose them if they refuse this offer, since they are so aggressive in claiming that "if only Israel would end the occupation..."

I am calling out every one of them along with all pro-arab muslim terror apologists/supporters, as I make this offer: Israel will exit the west bank and remove all of its citizens from there, BUT Israel will reserve the right to respond with unimaginable fury if there were further acts of terrorism, or if external cancers like iran were to try and use either region as a launching pad for further attacks.

To the pro-arab muslim agitators, are you willing to lay your cards on the table, and make that trade? Do you have the courage to do so?

Interesting post and very similar to one I posted a week or two ago...

I agree with the pertinent points.. The only thing that I would add, which was also not in my proposal... That there be an independent peacekeeping force in place who would ensure a fair balance for both parties and could also be called in to 'control' any terrorist act... This peacekeeping force would also negate any 'backlash' from certain quarters should there be a need to deal with terrorism....

I have NO problem in the 'punishment' of Hamas should there be any further attacks carried out once Israel exited the occupied territories AND lifted the blockade of Gaza...

Would Israel go for it? Nah, not a chance...

Would Hamas go for it? Nah, not a chance...
I have NO problem in the 'punishment' of Hamas should there be any further attacks carried out once Israel exited the occupied territories AND lifted the blockade of Gaza...

Would Israel go for it? Nah, not a chance...

Would Hamas go for it? Nah, not a chance...


1. What kind of "punishment" for Hamas?
2. Its obvious why Israel won't go for it (security), but why won't Hamas go for it? The blockade gets lifted, they don't have to live with any Jews, they gain independence and possibly even sovereignty. Why wouldn't they go for it? Everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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