California surfer uses food stamps to buy sushi and avoid work

There is nothing wrong with being ashamed that you are on public assitance. Its a great motivator to get the hell off of it.

But since we've removed certain forms of shame from public life, its OK to be supported by the government, even when you dont have to be.

Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:
The Middle Class is being crushed. It's getting harder & harder to force them to pay for the massive Entitlements. The Gravy Train is going to derail. And that's when the real problems begin. The Collapse will force change. However, there will be much turmoil and chaos during the process of that change. It's gonna get real ugly. All i can say is, be smart and get prepared. Much darker days are ahead for this Nation.
So far the GOP is focused on a Rodeo Clown dressed like Obama and some surfer who they are surprised is lazy and uses food stamps.

Leading America to the important issues of our time

Reality sucks doesn't it? So budget deficits are not important issues? Oh by the way Clinton's balanced budget, time to check out who forced that down his pathetic lying throat.
Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.
I hope a Geat White eats that loser; the hell with freeloaders. His mindset is what Obama encourages - fucking shameless liberal.
The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.

Someone musta took away your ability to show shame because now would be a good time to trot that out.
Typical teabagger, thinks 1 = majority or significant number.

If you think he's the only libturd that thinks that way? Then you are stupid!

How many are there? Percentage of Liberals who do this compared to number and percentage of Conservatives who do this?

I know of no conservative that thinks that way and my guess is that most liberals think that way. And the amount of liberals defending this mooching surfer confirms my guess.
Isn't this guy exactly who Nancy Pelosi had in mind when she said that generous benefits would enable musicians and artists to create without fear of economic insecurity. He wants to be part of a band. He's exactly who democrats want to "help".
Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.

Someone musta took away your ability to show shame because now would be a good time to trot that out.

Just like the other thread, refusing to answer the question, you hack douchebag.
Remember Nancy Pelosi said upon passage of Obamacare, now everyone is free to pursue their harts desire. Heck with free health care, food, a roof over their head, and phone, life is good! I wonder if the new health care prescription drug plan covers medical marijuana?
The guy is just one of thousands of freeloaders out there. Folks who could care less where that money that funds that EBT card comes from as long as they don't have to work and support themselves.

Hope the Welfare system crashs big time. Then we will see all those women with all those illegitimate kids going after the babys daddy for support for those kids. A good thing in my book.

Also freeloaders like this asshole will just have to get a job to support that sushi and Escalade habit.
SNAP costs more than the 80 million this article claims.

Idiots like this thinks it's free food. They have no clue that someone has to pay for it. That, or they just don't care that they're saddling future generations (perhaps including their own children) with mountains of debt.

Actually I watched the whole program last night with Bret Baier, and the freeloader was asked what he thought about his $200. monthly FS card and that the taxpayer's were paying for it and the guy, after eating his lobster, just smiled, looked into the camera and said, "Thanks!"
Enjoy it while you can. This Welfare/Warfare State is on its last legs. It cannot be sustained. The Collapse is inevitable.

Yep, and then what happens to those who can no longer live off of the rest of us? Scary!
unless you have a gun and plenty of ammo. The problem is they will go after conservatives, because they have been conditioned to think it's all our fault.
Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

You're picture sig gives me an idea. I want to have a picture of Bush, Bush, Reagan and Clinton and ask the question, "Raise your hand if you raided SS to fake having a balanced budget." Basically all I need to do is update the txt on your picture to reflect reality.


Shame, something you don't have any ability of feeling anymore because you have sold out so utterly and completely.
SNAP costs more than the 80 million this article claims.

Idiots like this thinks it's free food. They have no clue that someone has to pay for it. That, or they just don't care that they're saddling future generations (perhaps including their own children) with mountains of debt.

Actually I watched the whole program last night with Bret Baier, and the freeloader was asked what he thought about his $200. monthly FS card and that the taxpayer's were paying for it and the guy, after eating his lobster, just smiled, looked into the camera and said, "Thanks!"

just the kind of attitude that socialism produces...

reminds me of another beach bum.....

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.

Someone musta took away your ability to show shame because now would be a good time to trot that out.

Just like the other thread, refusing to answer the question, you hack douchebag.

Just like in the other thread you making up shit. Wheres the question I was asked? LOL...heres a hint. There isn't one.

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