California, Arizona, New Mexico Should Belong to Mexico

i worked for a few years with a guy from Argentina......we used to kid him about showing us his green work for the PO you are supposed to be a we used to get on him about not being legal....Jorge had a good sense of humor....

Way back when my wife got her Permanent Resident Card, she thought it was funny that they are not green at all, but tan.

But I being in the Marines had an ID card that was green, that I jokingly called my "Green Card".

You are taking this from a fringe group, that no more speaks for Hispanics then MOVE spoke for Blacks.

and that sums it up in a nutshell right there.....

And I wonder if Blanco even knows who or what MOVE is.

Foreigners often have little to no comprehension of what living in the US is really like. We are the most polyglot nation on the planet, where 99% are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. And for the most part, we do not care where those ancestors came from.

Most of us are literally a "Heinz 57" of heritages and ancestors. Indian (teepee type not the dot on the head type) is my strongest, followed by French, German, Norse, English and a few others. Most of us are such a blending that trying to determine a single ethnicity is almost impossible. And in the last half century this has accelerated even more as my generation often thinks nothing of marrying "outside of our race".

Other then in a few ghetto areas (in the technical sense not the pejorative one) like "Chinatown" will you find predominantly people in the US who are only of a single ethnicity.

For most of us, "Ethnicity" is mostly something we pull out on days like St. Patrick's Day or Cinco de Mayo. In other words, an excuse to drink and party.

As for "Mexicans wanting parts of the US to be part of Mexico", that is simple nonsense. I doubt that Blanco is even aware that the 2 biggest states he is talking about (Texas and California) openly revolted from Mexico and became part of the US by their own free will - even though their predominant population was Mexican!
Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into White-majority countries to take them over and turn them into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures.

You go try and convince your fellow Australians (almost all of whom are there because of immigration - voluntary or not) of that, and we'll take care of America without your expert advice. How's that? Super.
Most of us are literally a "Heinz 57" of heritages and ancestors. Indian (teepee type not the dot on the head type) is my strongest, followed by French, German, Norse, English and a few others. Most of us are such a blending that trying to determine a single ethnicity is almost impossible. And in the last half century this has accelerated even more as my generation often thinks nothing of marrying "outside of our race".

The fastest growing demographic in the US is mixed-race people.

Multiracial people are fastest growing group - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity | NBC News
Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into White-majority countries to take them over and turn them into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures.

You go try and convince your fellow Australians (almost all of whom are there because of immigration - voluntary or not) of that, and we'll take care of America without your expert advice. How's that? Super.

Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?
I'd never heard of Compton until I read about how 'Latinos' [gangs in this case] are establishing no go zones for non-Latinos in Compton and keeping it majority Latino by force/violence against Black families.

And having lived in Compton, I find that hard to believe. Especially since Compton is still mostly a Black city, not Latino.

Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into White-majority countries to take them over and turn them into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures.

And with that comment there is now no question that you are a racist and bigot, and to be openly ridiculed and shunned.

Have a nice day.

Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into White-majority countries to take them over and turn them into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures.

You go try and convince your fellow Australians (almost all of whom are there because of immigration - voluntary or not) of that, and we'll take care of America without your expert advice. How's that? Super.

Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?

Why do you keep using inside quotation marks around "ordinary person"?
Most of us are literally a "Heinz 57" of heritages and ancestors. Indian (teepee type not the dot on the head type) is my strongest, followed by French, German, Norse, English and a few others. Most of us are such a blending that trying to determine a single ethnicity is almost impossible. And in the last half century this has accelerated even more as my generation often thinks nothing of marrying "outside of our race".

The fastest growing demographic in the US is mixed-race people.

Multiracial people are fastest growing group - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity | NBC News

And I am not one bit surprised.

My wife is Hispanic. And I have dated gals of many ethnicities, from Mexican and Puerto Rican to Black, German, and even one who was Japanese. "Hispanic" is simply on the rise so fast because it is the 3rd largest ethnicity after White and Black. And most of them have been in this nation for over 100 years. Pretty much everything South of Georgia was once Spanish or Mexican territory. And it is not unusual to see families that have been in the region longer then the United States has been a country.

And I am sure this infuriates a lot of "White Foreigners", as they see in their minds that the US is becoming "Non-White". Well that is their problem, not mine.

The only race I actually claim is "American", and often refuse to admit to one if asked because I feel it is nobody else's business but my own.

So either Blanco is a racist turd, or is trying to stir the pot by making some kind of obscure race ploy. Either way it fails, because he has no concept of what it is like to live in the US.
I'd never heard of Compton until I read about how 'Latinos' [gangs in this case] are establishing no go zones for non-Latinos in Compton and keeping it majority Latino by force/violence against Black families.

And having lived in Compton, I find that hard to believe. Especially since Compton is still mostly a Black city, not Latino.

Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into White-majority countries to take them over and turn them into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures.

And with that comment there is now no question that you are a racist and bigot, and to be openly ridiculed and shunned.

Have a nice day.


I won't likely get an answer but I'll ask the question anyway;

So you think immigrants should be allowed into White-majority 'Christian' America to take it over and turn it into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures ?

A la 'Mexico', 'South America', 'Middle East', 'Asia', 'Africa' etc.

My Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'? was obviously too hard.
Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?

Actually, the US is not a "Christian Nation". It is however a spiritually Judeo-Christian nation, but not at all religious.

That is why for example in our Declaration of Independence it simply says "The Creator". Not "God", not "Jehova", not "Jesus", not "Allah", not "Vishnu", and not even "The Great Spaghetti Monster". "The Creator", generic, implying a higher power but not implying who or any one over another.

And we are not going to be "White majority" for long, which I am sure pisses you off to no end. Ethnically, my son is as "White" as the President and Tiger Woods are "Black".
You go try and convince your fellow Australians (almost all of whom are there because of immigration - voluntary or not) of that, and we'll take care of America without your expert advice. How's that? Super.

Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?

Why do you keep using inside quotation marks around "ordinary person"?

As a 'qualification', meaning that the person being asked the question is not ordinary/lowly as such, and neither are the people in the non-White-majority-'Christian' nation.
And as a title, like 'working class', as distinct from the ruling elite/rich.
I won't likely get an answer but I'll ask the question anyway;

So you think immigrants should be allowed into White-majority 'Christian' America to take it over and turn it into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures ?

A la 'Mexico', 'South America', 'Middle East', 'Asia', 'Africa' etc.

My Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'? was obviously too hard.

For one, I live in a Representational Republic. Therefore nothing happens without the consent of the people.

And there are not enough immigrants to make that kind of a change, ever, period. We may get nutcases and extremists at the local level, but they do not make it at all in National politics.

Look at Jesse Jackson for an example, every time he ran for President it was humiliating for him, because nobody bought his race politics. There are probably a number who would think that way, but they are a small minority.

And I would rather see that then to see my country become some kind of "White Christian Only Playground" like you seem to wish it was. I am sure that you would have had no problem telling my Grandmother to go back to the reservation, put feathers in her hair and be a good little Squaw.

And you have no idea how hard it is becoming for me to remain civil at this time. The more you type the more I feel my self-control slipping and saying something that would probably get me temporarily banned from here. Everything that I see spew from your sewer of a mind now I find more disgusting then what is probably running in the sewer under the building I am sitting in.
Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?

Why do you keep using inside quotation marks around "ordinary person"?

As a 'qualification', meaning that the person being asked the question is not ordinary/lowly as such, and neither are the people in the non-White-majority-'Christian' nation.
And as a title, like 'working class', as distinct from the ruling elite/rich.

Unnecessary, but OK. I have lived comfortably and well in countries such as the type to which you referred in your question. I reckon I could live about anywhere if circumstances called for it. If not for my deep and abiding love for America (a country you clearly understand nothing about) I could live the rest of my life in Japan quite contentedly.

Does that answer your 'question,' you ignorant, racist turd?
And you have no idea how hard it is becoming for me to remain civil at this time. The more you type the more I feel my self-control slipping and saying something that would probably get me temporarily banned from here. Everything that I see spew from your sewer of a mind now I find more disgusting then what is probably running in the sewer under the building I am sitting in.

Go for it. Tell 'it' what it really is. I can't imagine anyone having any sympathy for it by now.
Which you speak from a White-majority-'Christian' nation....with the systems, values, Consitution, culture, and standards that entails.

Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'?

Actually, the US is not a "Christian Nation". It is however a spiritually Judeo-Christian nation, but not at all religious.

That is why for example in our Declaration of Independence it simply says "The Creator". Not "God", not "Jehova", not "Jesus", not "Allah", not "Vishnu", and not even "The Great Spaghetti Monster". "The Creator", generic, implying a higher power but not implying who or any one over another.

And we are not going to be "White majority" for long, which I am sure pisses you off to no end. Ethnically, my son is as "White" as the President and Tiger Woods are "Black".

U.S. is seen from afar as a Christian nation, but is not in effect...hence the qualification 'Christian'.

The money says, or used to ; In God We Trust. [It meant Jesus' Father, I believe]
When you are no longer a White Majority nation, what will you be? and who will you be run by?
That's the worry.
Not what the colors of the skin of the citizens are.

Mexican-South American-Russian gangsters, in league with Al Qaeda?
Communist China?
Why do you keep using inside quotation marks around "ordinary person"?

As a 'qualification', meaning that the person being asked the question is not ordinary/lowly as such, and neither are the people in the non-White-majority-'Christian' nation.
And as a title, like 'working class', as distinct from the ruling elite/rich.

Unnecessary, but OK. I have lived comfortably and well in countries such as the type to which you referred in your question. I reckon I could live about anywhere if circumstances called for it. If not for my deep and abiding love for America (a country you clearly understand nothing about) I could live the rest of my life in Japan quite contentedly.

Does that answer your 'question,' you ignorant, racist turd?

Then you must've had plenty of money, or lowered your expectations/standard of living.
I notice you're not living in any of those countries today.

No thank you!

Whites are being genocided in Africa, so no thank you to there also!
As a 'qualification', meaning that the person being asked the question is not ordinary/lowly as such, and neither are the people in the non-White-majority-'Christian' nation.
And as a title, like 'working class', as distinct from the ruling elite/rich.

Unnecessary, but OK. I have lived comfortably and well in countries such as the type to which you referred in your question. I reckon I could live about anywhere if circumstances called for it. If not for my deep and abiding love for America (a country you clearly understand nothing about) I could live the rest of my life in Japan quite contentedly.

Does that answer your 'question,' you ignorant, racist turd?

Then you must've had plenty of money, or lowered your expectations/standard of living.

Neither. I'm just not a pussy like you.
I won't likely get an answer but I'll ask the question anyway;

So you think immigrants should be allowed into White-majority 'Christian' America to take it over and turn it into 'the third world'/ some other system-cultures ?

A la 'Mexico', 'South America', 'Middle East', 'Asia', 'Africa' etc.

My Which non-White-majority-'Christian' nation would you like to live in as an 'ordinary person'? was obviously too hard.

For one, I live in a Representational Republic. Therefore nothing happens without the consent of the people.

And there are not enough immigrants to make that kind of a change, ever, period. We may get nutcases and extremists at the local level, but they do not make it at all in National politics.

Look at Jesse Jackson for an example, every time he ran for President it was humiliating for him, because nobody bought his race politics. There are probably a number who would think that way, but they are a small minority.

And I would rather see that then to see my country become some kind of "White Christian Only Playground" like you seem to wish it was. I am sure that you would have had no problem telling my Grandmother to go back to the reservation, put feathers in her hair and be a good little Squaw.

And you have no idea how hard it is becoming for me to remain civil at this time. The more you type the more I feel my self-control slipping and saying something that would probably get me temporarily banned from here. Everything that I see spew from your sewer of a mind now I find more disgusting then what is probably running in the sewer under the building I am sitting in.

I didn't write White Christian Only made that up.
I wrote White-Majority 'Christian'...'Christian' values.

You're sure of nothing.
I voted in the federal referendum in 1967 for Aborigines [at that time classed by the govt as 'flora and fauna' and treated as such] to be fully equal in every did 90% of the population, mostly White people.

Do you have Americans living on garbage dumps today?
Born on them, live on them, and die on them.
Non-White-majority Asia does.

I would have your grandmother living in nice public housing if she could not afford a home of her own.
All the comforts and facilites.
Not on any reservation.
If she could afford a home or mansion of her own...then my equality system would see her as anyone else.
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