California Opens Up Coronavirus Funding For Illegal Aliens


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Stop all federal funding of California. They're just throwing it away.

Undocumented immigrants in California are now allowed to apply for the state’s coronavirus relief program that will pay $500 per person and up to $1,000 per household, according to reports Monday.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Sacramento has freed up $75 million for the fund, which could help about 150,000 who may be facing severe hardships during the pandemic. An earlier report in the paper said the Center for American Liberty is suing the state, claiming that the money is “not a slush fund for the governor to spend as he sees fit.” It hopes to block the package.

California opens up coronavirus funding for immigrants in state illegally, faces backlash
Honestly, where do these mother fuckers get off
It should be illegal to help illegals, no
It is an incentive to illegally enter the country

How many immigrants from the caravan
are still in our detention centers...
what is going on with that

These people have been leaching off of us, not working
we have to feed them, provide for them and their

If a drug dealer paid me to use my place to bag up drugs
and the police showed up at my house, I'd get arrested with the dealer

You know why illegals are so important...because they pay taxes
and THAT is what is funding social security
Honestly, where do these mother fuckers get off
It should be illegal to help illegals, no
It is an incentive to illegally enter the country

How many immigrants from the caravan
are still in our detention centers...
what is going on with that

These people have been leaching off of us, not working
we have to feed them, provide for them and their

If a drug dealer paid me to use my place to bag up drugs
and the police showed up at my house, I'd get arrested with the dealer

You know why illegals are so important...because they pay taxes
and THAT is what is funding social security
It is a felony to aide illegals.
But who's going to prosecute?

CNN said a couple of months ago that this won't happen.....and now it is happening.
Stop all federal funding of California. They're just throwing it away.

Undocumented immigrants in California are now allowed to apply for the state’s coronavirus relief program that will pay $500 per person and up to $1,000 per household, according to reports Monday.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Sacramento has freed up $75 million for the fund, which could help about 150,000 who may be facing severe hardships during the pandemic. An earlier report in the paper said the Center for American Liberty is suing the state, claiming that the money is “not a slush fund for the governor to spend as he sees fit.” It hopes to block the package.

California opens up coronavirus funding for immigrants in state illegally, faces backlash
Now could be a good time upgrade our border policies. There is no express written social Power delegated to our federal Congress over the whole and entire concept of Immigration. We should have no illegals or illegal underclass since we have no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US and subject to US jurisdiction should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes.
For every dollar given to illegal aliens in california reduce federal dollars to california by the same amount

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