California Is a Living Example of the Good Intentions Fallacy


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Some on the left might actually believe that they are doing good things, though they have a bad habit of ignoring the fact that much of the left's policies have failed miserably. The radical leftists are well aware that their policies are actually designed to do the opposite of what they claim. Most of the useful idiots believe the professors and other lefties who preach benevolence and tolerance, though they rarely practice it.

California is just one example of how the left tends to destroy what it claims it wants to help. They implement their policies and instead of problems being solved, things get worse. And yet they continue on with the same policies because their intentions are good. It's about how it makes them feel, not about what actually works. It explains why things are still being done the same way in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans and other places where decades of liberal policies have destroyed the quality of life.

"The Righteousness Fallacy

The anecdote is a perfect illustration of the righteousness fallacy, which Barry Brownstein noted is rampant in modern politics and a key driver of democratic socialism.

The Righteousness Fallacy (also known as the fallacy of good intentions) is described by author Dr. Bo Bennett as the idea that one is correct because their intentions are pure.

It recently occurred to me that California is a perfect example of this fallacy. Consider these three facts about the Golden State:

  1. California spends about $98.5 billion annually on welfare—the most in the US—but has the highest poverty rate in America.
  2. California has the highest income tax rate in the US, at 13.3 percent, but the fourth greatest income inequality of the 50 states.
  3. California has one of the most regulated housing markets in America, yet it has the highest homeless population in American and ranks 49th (per capita) in housing supply.
The Danger of Favoring Intent over Result

That politicians would persist with harmful policies should come as little surprise. The Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once observed the uncanny proclivity of politicians “to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”

In his book Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman described the danger of such thinking.

[The threat comes] … from men of good intentions and good will who wish to reform us. Impatient with the slowness of persuasion and example to achieve the great social changes they envision, they’re anxious to use the power of the state to achieve their ends and confident in their ability to do so. Yet… Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.

I don’t doubt that California lawmakers, like the physician who was removing healthy gall bladders, believe they are doing the right thing. Yet they, like the physician, need to wake up to reality and realize they aren’t making people better."

3 Facts That Prove California Politicians Don’t Care about the Results of Their Policies | Jon Miltimore
When faced with the reality that their programs have the opposite effect of what was intended, they simply double down and throw more money at the problem. Maybe Pelosi should take down the walls and fences around her mansion and allow some of San Fran's homeless to camp on her lawn. Maxine Waters could do the same since many in her district are living in the streets. And yet both want to spend money on people entering illegally while veterans and other citizens go without the basics. Typical lib. They only want to help those who are likely to vote for them. Even then, it's not real help. I think the plan is to keep people down so they'll have to depend on nanny government for their survival.

When they condition people to relying on government for everything, they diminish the people's ability to care for themselves.
The travail of liberalism at its finest. Promise the sky, then tax the shit out of everyone else, when it falls flat on its face cook the books and claim all is well in the land of fruit and nuts, except for the minor fact that they are financially insolvent, I guess when they reclaim the whitehouse we the tax payer will bail their pathetic delusional asses out. Nothing new.
The proof is in the prosperity
tent cities in CA

California has one of the highest unfunded liabilities in history
California and Illinois are the largest contributors to an expected $1.3 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities for the 50 states in fiscal 2023

and if it has shttiy idea they pursue it like Romeo after Juliet
Officials from the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) estimated that the total cost of the project will range from $88.5 to nearly $128 billion, a 13% increase from last year's projections. In an update released on March 1, officials also forecast fewer riders on what would be a 500-mile rail system in southern California.

Lofty promises, limited results
After 14 years and $3 billion, has California's bet on stem cells paid off? NO
Some on the left might actually believe that they are doing good things, though they have a bad habit of ignoring the fact that much of the left's policies have failed miserably. The radical leftists are well aware that their policies are actually designed to do the opposite of what they claim. Most of the useful idiots believe the professors and other lefties who preach benevolence and tolerance, though they rarely practice it.

California is just one example of how the left tends to destroy what it claims it wants to help. They implement their policies and instead of problems being solved, things get worse. And yet they continue on with the same policies because their intentions are good. It's about how it makes them feel, not about what actually works. It explains why things are still being done the same way in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans and other places where decades of liberal policies have destroyed the quality of life.

"The Righteousness Fallacy

The anecdote is a perfect illustration of the righteousness fallacy, which Barry Brownstein noted is rampant in modern politics and a key driver of democratic socialism.

The Righteousness Fallacy (also known as the fallacy of good intentions) is described by author Dr. Bo Bennett as the idea that one is correct because their intentions are pure.

It recently occurred to me that California is a perfect example of this fallacy. Consider these three facts about the Golden State:

  1. California spends about $98.5 billion annually on welfare—the most in the US—but has the highest poverty rate in America.
  2. California has the highest income tax rate in the US, at 13.3 percent, but the fourth greatest income inequality of the 50 states.
  3. California has one of the most regulated housing markets in America, yet it has the highest homeless population in American and ranks 49th (per capita) in housing supply.
The Danger of Favoring Intent over Result

That politicians would persist with harmful policies should come as little surprise. The Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once observed the uncanny proclivity of politicians “to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”

In his book Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman described the danger of such thinking.

[The threat comes] … from men of good intentions and good will who wish to reform us. Impatient with the slowness of persuasion and example to achieve the great social changes they envision, they’re anxious to use the power of the state to achieve their ends and confident in their ability to do so. Yet… Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.

I don’t doubt that California lawmakers, like the physician who was removing healthy gall bladders, believe they are doing the right thing. Yet they, like the physician, need to wake up to reality and realize they aren’t making people better."

3 Facts That Prove California Politicians Don’t Care about the Results of Their Policies | Jon Miltimore
Great example of the failure of Leftest policies.

You not only see it in California but all around the world.
California was the Golden State when run by Conservatives. Now it is living on its past accumulation of wealth and is fast becoming a shithole under Leftest rule.

With a million middle class taxpayers moving out and more Illegals flooding in every day things will only get worse.
Do agree that California in an effort to "do the right thing" Has created some huge problems for their self's

Just as some states have chosen to dispense with Democracy, In an attempt that winning for there select group
is more important than our country's Unity.
To Democrats, doing the right thing is to line their pockets from government grants. Where do you think all that money has gone?
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California and its collective of fruits and nuts have embraced and ushered in the era of the travail of liberalism, aka socialism, and launched it to an all new level. Sounds great until someone has to pay the Piper. It puzzles me on how anyone with an inkling of common sense would consider living there. To each his own, now live with it.

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