Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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Technically you are correct. But a pedophile is generally assumed to be a person who has acted on it.

Pedophile is someone who suffers from Pedophilia.
Pedophilia is a mental condition where an adult is sexually attracted to prepubescent children.

There are laws and criminal consequence for Pedophiles who do act on their Pedophilia ...
But they are not required to act on their Pedophilia to be a Pedophile.

That doesn't change with perceptions ... It is what it is.

I know you like to deliver your lectures as if you are supplying THE word rather than just your own words, but once again, being a pedophile is not criminal. Only acting on the urges is actually criminal.

Referring to a person as being a pedophile is not accusing them of criminality.
It would be if I called somebody a pedophile. So there we are.
Technically you are correct. But a pedophile is generally assumed to be a person who has acted on it.
You know what they say about "assume" I do suspect.

You also err when you once again ASSUME that the word groomer has just one meaning. It doesn't. The act of grooming is to prepare somebody for a specific role. a young quarterback is groomed to take over the starers role. An apprentace is groomed to take over for the master.

Children are been groomed in school to question their gender or sexuality. That does not mean those who are grooming them want to have sex with them, but they ARE being groomed psychologically by planting the seeds of doubt in them regarding a gender and sexual identity at a time when they do not HAVE a real sexual or gender identity.

Mindfucking children like that damages them immensely. All this blather this forum is offering in regards to those sexualizing children ignores that fact.

We are going to have a LOT of adult cases of arrested development in another 20 years, that's for sure/

Set the Rules ... Set the Narrative ... Tell everyone what they should be thinking ... And Bam ...
You got it made ... Turn it from a Discussion Board into an Echo Chamber ... Easy to Police anyways ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just because you aren’t allowed to call members pedos.

Pedophile is someone who suffers from Pedophilia.
Pedophilia is a mental condition where an adult is sexually attracted to prepubescent children.

There are laws and criminal consequence for Pedophiles who do act on their Pedophilia ...
But they are not required to act on their Pedophilia to be a Pedophile.

That doesn't change with perceptions ... It is what it is.

Again you are technically correct. But any law enforcement person who uses the term 'pedophile' will be talking about somebody who acted on it 99.99% of the time. When I use the term I am referring to those who sexually abuse or molest or rape/assault children.
Under NO circumstances are forum members allowed to call and/or accuse another member of being a child groomer.

If someone on this forum is suspected of being a groomer or pedophile, DM the mods and tell us why you suspect it and give us the evidence. We will look into it and notify the proper authorities.

This "ruling" applies to member-on-member usage. Posting threads about legit news and events concerning child grooming IS allowed. When posting replies in those threads, keep the personal attacks OUT - absolutely NO accusations towards members of this forum that can be construed as calling them a groomer or pedophile. You can and should question members on their views if you do not agree with them or do not understand them. You are NOT allowed to call them a groomer or imply that they are a groomer.
can we ask them if they are a groomer,, or more directly a pedophile??

its an honest question, more so when they defend such actions,,
Bottom line we're anonymous people on a message board. Who cares what we call each other? That is for the guilty ones that is.
Ah well. It doesn't appear that there's much of any interest in responding to legitimate, relevant questions with regard to the rule amendment.

Mine certainly haven't been. Though I thought I asked rather respecfully and germanely.

I'm gonna go watch cartoons.
Ah well. It doesn't appear that there's much of any interest in responding to legitimate, relevant questions with regard to the rule amendment.

Mine certainly haven't been.

I'm gonna go watch cartoons.
You should watch the episode where SpongeBob SquarePants is made a hall Monitor.

Oh, I'm sorry. You wanted to get AWAY from USMB
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