Bye Bye Biden


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump. If Barr and Durham can run the treasonous string into the WH, Barry will toss him overboard in a heartbeat. His pathetic "my word as a Biden" aside, he's lying through his dentures about what he did in Ukraine same as his claims of heroism in Afghanistan. What defense could he have after bragging about both subjects in front of an audience...on video tape? Just a matter of time before he's yanked in to hear what he knows about the coup. They didn't bother covering their tracks because they thought Comey & Co. would do it for them....oops! Joe is in way more trouble than he knows because he could never keep his mouth shut.

Joe sounds defiant as he cancels TV ads all over the nation....and where the hell is Hunter?...wouldn't he want to be defending himself?...WTF...where is he?...
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump. If Barr and Durham can run the treasonous string into the WH, Barry will toss him overboard in a heartbeat. His pathetic "my word as a Biden" aside, he's lying through his dentures about what he did in Ukraine same as his claims of heroism in Afghanistan. What defense could he have after bragging about both subjects in front of an audience...on video tape? Just a matter of time before he's yanked in to hear what he knows about the coup. They didn't bother covering their tracks because they thought Comey & Co. would do it for them....oops! Joe is in way more trouble than he knows because he could never keep his mouth shut.


I'll believe it when I see it.
Joe sounds defiant as he cancels TV ads all over the nation....and where the hell is Hunter?...wouldn't he want to be defending himself?...WTF...where is he?...

Probably in China providing his expertise.
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Joe sounds defiant as he cancels TV ads all over the nation....and where the hell is Hunter?...wouldn't he want to be defending himself?...WTF...where is he?...

Roaring through his dough on hookers and blow most likely. When you hear he's boning his dead brother's wife, what more do you need to know? I'd think it would be impossible to get tossed out of the navy for being a drunk...they're all drunks!
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump.

Why can't he be prosecuted if Trump could be impeached?! Another double standard in the law with a separate set of laws for the elite? And if Biden was VP in the Obama Admin. while Barry and Hillary were trying to set up Trump for a railroading and didn't know, he is one clueless sonofabitch. And we want this guy running the country?
Joe sounds defiant as he cancels TV ads all over the nation....and where the hell is Hunter?...wouldn't he want to be defending himself?...WTF...where is he?...

All probably on the phone telling Hillary they'll get even with her for losing to a fat, orange, loudmouth real estate developer with no prior experience in politics and daring to call HIM stupid.
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump. If Barr and Durham can run the treasonous string into the WH, Barry will toss him overboard in a heartbeat. His pathetic "my word as a Biden" aside, he's lying through his dentures about what he did in Ukraine same as his claims of heroism in Afghanistan. What defense could he have after bragging about both subjects in front of an audience...on video tape? Just a matter of time before he's yanked in to hear what he knows about the coup. They didn't bother covering their tracks because they thought Comey & Co. would do it for them....oops! Joe is in way more trouble than he knows because he could never keep his mouth shut.

Biden's gone. Pocahontas will win the politburo convention then lose, even though she will be the first woman of color to run for president.
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Why can't he be prosecuted if Trump could be impeached?! Another double standard in the law with a separate set of laws for the elite? And if Biden was VP in the Obama Admin. while Barry and Hillary were trying to set up Trump for a railroading and didn't know, he is one clueless sonofabitch. And we want this guy running the country?

Because threatening another country by withholding aid ain't happens all the time. Look what Obama did to Egypt after they threw out his beloved Muslim Brotherhood...he yanked the $3B in aid. Trump just told Mehico to stop the caravans or he'd tariff their goods coming over the border...they folded like a cheap tent. What happens behind the scenes most Americans would rather not know's a dirty world and nobody at the top has clean hands.
Cracks me up the commies screeching: "but Joe was cleared of all wrongdoing in Ukraine"....Yeah, by the prosecutor who replaced Shokin, who had Plugs & Hunter by the short and curlies. Biden ain't been "cleared" of anything by anybody who didn't get paid off.
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump. If Barr and Durham can run the treasonous string into the WH, Barry will toss him overboard in a heartbeat. His pathetic "my word as a Biden" aside, he's lying through his dentures about what he did in Ukraine same as his claims of heroism in Afghanistan. What defense could he have after bragging about both subjects in front of an audience...on video tape? Just a matter of time before he's yanked in to hear what he knows about the coup. They didn't bother covering their tracks because they thought Comey & Co. would do it for them....oops! Joe is in way more trouble than he knows because he could never keep his mouth shut.


Given the stark lack of evidence backing any part of the batshit conspiracy that your ilk has gobbled regarding Biden, nope.

And an impeachment inquiry isn't a coup. that it?
Given the stark lack of evidence backing any part of the batshit conspiracy that your ilk has gobbled regarding Biden, nope.

And an impeachment inquiry isn't a coup. that it?

Is that what? The "coup" is COLLUSION OBSTRUCTION RUSSIA, moron....I'm surprised you ain't been banned for general that your stock and trade or do you still live at home? Rudy has the affidavits to back up everything I've said here....bottom line, you commie misfits are finished in MAGA America....that's it.
Creepy Joe probably can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine and China, but there's always the chance he was in on the coup against President Trump. If Barr and Durham can run the treasonous string into the WH, Barry will toss him overboard in a heartbeat. His pathetic "my word as a Biden" aside, he's lying through his dentures about what he did in Ukraine same as his claims of heroism in Afghanistan. What defense could he have after bragging about both subjects in front of an audience...on video tape? Just a matter of time before he's yanked in to hear what he knows about the coup. They didn't bother covering their tracks because they thought Comey & Co. would do it for them....oops! Joe is in way more trouble than he knows because he could never keep his mouth shut.



We have heard for 3 years now by unhinged left wingers that Trump should be jailed, and if that doesn't happen while he's in office, then they want him gone after when he leaves office.

So, why isn't what's good for the goose good for the gander? It's possible that Biden violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices act for one...

But, as long as Republican's are scared to go after Dem's as vigoriously as they go after Republican's, then Biden get's away with it, just like Hillary got away with her crimes.​
Given the stark lack of evidence backing any part of the batshit conspiracy that your ilk has gobbled regarding Biden, nope.

And an impeachment inquiry isn't a coup. that it?

Is that what? The "coup" is COLLUSION OBSTRUCTION RUSSIA, moron....I'm surprised you ain't been banned for general that your stock and trade or do you still live at home? Rudy has the affidavits to back up everything I've said here....bottom line, you commie misfits are finished in MAGA America....that's it.

Again, for the simple and easily confused: an impeachment inquiry isn't a coup. Its a constitutional process.

And the prosecutor in question has already stated that Hunter Biden commited no crime in Ukraine. So in addition to being laughably confused and triggered about what impeachment actually're also forwarding one of the stupidest conspiracies in recent memory:

That Biden forced the removal of a prosecutor who wasn't prosecuting his son of any crime whatsoever.

That is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard this year.
Great Job Dems, You Took Out Your Front Runner

Top Biden Donors Gather Amid Storm Clouds Over Campaign.

Over cocktails on Friday evening and a Saturday spent in a drab hotel conference room, Mr. Biden’s top financiers and fund-raisers received strategy briefings and PowerPoint presentations, and plotted the path forward for the former vice president, who suddenly found himself in fourth place in the money chase.​

Only hours before the gathering began, the news broke that Ms. Warren, now seen as Mr. Biden’s chief rival, had out-raised him in the last three months by nearly $10 million — $24.6 million to $15.2 million. He lagged behind Senator Bernie Sanders ($25.3 million) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg ($19.1 million), too.​

Nearly four million dollars behind Mayor Pete?
Again, for the simple and easily confused: an impeachment inquiry isn't a coup. Its a constitutional process
Except when the democrats in power dont allow the opposition (defense) a voice and change the rules regarding "whistleblowers" just to "get" Trump, and dont allow Trump to "face his accuser" then it's nothing more than a kangaroo court, and a true witchhunt.

But even accused witches were allowed to face their accusers.

The left is vile. There is NOTHING good left of the Demonrat Party
Great Job Dems, You Took Out Your Front Runner

Top Biden Donors Gather Amid Storm Clouds Over Campaign.

Over cocktails on Friday evening and a Saturday spent in a drab hotel conference room, Mr. Biden’s top financiers and fund-raisers received strategy briefings and PowerPoint presentations, and plotted the path forward for the former vice president, who suddenly found himself in fourth place in the money chase.​

Only hours before the gathering began, the news broke that Ms. Warren, now seen as Mr. Biden’s chief rival, had out-raised him in the last three months by nearly $10 million — $24.6 million to $15.2 million. He lagged behind Senator Bernie Sanders ($25.3 million) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg ($19.1 million), too.​

Nearly four million dollars behind Mayor Pete?
Looks like Hillary's gonna have to step in and "save the day!"

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