Calling all Pagans!

I'm curious. How can you whine about people insulting Christians when you post shit like this?


Speaking of Halloween.. This year's costume looks to be "Chester Knibbler" - retired 70s porn star. awwwww yeaaaaaaa..
Like Silver, I am a celtic pagan. We don't do animal sacrifice or any of that hollywood related crap. I am a student and follower of nature, believe in the gods and goddesses of the forest, am respectful of others and their beliefs as long as people are respectful of mine. I do not judge people for any reason. I am a painter and sculptor and I occasionally weave. ASU honors graduate of eons ago, and I have been in IT about 15 years.
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"hijacking threads is a universal in here it no mind. and of course i think it scares people when they see people who dont conform to the "norm" "

OH. I get it. We freak them out. That's too funny!
The thread was created for us to find eachother, but all I've found so far is a bunch of smart ass comments from so-called christians. And a lot of ignorance. YAY USMessageboard.

And if a Christian thread were started for the same purpose I would wager all you would find is a bunch of smartass comments from nonchristians. And a lot of ignorance.
Like Silver, I am a celtic pagan. We don't do animal sacrifice or any of that hollywood related crap. I am a student and follower of nature, believe in the gods and goddesses of the forest, am respectful of others and their beliefs as long as people are respectful of mine. I do not judge people for any reason. I am a painter and sculptor and I occasionally weave. ASU honors graduate of eons ago, and I have been in IT about 15 years.

Wasn't your first post an assumption basically daring others to attack you for your beliefs? I hardly find that as being respectful of others beliefs...(Tho we just had this conversation yesterday, and after hours, nobody got anywhere).
I, for one, would not post on a christian message thread simply because it is not my place to do so. Why would I post somewhere where my belief system would be constantly ridiculed? There is no purpose to do so.

I was not privy to the conversation of yesterday, so I apologize for not knowing of what you speak. I did not intend to spring forth and lay down the gauntlet (as it were) and insult anyone. I came recently from another message board on another system and all the pagans/wiccas got was constant bashing from the christians. I (erroneously) assumed that it would be like that here, as well. I apologize if my first statement appeared antagonistic, it was not intended as such. I admit that humour does not translate well.

I was not privy to the conversation of yesterday, so I apologize for not knowing of what you speak. I did not intend to spring forth and lay down the gauntlet (as it were) and insult anyone. I came recently from another message board on another system and all the pagans/wiccas got was constant bashing from the christians. I (erroneously) assumed that it would be like that here, as well. I apologize if my first statement appeared antagonistic, it was not intended as such. I admit that humour does not translate well.

Was just curious. Here, it goes both ways. In excess.
I came recently from another message board on another system and all the pagans/wiccas got was constant bashing from the christians.

That's terrible. Not all Christians are like that so try not to generalize.
Can you please provide a link to this website that you came from???
woopsy oopsy daisy. I will check myself, before I wreck myself.

That link is better left unadvertised and forthwith forgotten.



That link is better left unadvertised and forthwith forgotten.



As a Christian I'd really like the opportunity to straighten them out for you.

You're making accusations against Christians and you can't provide the link, huh? :eusa_whistle:
That's terrible. Not all Christians are like that so try not to generalize.
Can you please provide a link to this website that you came from???

She'll have to do it via PM. Can't link to other sites without specific Admin permission.
As a Christian I'd really like the opportunity to straighten them out for you.

You're making accusations against Christians and you can't provide the link, huh? :eusa_whistle:

How about you just send it to me in a private message and I will not post it.

Fair enough?
That's terrible. Not all Christians are like that so try not to generalize.
Can you please provide a link to this website that you came from???

Careful, some of the christians on here may take offense at that. *smirk* They want to think it's them v us. I am one of the thousands of unique pagan beliefs, but many will still lump me in with wicca, but I find wicca too mythologically based for my tastes. There are some good christians on here, and there are some xtian extremists, but the extremists like to have only two colors instead of the rainbow that really exists.

Where the board was is irrelevant. I still have an active profile on those boards. My choosing to NOT provide the link is my business, and mine alone. I was hoping that USMessage Board would be different, and I am sad to say that it is not.
How about you stop pushing, since she clearly said no?

No one said "no" to sending me a private message with the link. (Yet)

He/She said the were concerned with making it public.

I respected that and asked for a private message. What's the big deal?

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