
Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
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Just the Obozo administration forcing us to pay for more shit we don't want to. Vote buying at the expense of us all. This crosses party lines, all Americans should be furious.
You know...we elected our representatives and sent them to Washington, they passed immigration laws they are to be obeyed. We said "no" to amnesty for millions of illegals pouring across our borders and breaking our laws. Then one man decides he's king and gives them amnesty anyway? Why even have a congress, why bother sending reps to Washington?
At this point all you can do is sit back and laugh.
The government doesnt give a shit about the American people and havent for decades.
Watch what they do...the jig has been up for years,and if you cant see the pattern of deceit you either ignore world events totally,or you'r a complete moron.
The commiecrats in the senate are acting like Iran, give us everything we want, then we'll talk about talking. Fuck em.
you know, the left is saying how his immigration move was constitutional, but when they say it they cite the laws and what he can do and whereas there is nothing "clear cut" that allows him to do it, personal interpretation can give reason for one to believe it is constitutional.

That being said, why does the left feel it is appropriate to find loopholes in a law that allows the president to make a decision on a issue that is a major social debate in the country...and a debate where the is such division...

Would the left appreciate a conservative president using the same loopholes when he/she executes an order that ignores state laws and mandates a federal override where the marrying of two individuals of the same sex is no longer considered valid and the federal government will not recognize such as a couple as married and all benefits associated with marriage will be denied.

The left needs to wake up. One day, there will be a conservative president. They should be condemning such over reach or precedents will be set that will never be reversed.

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